Final Course Update
Actualités: Français GAVS
Important Dates
Dec. 6: Last day to turn in late work from Nov. 19 due date
**New students from Alpharetta: this is also when all of the Interro Langue are due
that were listed on the Course Schedule prior to Nov. 3 on your first day of class.
Dec. 7: Take the Final Exam
Dec. 9: Last day you have access to the course. If you want to save work or links from the course, do it ASAP because after Dec. 9, you will no longer be able to enter the course.
**New students from Alpharetta: this is also when all of the Interro Langue are due
that were listed on the Course Schedule prior to Nov. 3 on your first day of class.
Dec. 7: Take the Final Exam
Dec. 9: Last day you have access to the course. If you want to save work or links from the course, do it ASAP because after Dec. 9, you will no longer be able to enter the course.
Final Exam Information
- Please contact your school's facilitator to verify if you need to take the exam from school or from home if you do not know.
- The Final Exam will open Wednesday, Dec. 7, at 12:00 a.m.
- The Final Exam will close Thursday, Dec. 8, at 11:59 p.m.
- You have 90 minutes to take the final exam. The format of the final exam is exactly like the Module Exams you have already completed in this course. It will cover all themes and grammar taught in the course. It is worth 20% of your final grade.
- I will be available all day via email Wednesday if you have a problem during the exam. I advise you, if at all possible, to take your exam in the morning hours on Wednesday so that if you have problems, we will have the rest of the day to get back on track. Call me immediately if you have problems.
All Grades Have Been Entered! Congratulations on a Very Successful Semester!
Submitting The Last Assignments
Here is the GAVS Policy for submission of work at the end of the semester:
- Teachers should accept and grade work submitted through Tuesday, Dec. 6.
- 10% penalty each school day for late work submitted after 11:59 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 1- Tuesday, Dec. 6.
- Any work submitted after 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, Dec 6, will not be accepted.
- I can not email final grades to students or parents.
- Watch for announcements on My Home GAVS main webpage for details about when final grades will be posted.
Merci pour tous vos grands efforts ce semestre! Vous êtes tous les meilleurs! Bonne chance à l'examen final le 7 ou le 8 décembre!!
Madame Ingle's contact information
Email: tara.ingle@gavirtualschool.org
Website: http://www.gavirtualschool.org/
Phone: 404-913-5042