Crusader Times
March 2018
Words From Our Principal
Dear Bonita Vista Families,
In our last week before the spring break, I would like to remind students to treat each other with RESPECT. This week BVM is participating in the R Word campaign to increase inclusion and spread respect and kindness. We will promote Respect with lunchtime activities and spirit days all week long.
I would like to invite you to join me on Tuesday at 9am in our library for Coffee with the Principal. We also have our Book Fair in the library and you will have a chance to browse the books for sale.
Please make sure you refer to the email I sent out Friday night with information about the National School Walkout planned for March 14th at 10am. We have a plan for a safe and supervised activity for students. Students will not be penalized if they participate in the school approved activity, but they DO NOT have permission to leave campus. Please discuss this with your child before Wednesday.
As a reminder, credit recovery classes will continue during the first week of spring break. The dates are March 17th (Saturday) and March 19-22 from 8am-12:15pm. Please make sure your student attends if he/she is enrolled in these classes.
Finally, we hope you have a chance to relax and enjoy some time with your families during this break. Students have worked hard this semester and we expect them to be rested and re-charged for our return on Monday, April 2nd.
Teresa Kramer
Bonita Vista Middle School
Adelane Latino Conference
Adelante Mujer Conference
Please join us for the annual Adelante Mujer conference! This year marks the 25th year of inspiring girls and is sure to be a great event that will be held for the first time at our very own University of California San Diego.
This is a great opportunity for our female students, who will need to be accompanied by parent/guardian, and will have the opportunity to learn about many career opportunities from professional women working such as : lawyers, business women, media (news anchors), teachers, and other career areas.
Registration is now open and space is limited! Please sign up on the registration form below and return it to Ms. Marisa Perez, counseling secretary, or Ms. Sigarroa-Sanchez, counselor. You may also pick up a copy at the main office.
This conference will be held on Saturday April 14th 2018, from 7:45am-2:00pm at UCSD 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093. Registration form must be turned in before April 6th. Transportation is provided at selected SUHSD schools only, so please check back for the transportation pick-up sites that may be at other school sites. We hope to see you there!
SUHSD Parent Symposium
FBI Teen Academy
What: FBI Teen Academy, San Diego Division
When: Applications accepted from March 1 to April 15, 2018 for class dates of July 13, 2018 and August 7, 2018
Where: FBI San Diego, 10385 Vista Sorrento Parkway, San Diego, CA 92121
Why: Leadership, opportunity, career, community partnership, mentorship
Please click here for more information regarding the event.
Student Expectations Assembly
On March 12, 2018, Bonita Vista Middle administration teamed up with ASB, sports, and clubs to put together an assembly to set the tone for the remainder of the school year. BVM administration revisited student expectations while ASB coordinated spirit competitions between sport captains and club presidents to promote taking part in our school sponsored activities. A special thank you to mariachi, band, and cheer for helping us kick off this great assembly and getting us ready to finish the year on a positive note.
Crusader Music Festival
Our Crusader Music Festival took place from March 5th - 8th during lunch. I had the chance to preview the music festival and it was AMAZING! They had live student performances, interactive listening activities and exhibits, and had a chance to listen to original compositions that our students wrote! From band to orchestra to voice to guitar, the many musical talents of our students were showcased.
Thank you to our teachers, Ms. Cruz and Mr. Tapia, for making this happen. And to Ms. Kennedy for preparing her students even though she isn’t on campus with us all day. This Crusader Music Festival took a tremendous amount of planning and preparation and it offers an amazing opportunity for all of our students and staff.
Spring Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair arrived on March 8, with the PTSA and library hosting the event before spring break.
Many parent and student volunteers gave their time to make it successful. This is a photo of our PTSA president, Mrs. Yetter, and 7th grader, Naomi Preciado, at the cash register.
Thank You
Mr. and Mrs. Sandoval donated garden supplies and their time all day on Friday, March 2 to weed our library garden. This made the garden so much nicer for the Music Festival March 5th – 8th. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Sandoval, we appreciate your thoughtfulness and good works!
College Making It Happen
There was a great turn out of students and parents attending College Making It Happen on March 1st at 6pm in the cafeteria. The presenter was Nancy Nieto, Compact for Success District Counselor. Topics included College Entrance Requirements, College Systems, Financial Aid/Scholarships and the Compact for Success Guarantee Program. Booklets and pamphlets were distributed, SDSU Compact Mentor was available to answer questions. Refreshments and snacks were provided by PTSA and Opportunity Drawing Gift Bag prizes were donated by ASB. Spanish Translation Services was also available. Students and parents were able to get a head start on planning for high school, college and career.
Student Art Work
Staff of the Month
The staff members of the month are Ms. Funk and Ms. Colin. This month both have worked with our VAPA teachers to bring about the Crusader’s Music Festival. They are such a big part of our school and are always willing to support students and staff in any way they can. They have the library open for students in the morning, nutrition break, lunch, and after school. Students consider the library a fun and safe place to be where they can have a puzzle to build, and some of the students have even built a roller coaster and a bridge. Thanks to Ms. Funk and Ms. Colin for making our school better.
Counselors' Corner
Spring Break is approaching us quickly and we hope you take this opportunity to catch up on missing work, reading, and studying for the next progress report, which will be here in mid-April. We also hope you find some time to rejuvenate yourselves to gear up for a quick 2 months left upon returning from spring break.
For those students who are currently enrolled in Credit Recovery taking Math AFTER-SCHOOL with Mr. Mendez, you will be coming Saturday March 17th 8am-12:15pm AND the 1st week of Spring Break 8am-12:15pm, which is (Mon-Thursday only) March 19th- March 22nd.
A reminder for those students in the Saturday Credit Recovery classes (Math 7A & World Cultures/US History) you will start back up attending on Saturday April 7th (in addition to 04/14, 04/21, 04/28, 05/05, and 05/12.
Have a great break!
Counseling Team
Digital Citizenship
Dear Crusaders,
I have a spring break challenge. There is an app called Digital Compass for students in grades 6 to 8 to learn more about Digital Citizenship. It uses avatars and different scenarios to help you think about the online choices you make. To start this challenge on your iPad, go to the catalog and download the Digital Compass app.
You will need Flash to use this app. Choose a password so that you can pick up the game where you left off each day and track your progress. Each scenario takes time to complete 20 minutes or so (and you may want to try more than once to increase your score). The goal is to complete each situation with a score of 80% or higher).
What’s in it for you?
This interactive game is designed to help students think about the kinds of everyday situations they may face, build interpersonal skills, and protect themselves and others online. Moreover, the library supports students who take this challenge. If you complete the Digital Compass over break, come share your work with library staff for an invite to Digital Compass pizza party the week of April 16th.
Hope to see you there!!
Ms. Funk and Ms. Colin
Technology Corner
Shortly after we return from Spring Break we will begin state testing, which will require the use of your iPad. In order to make the process as smooth as possible, it is very important to make sure your iPad is working properly. Please make sure to update your iPad so that you are using iOS 10.3.3. It is not the most recent update, but it is the most recent that your iPad can run. If you are having issues with charging or accessing apps on your iPad, please go to the Genius Bar or the Library for help immediately. It is important that these issues be taken care of before testing begins to make sure it runs smoothly.
Brian Dougherty
Science Teacher
Blended Learning Specialist
Important Dates
03/12-03/16 - Spring Book Fair
03/13 - Coffee with the Principal
03/15 - School Site Council Meeting
03/19 - 03/30 - Spring Break
04/02 - Students Resume
04/03 - 8th Grade Panoramic Picture
04/07 - Saturday School, Saturday Scholars, and Credit Retrieval
04/14 - Saturday School, Saturday Scholars, and Credit Retrieval
04/18 - ELAC Meeting and 7th Grade Residency (A-L)
04/19 - 7th Grade Residency (M-Z)
04/20 - 7th Grade Residency Make-up
04/21 - Saturday School, Saturday Scholars, and Credit Retrieval
04/25 - 8th Grade Residency (A-L)
04/26 - SSC Meeting and 8th Grade Residency (M-Z)
04/27 - 8th Grade Residency Make-up
04/28 - Saturday School, Saturday Scholars, and Credit Retrieval
Bonita Vista Middle School
Email: Teresa.Kramer@sweetwaterschools.org
Website: http://bvm.sweetwaterschools.org/
Location: 650 Otay Lakes Road, Chula Vista, CA 91910, United States
Phone: (619) 397-2200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bonitavistamiddleschool
Twitter: @WeAreBVM