Timber Wolf Times
News for TMS Families Week of January 17, 2022
Principal Updates
Dear Trailside Families,
During the next few weeks, counselors will be meeting with students in 6th and 7th grade to talk about course selection for next year. Teachers are in the process of reviewing student data in order to make core class recommendations. The teacher recommendation will be the course level class reflected in your child's courses for next year. Students will be able to choose their electives. The administrative and counseling team are hosting parent information sessions to talk about expectations for honors next year, how student recommendations are being determined, as well as information regarding student learning and achievement. We are asking all parents in 6th and 7th grade to do their best in attending the information nights. However, if you are not able to attend, we will be recording the sessions and will post the links.
Current 6th grade parents: January 27, 7:00-8:15 PM @ TMS
Current 7th grade parents: February 8, 7:00-8:15 PM @TMS
For our current 8th grade students, Stone Bridge Counselors will be meeting with your students between February 2 to February 4. Mr. Flynn, the principal at Stone Bridge will be holding a parent information night at a later date.
All my best,
Bridget M. Beichler
Supporting Trailside Middle School-Together in Education Program
PTA Musical Information
Directors: Ms. Bethany Shears and Ms. Paisley LoBue
Musical Dates: Friday, 5/20 and Saturday, 5/21.
TMS MUSICAL Parent Interest Meeting
Wednesday, January 19 · 7:00 – 8:30pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/ptz-uvgm-tju
Or dial: (US) +1 617-675-4444 PIN: 184 204 9314753#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/ptz-uvgm-tju?pin=1842049314753
TMS MUSICAL Student Interest Meeting
Monday, January 24 · 4:30 – 6:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/gcm-dgro-gav
Or dial: (US) +1 617-675-4444 PIN: 960 117 2239702#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/gcm-dgro-gav?pin=9601172239702
TMS MUSICAL Audition Workshop
Thursday, February 3 · 4:30 – 6:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/rwm-nydm-isb
Or dial: (US) +1 617-675-4444 PIN: 623 500 2472371#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/rwm-nydm-isb?pin=6235002472371
Green Team Update
We are still collecting those bottle caps!!
The Green Team, partnered with the PTA and Art Department, are collecting bottle caps. All the way through May (we need lots of them), we will have tubs in the cafeteria. The grade level who collects the most will win a Grade Level Party!
Our wonderful Art Department will then create a TMS Mural for all to enjoy. Be on the lookout in the Spring for voting on what design you would like them to create.
We are so impressed with all the bottlecaps that have come in so far!! Howl out to 6th and 7th Grade who are both half-way through filling their second 66 quart container. WOW!!!
If anyone has any ideas, suggestions of things the Green Team should do next, please let us know at Amy.santos@lcps.org
Mrs. Amy Santos
TechED 7th & 8th
Trailside Middle School
Counselor's Update
1/10/2022 Newsletter Updates Counseling
SAS January Newsletter. Please feel free to share with parents and the school community.
Compass & SEL Learning
Over the next several weeks, your child will be discussing bullying as part of Second Step® Middle School. Bullying is at its peak in middle school, and research indicates that taking proactive steps to address bullying will help reduce occurrences of it in our school. Second Step Middle School is designed to support your child in developing the knowledge and skills to help stop bullying.
Students will learn how to recognize bullying in various contexts, how to use strategies to stand up safely to bullying, and how to seek help if they or someone they know is being bullied. Here are some key definitions your child will be learning:
Bullying: intentional physical, verbal, or social aggression. It’s often repeated over time and occurs when there’s a real or perceived power imbalance.
Bystander: anyone who’s aware that bullying is happening
Cyberbullying: the use of technology to harass, threaten, or intimidate another person
Physical bullying: hurting someone’s body or possessions
Relational bullying: hurting someone’s reputation or relationships, such as by excluding them
Upstander: someone who stands up for a person being bullied
Verbal bullying: saying or writing mean things about someone
We encourage students to report any instances of bullying they witness or experience to you and to trusted adults at our school. Please contact your students' grade level dean or counselor if you need support in reporting or dealing with bullying. Thank you for your support as we work together to build a bullying-free community.
6th Grade
In this week’s lesson, your child discussed different types of bullying, and increased their awareness that bullying can look and feel different in each situation.
Ask your child if they have experienced bullying or negative jokes recently. Encourage them to tell you how it made them feel and let them know you’re there to support them.
7th Grade
In this week’s lesson, your child learned how to recognize harassment and tell how it’s different from bullying.
Talk to your child about an example of harassment you heard about, or—if you’re comfortable—something you experienced. Ask your child how this is different from bullying.
8th Grade
In this week’s lesson your child examined common beliefs about bullying and harassment. They will begin to gain a perspective on how their opinions compare to those of others.
Ask your child what they think enables bullying and harassment. Encourage a conversation about why bullying and harassment still happens.
Important Upcoming Dates
January 3rd - CAMPUS Application Opens For Any Interested Students (See Below For Morning Information)
January 18th - Rising 7th Grade Course Selection Presentations (Through Resource/Spectrum)
January 21st - Rising 8th Grade Course Selection Presentations (Through Resource/Spectrum)
January 28th - NJROTC Application Due (See Below for more information)
February 3rd & 7th - One Love Presentations for All 7th Graders (Through PE)
February 3rd & 4th - Rising 9th Grade Course Selection Presentations (Through Resource/Spectrum)
Feb 8th - Rising 7th & 8th Parent Night & Course selection window opens
Feb 8th & 9th - Sexual Harassment Presentations for All 8th Graders (Through PE)
Feb 10th - Rising 6th Grade Parent Night
February 8th-15th - Career Lessons for All 7th Graders in FACS 2nd Semester
7th Grade Counseling Updates
One Love Presentations
All 7th graders will participate in the One Love Foundation Couplets Program, February 3rd & Feb 7th through Health/PE class. Over the 2 days, members from the Unified Mental Health Team will provide relationship health education to students to help them understand the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships, as well as early warning signs of abuse.
The purpose of this program is to provide a forum through which students can come together to consider a very poignant example of relationship abuse as a case study and work together to generate ideas for having healthier relationships, creating a more respectful society, and improving safety for all.
The program involves a workshop which 8 animated cartoon videos and guided discussion presented by a trained LCPS facilitator. This workshop provides young people with the tools to recognize the warning signs of relationship abuse, to understand the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationship behaviors, and to learn ways to safely intervene to help a friend.
According to the One Love Foundation, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men in this country experience an abusive relationship during their lifetime. This program aims to raise awareness among students about the warning sign of relationship abuse as well as to educate, empower, and activate young people in a movement for change.
For more information about the program visit https://www.joinonelove.org/act/couplets/.
If you would like to opt your student out of the presentations, please fill out the One Love Opt Out Form.
8th Grade Counseling Updates
Campus Presentation & Info
All 8th grade students participated in a virtual presentation by Mr. Chris Clarke the CAMPUS program that will be at Stone Bridge High School. To view the presentation, please watch the Campus Presentation w/Mr. Clarke. If your student is interested in applying or talking to Mrs. Perinis more about the program, please have them fill out the 8th Grade CAMPUS Interest Form.
NJROTC Application Information
The NJROTC (Navy Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps) Admissions Application for the 2022 – 2023 school year is now available. The mission of the NJROTC program is to instill in students the ideals of Leadership, Character, Honor, and Service as the foundation for success in life. The program's focus on order, precision, self-discipline, respect for authority, ethical behavior, patriotism, service, and citizenship is designed to prepare students for success in life, regardless of their future plans.
The application is open only to current Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) eighth-graders. The application is completed through an online application portal and will be available through Friday, January 28, 2022.
Interested students may visit https://webinter.lcps.org/njrotc beginning Monday, November 29, 2021, to complete the online application. More information about this program may be found here. In addition to the online application, students must also submit:
Two (2) letters of recommendation
A student-created response (i.e., presentation, essay, drawing, video, etc.)
The NJROTC program is located at Loudoun County High School, 415 Dry Mill Road SW, Leesburg. This is the only military science program in Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS). Students accepted into the program will become a student of Loudoun County High School. This means accepted students will attend Loudoun County High School every day for the next four years. LCPS will provide transportation for students accepted to the NJROTC program. Please contact Lhe.Smith@lcps.org for more information.
Building Leaders for Advancing Science & Teachnology (BLAST)
Building Leaders for Advancing Science and Technology offers an exciting way for rising 9th and 10th grade students to spend three days of summer! Participating students get to stay in a college dorm and see what campus life is like on-site at one of our three partner universities: Old Dominion University, Virginia Tech, or the University of Virginia. No previous experience in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) is needed, and this program is FREE for participants. BLAST is designed to help students find their place in STEM.
Each day of BLAST is jam-packed with STEM-related activities and demonstrations led by faculty of the university. Students come away from BLAST with a greater sense of curiosity, deeper insight about the variety of careers that exist in STEM fields, and enhanced readiness for advanced programs in science, technology, engineering, and math.
For more information visit the BLAST Website to watch videos from past BLAST sessions, as well as access the online application.
What is happening in the Library this month!
Library Happenings
“I don’t know about you but I’m feeling 22!”
2022 is giving us the feels for all kinds of good things. We received a shipment of new books and they have all been processed and genrefied and they are flying off the shelves.
The blast of cold weather and snow gave us the idea to tie our Winter Reading Initiative to cozy thoughts of warm lattes and hot cocoa and Trailside Likes to Read a Latte was born. Each time a student checks out a book from our library they are eligible for an entry into our contest. One entry per person, per day. Every two weeks we will hold a drawing and 4 winners will be chosen. Winners will be announced during Friday Compass. Prizes will be gift cards to Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, and McDonald’s.
This week we are also celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King and his legacy and we are highlighting books about Dr. King in a display.
The Genre of the month is Adventure. Books in this genre have a protagonist that goes on an epic journey, either personally or geographically. Often the protagonist has a mission and faces many obstacles in their way. Some books that can be found in this genre are:
The Lord of the Flies by William Golding, Hatchet by Gary Paulsen, the I Survived series by various authors, the Alex Rider series by Anthony Horowitz, as well as the classic Misty of Chincoteague by Marguerite Henry.
Loudoun County Public Schools is excited to announce we have partnered with the Dulles Greenway to host an eagle naming contest this month. Since 2005, a mated pair of American bald eagles have resided on the Dulles Greenway Wetlands in Leesburg, Virginia. In September 2021, the Dulles Greenway installed two high-quality live-stream cameras above the eagles’ nest to share the majestic birds with our local community and beyond.
We are excited for the opportunity for our students, grades K-12, to choose the official names for the Dulles Greenway bald eagles! Starting today, students can submit name ideas using this Google link.
This will be the first of two rounds of surveys. In this initial survey round, you can submit any male and female name you think best suit the Dulles Greenway eagles. Please submit only one submission per student. The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, January 26 at 9:00 p.m.
The American Eagle Foundation recommends choosing names for bald eagles that can be associated with American history (including famous Virginians), patriotism, art, science or literature.
Thank you for your participation and we look forward to hearing your names ideas for the Dulles Greenway’s bald eagles!
School Contact Information
“Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for each other.”
― Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture
Email: bridget.beichler@lcps.org
Website: https://www.lcps.org/Trailside
Location: 20325 Claiborne Parkway, Ashburn, VA, USA
Phone: 571 252 2280
Twitter: @TrailsideMiddleSchool
TMS School Spirit Store from Cheers is on-line New Winter Gear Items! check us out
School Hours
Late Bell: 8:35 AM (students are tardy if arriving after the bell and will need to report to the main office for a tardy pass)
Dismissal: 3:23 PM