Irving Elementary
December/January Wrap-Up
Third Grade News
The third graders are working like crazy on their multiplication facts! Earlier in the year, they learned what multiplication means...equal groups. We've learned all sorts of ways to represent facts such as tape diagrams, number bonds, and arrays. Now, we are working hard on memorizing our multiplication facts.
Both third grades listened to the book, How the Grinch Stole Christmas and later watched the movie. We compared and contrasted the book and movie. The kids also got to make HUGE Grinches.
March 19th Grades 3/4/5
March 26 Grades K/1/2
Concerts will held at the HS Audiitorium and begin at 7 pm.
The Tower Doors will open at 6:30 pm and students need to arrive by 6:45..
Students Recognized for November Teamwork
Mrs. Wall's First Grade Class of the Month for November Teamwork
Mrs. Wilson's 5th Grade Class of the Month for November Teamwork
Student Council Members Present Attendance Tags At Monthly Assemblies
December Exploration Day Fun!
Mrs. Nihart taught students tips on training their pets.
December Fun!
Second graders boarded the "2nd Grade Express" on the last days of December to celebrate! Students had their tickets ready to board the train for fun!
Many staff members spread December cheer by wearing festive outfits!
Santa found our Irving students again this year! We had no doubt he would bring Irving cheer since we have the best bunch of students!
Students enjoy being door greeters throughout our building. You will find students at their classroom doors in the mornings greeting their peers. Some students and staff are at the front doors greeting everyone as they come in each morning. Below, Anderson Wall is welcoming our guests to our Student of the Month assembly.
Class of the Month for December: Ms. Lewis' Class
Class of the Month for December: Mrs. Stone's Class
Students Recognized for Responsibility
Dental Checkups
Thank you to Dr. Watkins and his staff for providing dental checkups!
Celebrating Homecoming Week!
Getting to wear our pajamas to school and work! Liam says WOW!!
Pink Out Wednesday for Homecoming Week!
Sports Day!
Speech News
Has your student mentioned seeing posters in the cafeteria, nurse’s office, hallway, and gym
with icons and common reading words? These communication boards allow all
students to communicate when they cannot speak verbally. Earlier this school year Mrs. Wingert, Ms. B, and myself were asked to implement more school-wide awareness and usage of AAC. AAC stands for Augmentative and Alternative Communication. This means that students who have difficulty with verbal communication can communicate with gestures, paper icons, or an electronic device at any time and anywhere. For communication to take place, it requires a speaker and a listener. This means that for good communicators, most students at Irving could respond appropriately to an AAC user. The Kansas Education Department is pushing for more inclusion of AAC usage and understanding in school buildings and eventually into the community.
Below is an example of AAC in our building
Mary Kilcher, Speech Pathologist
Ms. B, speech para educator
Art News
All grades are finishing up their clay projects. Some classes will be on display for parent/teacher conferences in the library.
The 3rd-5th grade art show will be held at Baden Square March 2nd-31st. Students are looking forward to showing off ther fabulous artwork. We hope you go check it out! The show is open during normal business hours and is free.
Outdoor Garden Update
Our outdoor learning projects are being completed and students are enjoying being in the garden area. During our December Exploration Day groups of students made sensory stepping stones out of various materials. These have been placed in the garden where students are already enjoying them. We will soon be pouring concrete and laying the bricks and pavers that students, parents and community members have purchased. If you are interested in purchasing a paver or brick with your child's names on them please contact Mrs. McNutt in the Irving Library.
Rubbermaid is generously replacing our outdoor shed that was destroyed in the August wind storm.
We still need a few items for our garden area.
Wishlist: contact our committee chair, Sally Pipes, in Irving's daycare 620-705-5344 if you wish to donate
- Wheelbarrow
- Garden cart
- Bow rake
- Magnifying glasses
- Binoculars- kid sized
- Wind Chimes
- Sidewalk Chalk
*We are happy to accept gently used items from the list above as well*
Irving February Dates
Feb. 1st - 3rd-5th grade Monthly Assembly @ 8:10-8:30am
* 2nd grade safety swim every Thursday January 18th - April 4th
12:45-3:10pm (each class 30 min in water) @ SC Pool by WRC
*Dr. Watkins Oral Screenings
Feb. 2nd - K-2nd grade Monthly Assembly @ 8:10-8:30am
Feb. 12 - BOE Meeting
Feb. 14 - P/T Conferences 4-7pm
Feb. 15 - P/T Conferences 8-7pm
Feb. 15 & 16 - No Classes
Feb. 19 - No Classes - PD Day
Feb. 28 - BOE Meeting @ Irving 12-1pm
Feb. 29 - 3rd-5th grade Monthly Assembly @ 8:10-8:30am
Mar. 1st - K-2nd grade Monthly Assembly @