Hannum Happenings Parent Edition
May 24, 2022
Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday, May 25 (day 3): Growth Parade. 2:00
Thursday May 26 (day 4): K Picnic. 1:30
Friday May 27 (day 5): 5th Grade Recognition Picnic. afternoon
Monday May 30 (day 1): No School...Memorial Day
Tuesday May 31 (day 2): 8th Grade Graduation Walks. 1:30
Give Us Your Feedback
We need your input on "What are the most important skills, experiences and habits students need to prepare them to be successful in learning and life?" To gather your feedback, we're using a tool called ThoughtExchange. All of our voices matter, so your participation is crucial and valued. Please click here to participate: https://tejoin.com/scroll/250535128. Your thoughts and stars are confidential. You can come back as often as you'd like to participate and, in fact, we ask that you do come back to star some of the new ideas shared since you first participated. The ratings will help us understand the most important areas to focus on.
From Mrs Malloy our Nurse
Please pick up unused medication. The school is not able to store medication over the summer. Please pick up your child’s medication on or before Thursday, June 2nd. If the school does not receive communication from you by the above date, the medication will be discarded.
New Medication Authorization forms must be completed each school year in order for your child to have medication in school (attached). Please have these forms completed and bring/send these completed forms to school with your child’s medication by the first day of student attendance.
The forms can be completed any date after the current school year ends.
Please call the school nurse, Maureen Malloy, RN 708-952-7897 or email mmalloy@d123.org if you have any questions. Thank you for your cooperation.4th and 5th Grade Dismissal
Join us for our Growth Parade!
5th Grade Parents
End of Year Dates
5/25: Growth Parade
5/26: K picnic 1:30
5/27: 5th Grade Recognition Picnic....afternoon
6/1: Field Day K-5. K-2 am. 3-5 pm
6/2: Grades 3-5 Awards Day. 9:00-10:30
1st Grade Picnic. 10:30am, 2nd Grade 9:30am, 3rd Grade 12:00, 4th Grade 12:00
Kindergarten Celebration 2:15
6/3: Grades 1 and 2 Awards 9:00-10:00
Last Day of School. 11:30 dismissal
D123 Summer School Registration is going on NOW!
Drop Off and Pick Up Reminders
2/3 Doors: Please be patient and wait in line when dropping off your students. Do not cut in front of another car so you can drop your child off.
4/5 Doors: Please do not pull up going Eastbound on 99th Street and walk your children across this very busy street. Pull up far enough if you want to watch your child until they get in the building. If you don't you will block everyone else trying to drop off their kids.
D123 Pre-School and Kindergarten Registration NOW OPEN!
CoVid Updates
*Masking is now STRONGLY RECOMMENDED but not required for all students, staff and parents.
*Positive cases will still need to quarantine for 5 days. After 5 days they may return but will need to be masked for an additional 5 days.
SHIELD Illinois
Our last day of SHIELD testing for the year will be next Tuesday May 24th
News from your Hannum PTA
News from your Hannum PTA
Upcoming Dates:
5/27: 5th Grade Recognition
6/1: Field Day
A big thank you to everyone for making the Spring book fair a huge success. Special thanks to Shareen Garcia, Amanda Stone, Adrianne Earley, Aileene Barkhoff, Carolena Garcia (OLCHS), Niko Garcia (OLHMS), Katie Earley (OLHMS), Natalie Fabish and Lauren Evitt.
We brought in $5585 surpassing the goal of $3500. It wouldn’t have been possible without all the wonderful shoppers that support our school. We couldn’t have done it without you. THANK YOU!
For those that had money left on E-wallet, you can use it online or save it for the Fall Book fair.
*If you would like updates on Hannum PTA events:
-"like" Hannum PTA on Facebook
-sign up for Remind text message alerts by entering 81010 and texting the message @hannumpta1
5th Grade Spotlight
Hannum Elementary School
Website: d123.org/hannum
Location: 9800 S Tripp Ave, Oak Lawn, IL, USA
Phone: 708-423-1690
Twitter: @d123hannum
Mrs. Anne Marie McGovern - Principal
Email: amcgovern@d123.org
Website: d123.org/hannum
Phone: 708-423-1690
Twitter: @McGovernAnne