Weekly Update
Holy Trinity Catholic School January 21st, 2021
a chill and darkness that makes us yearn
for days that have gone
or put our hope in days yet to be.
Father God, you created seasons for a purpose.
Spring is full of expectation
buds breaking
frosts abating and an awakening
of creation before the first days of summer.
Now the sun gives warmth
and comfort to our lives
reviving aching joints
bringing colour, new life
and crops to fruiting.
Autumn gives nature space
to lean back, relax and enjoy the fruits of its labour
mellow colours in sky and landscape
as the earth prepares to rest.
Then winter, cold and bare as nature takes stock
rests, unwinds, sleeps until the time is right.
An endless cycle
and yet a perfect model.
We need a winter in our lives
a time of rest, a time to stand still
a time to reacquaint ourselves
with the faith in which we live.
It is only then that we can draw strength
from the one in whom we are rooted
take time to grow and rise through the darkness
into the warm glow of your springtime
to blossom and flourish
bring colour and vitality into this world
your garden.
Thank you Father
for the seasons of our lives
Watch for a virtual tour of Holy Trinity Catholic School, created by our 8th grade students! Feel free to share it with prospective families.
See the attached flyer with the schedule for the week.
Teacher requests were sent home with your child today if a teacher is requesting a conference. If you would like to request a conference please fill out the form sent out today in an email and return to the office by Thursday, January 28th. The form is also attached below.
You will be notified of your conference via email on February 3rd.
Attention First Communion Parents
Email Accounts
The Archdiocese is taking down the email accounts for anyone with archmil.org emails. If you have this email saved as your child's teachers email address, please delete this email from your contacts and update with their htschool.net emails. If you do not have those emails, please contact the school and we can get them to you.
Thank you!
I want to reiterate that I never stated that I was against hosting a game, and I am unsure where that came from, but it is disheartening to hear that people are spreading rumors of that nature. The Archdiocese has many strict protocols in place for hosting a game which is why there are only a few schools in the Archdiocese that are playing basketball and hosting games. This is what was affecting the decision of hosting a game, not my personal beliefs. Our number one goal has been the safety of our students and staff at the school and when people were feeling unsafe about athletics, that was mentioned. I am hopeful the rumors will stop and the games can be held safely. - Mrs. Longden
January 12 - Jenna Butschlick
January 13 - Jordan Markham
January 14 - Jill Nitschke
January 15 - Darr and Stephanie Derge
A Note from Mrs. Longden
We have all been overwhelmed lately by all of the talk, frustration, and even anger from all sides regarding the recent election and political news. Unfortunately our children are hearing a lot of this discussion and we are seeing it impact some of them here at school. They are overwhelmed with information and often don't really know how to process it. We have seen children demonstrating such things as general anxiety to an over-enthusiasm to dictate their political views to others. Our goal at school is to provide an environment where all of our students feel safe, welcomed, and loved.
As a school, we are non-partisan and do not promote any particular candidate or party. We do teach the Catholic view on issues relating to morality without pressuring students to adopt that viewpoint. Political discussion during the school day is limited to where issues may come up in a particular subject, such as current events or history. An important lesson for our students is that discussions should always be conducted in a way that is respectful of one another's dignity and that our disagreeing with others does not make their classmate a bad person. We discourage student discussions amongst themselves about politics because we feel they do not yet have all of the tools for a reasoned and respectful debate without adult moderation. I want to also ask for your help as parents. Please be aware that kids often hear more than you think and will repeat a lot of things they hear. I encourage you to turn off the news when your children are around and be thoughtful and kind in your own discussions as a model for them. Together, let us pray for our country, our political leaders, and for an increase in faith and love in all of our interactions with others.
Mrs. Longden
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Email: principal@htschool.net
Website: http://www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main St. Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262)626-2603