Linn Lion's Roar
December 2022
Dates to Remember:
- December 1 -
PTO Meeting
5pm - December 15 -
Open Gym Night
6pm - December 22, 23 -
Staff Development Day - December 26 - January 6
Winter Break
Kinder News
Our kindergarten students have made so much progress so far this year. We are so proud of them! We will continue to learn more sight words and practice making the sounds in words so that we can get even better at reading. Please practice the alphabet and sight words at home. You can even use the letters to make words for students to sound out and read. Any time we send a book home, students need to practice reading it as well. In math we are working on measurement, weight, and capacity. We will also continue working on numbers.
Remember, we will go outside for recess as long as the temperature is 20 degrees and above. Please make sure your child has a coat every day.
1st Grade News
Hello first grade families,
We are working hard in first grade. First grade has begun unit three in our reading curriculum, students will learn and read about making choices and how they will spend their money. In math we are hard at work! Making ten is the focus as well as adding up to 20! Keep reading at home and counting with your students. Count your shoes, shirts, any objects in your home! In science, we have learned about the phases of the moon (crescent, half, three quarter, full, and new).
Throughout the next month try to find the moon with your student and have them identify the phase. We are now moving on to a Social Studies thanksgiving unit. We will be comparing thanksgiving then and now.
Have a safe holiday season and keep up the hard work!
2nd Grade News
In Reading, we will be learning how to use commas in compound sentences in a series, and in the greeting and closing of a letter. We will learn how to decode and read contractions, plurals, words with the r-controlled vowel teams er, ir, and ur, words with the long-a sound spelled a, ay, and ai, and how to read and spell high frequency words.
In Math, we will be learning how the addition and subtraction algorithm relates to place value and how to use mental math strategies to add and subtract two and three-digit numbers with or without bundling or unbundling a ten.
In Social Studies, we will be learning more about the government and some documents that are very important to America’s history. We will also be learning more about the three branches of government and how they each work together to run our country.
In Science we will be learning more about plant life. We will learn what plants need to grow, how they work to help our ecosystem, and how to explain the Superbloom Cycle that takes place in Death Valley in California every 10 years.
3rd Grade News
Hello families!
In math, we are learning about multiplication and division. After Christmas break, we will be taking down our multiplication skip counting numbers in each classroom. This means that students have to know they’re multiplication facts. Please be practicing these with your student at home. They have to know the facts since they will not have the “helpers” in the classroom. Reading and writing we are working on a narrative. This is all about dialogue, introducing characters, and how to write a story. We are currently doing our geography unit for social studies. This is all about creating and reading a map, continents, oceans and more! This is a great unit since it’s about the world.
Overall, third grade is doing great. Again, please make sure you are reading with your student every single day, as well as working on those multiplication facts. Happy Holidays!
Mrs. Cuellar, Mrs. Laskwosky, and Mrs. Salmans
4th Grade News
Hello Families!
Fourth Grade has been busy working in all subjects! In math, we are starting fractions. We will be adding, subtracting, and multiplying them. In reading we are reading about Native Nations and incorporating culture. In wiring, we will be practicing working on forming and wiring opinions.
As always, please reach out if you have any questions!
5th Grade News
Math- We will be working on Fractions November through February.
ELA- We are reading about every day SuperHeroes and will continue to read texts about people facing inequalities, through December.
Writing- We will begin writing Biographies on well known figures throughout history.
Science- We will be starting a new section in Science discovering the importance of water on our Planet.
Social Studies- We will continue learning about Pre-Columbian America.
IMPORTANT: All 5th Graders NEED to be practicing their Multiplication Facts everyday as well as Reading for 30 minutes.
Counselor's Corner
We are working on emotions this month and knowing how to handle strong emotions. Ask your student how they might handle these emotions. Plan on trying the techniques at home. It helps when you have more than one setting where you are applying new learning.
As students are less able to play outside, look for ways to get out their energy other than being online. Too much time online makes emotional regulation harder than ever. Please ensure you turn off all electronics at least 30 minutes before bedtime. The blue light from the electronics messes with sleep patterns.
Just a reminder, we have sources for coats if you are unable to afford one. Let the office know, and they will pass the information on to those that can help. Please give us a couple of days’ notice as it takes a few days to get the coats to the school.
As we enter the holiday season, help your students look for ways to be kind to others. We are always teaching students about kindness at Linn. Have a wonderful holiday season.
Linn Elementary
Email: linn@443mail.org
Website: https://usd443.org/index.php?pageID=543274_3
Location: 1900 Linn Street, Dodge City, KS, USA
Phone: (620) 471-2114
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/linnlions95