Family Newsletter
July 10, 2020
A Note from Dr. Hooks
Dear Hyde-Addison ES Families,
I hope this message finds you well. As we continue to persevere through these unprecedented times, I share this early welcome to our new Hyde-Addison ES families and a joy filled welcome back to our returning families. Although we are certainly planning for several virtual family orientations in August, prior to the official start of the 2020-2021 school year, I deemed it important to continue ongoing communication with families, during moments of such uncertainty. We will utilize this newsletter platform to share weekly updates with families, as applicable. Additional information regarding the features of this platform, including automatic translation capabilities and increased visibility components, can be found below.
At the top of this newsletter is a banner highlighting Hyde-Addison’s “High 5” priorities for the 2020-2021 school year. These priorities are based on feedback from staff, students, and families, in addition to surveys and student performance data. I look forward to sharing this informative data with you, over the next few months.
As a glimpse into the Panorama Family Survey data I plan to provide to families during our upcoming convenings, I am pleased to report that Hyde-Addison ES families have rated Hyde-Addison ES favorably in all categories, including Parent Satisfaction, Rigorous Expectations, Parent Communication, Perseverance and other measured classifications. Hyde-Adison ES has met or exceeded positive rating averages, in all categories, when compared to all DC Public Schools, all DCPS Elementary Schools, all DC Public Schools in Ward 2 and all DC Public Schools in Cluster 5.
The Hyde-Addison ES team is excited to collaborate with families around our school priorities. Such engagement will include an Equity and Anti-Racism Task Force comprised of staff, families and community stakeholders. If interested in joining or learning a bit more, please complete this Equity and Anti-Racism Task Force Survey
The Hyde-Addison ES team also plans to collaborate with staff, families and community stakeholders around Hybrid Learning. If interested in joining or learning a bit more, please complete this Hybrid Learning Task Force Survey I will provide additional information over the coming weeks.
I also implore families to actively engage with the PTA, to help support the Hyde-Addison ES priorities, as we work to ensure students are valued, nurtured and equipped with the skills necessary to become positive global citizens. Additional PTA information is available below.
Over the coming weeks, the Hyde-Addison ES team will continue to share DCPS guidance around the 2020-2021 school year, as information becomes available.
Please keep you and your loved ones safe. Continue to follow the guidance of Mayor Bowser and DC Health. For resources and information about the District of Columbia Government’s coronavirus (COVID-19) response and recovery efforts, please visit coronavirus.dc.gov.
Kindest Regards,
Dr. Calvin Hooks, Principal
Hyde-Addison Elementary School
Hyde-Addison Newsletter Features
Family Newsletters will continue to be archived on the Hyde-Addison website (https://www.hydeaddisondc.org/projects) throughout the year for your reference.
Immunization Information for Families (OSSE)
Immunizations and regular visits to the physician help protect a student’s health and readiness to learn. Schools are required to verify every student’s immunization compliance as part of enrollment and attendance. All students must be up to date on their immunizations or risk being removed from in-person attendance beginning in the 2020-21 school year. The following documents offer more information and resources for families:
· FAQs for Families (June 2020)
· Universal Health Certificate
· Pediatric Immunization Locations
· Six Things YOU Need to Know about Vaccines
· Making the Vaccine Decision: Addressing Common Concerns
If families need access to health insurance, please visit the DC Health Link website or contact the Citywide Call Center by dialing 3-1-1.
Learning Hubs for DC Students
To support students' continued learning this summer, Mayor Muriel Bowser has launched Learning Hubs for DC Students. With support from DPR and DCPL, Learning Hubs provide families in the District with safe spaces for their children to engage in supervised independent activities. Registration for weekly cohorts will open every Monday at 9am for the next week. To sign up, please visit https://bit.ly/DCLearningHubs. Spaces are extremely limited and will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis. If you have questions, please contact Monica Dodge.
Updated DCPS School Year 2020-2021 Calendar
DCPS released the academic calendar for SY20-21. To mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on student learning, DCPS is prioritizing instructional time with the addition of 5 instructional days, for a total of 185 student days. To accommodate the added instructional days, professional development days were reduced from 10 to 7 and some adjustments were made to previously planned extended weekends in February and April. Pre-Service will start on August 24, and the first day for students is August 31. For additional details, you can review the updated calendar attached.
Meet the Executive Board
We are pleased to announce the executive board of the Hyde-Addison PTA for the 2020-2021 school year:
- PRESIDENT: Claudia Trapp (Justin, 1st)
- VICE PRESIDENT: Sara Macauley (Nora, 1st)
- TREASURER: Rizki Wagner (Adrian, 5th)
- SECRETARIES: Charita Brent (Zadie, 2nd & Abigail, K) & Dominique Turner (Shyanne, 2nd)
- VP's for AFTERCARE AND ENRICHMENT: Ayanna Kelley (Samayah, 3rd) & Kea Taylor (Jwahir, 3rd)
- VP for COMMUNICATIONS: Gi-Hyun ("G") An (Kai, 5th & Noelle, 1st)
- VP's for EVENTS: Laila Winborne (Heaven, 5th) & Federica Cellini Toschi (Luce, 1st)
- VP for FUNDRAISING: Henrike Nelson (Eleanor, 3rd)
- VP for ROOM PARENT ENGAGEMENT: Nicole Smith-McDermott (Noah, 1st)
As we head into a school year unlike any other in recent memory, we appreciate the input of the Hyde-Addison community and welcome volunteers (especially for a Co-Treasurer!). Please feel free to reach out to us any time, and we look forward to seeing you soon (virtually or otherwise)!
More Race and Equity Resources:
July 2020
- July 31, 2020 - Task Force Information Sessions
Stay In Touch
Email: hyde.addison@k12.dc.gov
Website: https://www.hydeaddisondc.org
Location: 3219 O St NW, Washington, DC 20007
Phone: 202-282-0170
Facebook: facebook.com/hydeaddison/
Twitter: @DrCalvinRHooks