Week of: September 3, 2023
Sept. 4: No School - Labor Day
Sept. 6: PTA Association Meeting
Sept. 11: Remembrance Motorcade
Sept. 14: Picture Day
Sept. 19: 5:30-7:30 Back to School Picnic
Sept. 25: School Site Council Meeting
Please read the student handbook and complete the electronic signature acknowledgement form that was sent on Thurs, August 17 through Parent Square.
Please download and review the Home-School Compact with your students. Then, complete the electronic form that was sent home Tuesday, August 22nd through Parent Square.
The water main replacement project is approximately 75% complete. The contractor anticipates being finished with the job by early October 2023.
In the next coming weeks, all streets, hardscapes, and landscapes impacted by construction will be restored to as close to the previous condition as possible
Final restoration of the trench is scheduled to start the week of September 18, 2023 and be completed by October 06, 2023.
Concrete trucks will be coming on Sept 6 and 8 to pour concrete for the mechanical room and shade structure. They will arrive early before school and leave when all students are in class.
Gas work is complete.
Electrical work will begin for elevator and shade structure conduits.
Cranes are tentatively scheduled to arrive on Sept. 11 to set the building from Sept. 12-14.
The Monte Vista Health Office and YDAs are requesting disinfecting wipes and boxes of tissue. Please drop off to the front office. Any donation is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Please find the updated requirements for clearance for all volunteers who work directly with students::
TB Clearance
Registration on our RAPTOR system
*Fingerprinting - for more than 15 hours per week (obtained through the district’s Human Resources Department). Please see the Front Office for a Fingerprinting Referral form if you will be volunteering for 15+ hours during the school week.
NOTE: COVID Vaccine and negative test is no longer required.
The La Crescenta Library would like to invite students to participate in LA County Library’s 44th Annual Bookmark Contest, an annual program that encourages a love of books and reading while also promoting creativity, artistic expression, and community engagement. For more information, click on this link.
Afterschool enrichment classes will be offered by many different vendors this fall. These will be paid for by parents. See the flyers for more information on class dates and how to register.
We are happy to announce that King Sejong Institute Center will be offering Korean language online classes for GUSD parents. This virtual program is designed to help GUSD families learn the basic Korean alphabet, sounds, and develop basic Korean language skills. Families with students in the Korean dual language program may consider learning Korean to help support students in the target language at home. Many shared that learning the same target language as their children has positively motivated their young kids to speak in Korean at home.
Even though school meals are free this year, we need all families to fill out a meal application online whether or not you feel you would qualify. We need 100% participation. This helps our school receive funding and so much more. Apply at mealapp.gusd.net. Thank you.
FIRST PTA ASSOCIATION MEETING | Wednesday, Sept 6 @ 7 pm
Our first Association meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 6th at 7 pm. Please join us as we discuss PTA’s outstanding programs and events this year, as well as getting updates on construction at Monte Vista. We will have Porto’s treats available for all attendees. Look forward to seeing everyone there!
REFLECTIONS ART PROGRAM 2023-24 | I am Hopeful Because…
Calling all budding artists! Did you make something special over the summer you'd like to share with the world? Start preparing your submissions for this year's Reflections Program, "I am Hopeful Because...". Drawings, paintings, poems, stories, photography, dance, film, music and more are all welcome! All grades (K-6th) are eligible to submit entries as well. More information can be found here and a digital submission form will be coming soon!
~ Jessica Baron, Reflections Chair
Please join other families and friends at Monte Vista’s Back to School Picnic on Tuesday, September 19th from 5:30 -7:30 pm! We will have IN-N-OUT and KONA ICE Food Trucks available. Please look out for the Back to School Picnic Flyer in next week’s Thursday folder for additional details.
We need your help to reach our 100% Membership goal! We can accomplish this goal by getting one PTA Member per student at Monte Vista. Each $10 membership positively impacts ALL students through advocacy at local, state, and national levels.
There are other perks to being a PTA member! PTA members can save money on everyday purchases thanks to these National PTA Member offers. PTA Benefits
EACH CLASS that receives 100% membership, which is one PTA member per student, will receive popsicles! The deadline for classrooms to earn this incentive is September 29, 2023.
Please look for the Membership Flyer in next week’s Thursday Folder or on our Monte Vista website. You also join online Totem
~ Mary Klausner
Unfortunately tax dollars simply don’t fund all of the enrichment programs and events that our school provides for our students. Our PTA Dollar-A-Day contributions are what make these programs possible:
Primary Music Program
PE for Primary Grade students
Monty’s Science Night
Red Ribbons Week
and SO much more!
None of this could happen if not for your generous donations. How can you help? We suggest a contribution of $1 for each day of the school year, for a total of $180 per student. BUT ANY AMOUNT MAKES A DIFFERENCE! 100% of your contribution is tax-deductible and goes directly toward enriching our children’s education.
Each student who turns in $180 will receive a pair of custom Monte Vista socks.
Each family that contributes $180 or more will be recognized on the Monte Vista website.
Please look for the Dollar-A-Day Campaign Flyer in next week’s Thursday Folder. To qualify for these incentives, please remember to remit your donation by Friday, September 29, 2023.
– Brenda Sullivan
● Please order through QR code provided in the attached flyer
● Please fill out all sections and send payment in the Thursday Folder by Friday, 9/8/23.
● If payment is not received, your order will not be processed.
● Cash or Check only, Pay to the order of: Monte Vista PTA and send it in with:
- Order #
- Your child's name
- Teacher and grade.
● If you have multiple students, please order separately. All merchandise will be delivered to his/her classroom. You may combine payments.
● If you have any questions, please email: montevista.spiritwear@gmail.com
● We expect orders to arrive some time in November.
Thank you for supporting Monte Vista Spirit Wear!
Jean Kim
Monte Vista Spirit Wear
Did you know that our PTA can earn money when you grocery shop at Ralphs? Learn more HERE. Flyers will be available in this week’s Thursday folder!
- Emily Geller, Grocery & Label Programs Chair
Follow our PTA on Instagram @monte_vista_pta and get updates on what is happening with our PTA in real time! #instagram #pta #weloveMV
Resources: Click on any of the buttons below to find out more information
About Us
Monte Vista Elementary serves students in grades K-6. We are a National Blue Ribbon School offering one of GUSD's FLAG dual immersion programs in Korean. Recently, Monte Vista has been selected as a 2022 California Pivotal Practice (CAPP) Award Program winner!
Website: https://www.gusd.net/montevista
Location: 2620 Orange Avenue, La Crescenta, CA, 91214
Phone: (818) 248-2617
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/montevistagusd
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/montevistagusd