Wayne-Westland Innovative Academy
Weekly Communication for the Week of January 17, 2023
Quarter Three
Welcome to Quarter Three
Reminder that Wednesday, January 18, 2023, is a field trip for students that passed 3/4 of their classes.
Student Assembly on Thursday, January 19, 2023
Representative from MIAT & UTI will be present to speak with students about post high school opportunities on Thursday, January 19, 2023.
Quarter Three - Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Rewards Field Trip on Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Counseling News
Report Cards will be viewable on MiStar Student Connect as of Friday, January 20, 2023.
New Assignments for Study Hall ( Friday Study Hall) will be available by Friday, January 27, 2023.
Students that have virtual classes First Period can take their class remotely. This means that they are not required to report to school until Second Period.
Students that have virtual classes Fourth Period can take their classes remotely. This means that they can leave school after Third Period.