Black & Bilingual
Teaching & Learning Resources

Tools for teaching, learning & celebrating multilingual students of color!
Classroom Resources
Black in Latin America is a PBS series that examines how Africa and Europe came together to create the rich cultures of Latin America and the Caribbean. Full videos and resources are available, including a lesson plan on Race and Government Policy in Revolutionary Cuba
A Long Walk to Water Activities and Resources for Educators
Educator Resources
OELA Fact Sheet: English Learners Who Are Black
English learners (ELs) are a diverse student population. 223,893, or 4.2%, of K-12 ELs in school year 2017–2018 identified as Black.
CUNY Research Monograph: Dominican Studies
The Dominican Research Monograph Series, a publication of the CUNY
Dominican Studies Institute, documents scholarly research on the
Dominican experience in the United States, the Dominican Republic,
and other parts of the world. For the most part, the texts published in
the series are the result of research projects sponsored by the CUNY
Dominican Studies Institute
Language Resources
Cognate Glossaries from NYS Language RBERN:
Cognates are words that have a similar spelling, pronunciation, and meaning across two languages. The use of cognates allows English language learners to use their home language as a resource for learning new academic words in English. It is particularly helpful for students who speak Latin-based languages, including French, Haitian Creole and Spanish.
The Languages of NY State: CUNY NYSIEB Guides for Educators
These guides are designed as resources for educators who work with bilingual students.
Multimedia Resources
Black & Bilingual Chronicles Blog
Black & Bilingual's mission is to dispel the stereotype that Black people worldwide are one dimensional. Black people all around the world speak a multitude of languages from French to Spanish, from Twi to Creole. You name it, we speak it! Black & Bilingual aims to give light to this area of the Black diaspora. Additionally, Black & Bilingual strives to encourage Black people to learn a new a language, and/or bring awareness to the diverse diaspora across the world.
About this resource:
This page was developed as part of a Teaching for Black Lives Teacher Study Group hosted by Nazareth College School of Education.