August 07 Newsletter
What's Included:
- Summer/ Fall MB Schedule
- THIS WEEK: IMA Meeting (Tuesday, August 08)
- SIGN UP GENIUS: Marching Band shoe fittings - MONDAY ONLY!
- REMINDER: Attendance Policy & Procedures
- First Flag Band Festival Ad Information
- Football Season Ticket Information
- Football Ad Line information
- SAVE THE DATE: First Flags Band Festival
- Join our parent/guardian band app!
- Interested in volunteering?
- REMINDER: Chaperone Interest Meeting
- REMINDER: Band Camp Sign Up Genius
- 2023 Disney Tour Information
- THIS FRIDAY: March A Thon 2023!
- NEW: Business Sponsorship Information
- NEW: Mum Sale Fundraiser
- RaiseRight Fundraising Opportunity
Monday, August 07
- Band Camp (new members, ALL guard, ALL percussion, ALL council), 8:00a - 12:00p
- Shoe Fittings, 12:00 - 2:00p
Tuesday, August 08
- Band Camp (all), 2:00 - 8:00p
- IMA Meeting, 7:00p
- BEGIN: IMA Mum Sale
Wednesday, August 09
- Band Camp (all), 8:00a - 12:00p
- Chaperone Interest Meeting, 7:00p in EAHS instrumental room
Thursday, August 10
- Band Camp (all), 2:00 - 8:00p
Friday, August 11
- Band Camp (all), 8:00a - 12:00p - MARCH A THON (see section below)
Saturday, August 12
- Car Wash, 9a - 2p (EAHS Parking Lot)
Monday, August 14
- Band Camp (all), 8:00a - 12:00p
Tuesday, August 15
- Band Camp (all), 2:00 - 8:00p
Wednesday, August 16
- Band Camp (all), 8:00a - 12:00p
Thursday, August 17
- Band Camp (all), 2:00 - 8:00p
Friday, August 18
- Band Camp (all), 8:00a - 12:00p
Saturday, August 19
Sunday, August 20
Stay up to date by viewing our online calendar on our website!
Event/ General Information
Marching Band Shoe Fittings - MONDAY, AUGUST 07 ONLY
- 2023 Medical Form (hard copy)
- 2023 Image Use Release Form (hard copy)
- Parent/Guardian Volunteer Form (digital)
- Band Camp Information Letter
Both the medical & image release form are hard copies and should be MAILED BACK. Please do not send them digitally. The address to return these forms is:
Easton Area High School
Attn: Christopher Ballentine
2601 William Penn Highway
Easton, PA 18045
Thank you for your attention in completing these forms!
Marching Band: Attendance Policies & Procedures
"To be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late, & to be late is not to be..." Plan ahead and when noting report times, plan to arrive 10 - 15 minutes early.
Our attendance policy can be found here. It is meant to serve as a guide so we can all be successful and focus on the group. If you have any questions, please reach out directly to Mr. Ballentine at
IMA Meeting - Tuesday, August 08
Light refreshments & cookies will be served!! We are seeking your input on several topics, so please plan to attend! The meeting will end around 8:00p, aligning with the end of band camp for our marching band students.
We hope to see you there!
2023 Marching Band Schedule
*Please note: the first football game has been moved from Friday, August 25 to Saturday, August 26. This has been updated in the link above.
First Flag Band Festival Patron Ad Information
Patron Ad - $5
Quarter Size Ad - $30
Half Page Ad - $50
Full Page Ad - $80
To take out a patron ad ($5), click on "FF 2023 Patron Form."
To take out a quarter, half, or full page ad, click on "FF 2023 Parent Student Ad."
Be on the lookout for a pre-sale ticket order form in the coming weeks!
Football Season Ticket Information
Football Program Ad Lines
Below, you will find the google form for this seasons program ad lines. If you or anyone have any questions please feel free to email us at
***Ad lines and payment are due by August 15th***
SAVE THE DATE: First Flags
Be on the lookout for more information about advertisements, ways to sponsor, & pre-sale ticket information!
Spread the word - we hope to see you there!
Chaperone Interest Meeting - Wednesday, August 09
Happy Summer!
As we get ready for another school year, now is a great time to make sure you have your clearances so you can be a part of the many events that take place within in our music program!
The IMA relies on the participation of its members to chaperone student events and to support and organize fundraising events. All IMA members with ACT 153 clearances on file with the Easton Area School District are eligible to participate as a chaperone or volunteer.
Please visit for more information on how you can volunteer!
Questions? Contact Mrs. Tanya Slate, IMA Vice President, at
There will be a chaperone interest meeting for any parents/ guardians interested in serving as chaperones for the 23 - 24 school year on Wednesday, August 09 @ 7:00 PM in the HS cafeteria.
Band Camp Sign Up Genius
In order to make our band camp possible, we NEED YOUR HELP! Please see the sign up genius below if you are able to volunteer, donate, or make desserts/pasta dishes for our students.
Sign Up Genius
Questions? Contact Lee Ann Kubbishun and Marisa Pape at
*Please note: in order to volunteer, you MUST have your clearances on file with EASD.
'23 Florida Tour Information
Disney May Contribution Reminder
There are two options to make this contribution:
- Online
- Check/ Money Order made out to IMA (on memo line, write: child's name - Disney). These can be placed in the IMA lockbox OR mailed to:
Instrumental Music Association
PO Box 3535
Easton, PA 18043
To learn how much you have fundraised to date, please contact Mrs. Franklin at
2023 March A Thon
What is a March A Thon?
This event will take place during our regularly scheduled band camp. Students will march the equivalent of 50 laps around the football field throughout the morning. In addition, they will partake in team building activities, games and other events.
When: FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 2022 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Where: EAHS Band Field
Why: The money we raise during this event will help to offset the costs of maintaining our instrumental program and ensuring we can afford future years many wonderful opportunities. Specifically this year, the March A Thon will help to offset the costs associated with running our band camp. Our goal for this fundraiser is $5,000! We need everyone’s help to achieve this goal!
Goal: Our goal is for EVERY band student to raise $15 - 25, which would help us achieve our overall goal of $5,000!
Ways to Donate: Cash, check (made out to IMA), or online donation are all accepted! If writing a check, include the student name in the memo line. For any students that will attend the Florida tour: half of each donation will go towards that individual’s fundraising goal/ contribution.
Checks should be made payable to IMA. Please have your sponsor(s) write your name on the memo line.
Instrumental Music Association
Easton Area High School
P.O. Box 3535
Easton, PA 18043
Online donations can be made using this link:
Car Wash Sign Up Geniuses
Please see below if you can DONATE items for our car wash this Saturday!
Mum Sale Kick Off
The IMA has once again partnered with Lehigh Valley Home & Garden Center to bring you a beautiful section of hardy fall mums for your garden and front porch this year!
Our sale runs from Tuesday, August 08 - Tuesday, August 22.
9-inch potted mums $9 each, coupons are $7 each
Pick up for potted mums and coupons will be Saturday, Sept 17th 10:30a - 12:30p at Raub's Farm.
An additional pick up for coupons only will be Tuesday, Sept 12th 4:45 - 5:15pm at EAHS outside the instrumental room
You can order online at the IMA webpage or download the following form and return to the instrumental room by August 22.
NEW: Business Sponorships
Corporate sponsorship of the IMA is integral to the financial well-being of our operating budget supporting the many opportunities afforded our students. The IMA supports over $80,000 in annual expenses, including annual scholarships, marching band operating expenses, uniform care, new instrument/ equipment purchases, maintenance costs, travel opportunities, and more.
As a corporate sponsor of the IMA, there are many benefits your organization would receive, in addition to supporting our students. We hope you consider supporting our wonderful music program. Our students work incredibly hard each year and we hope to be able to continue to support their needs through generous donations such as yours.
How it works
- Ask local businesses to support our program by directing them to our website OR handing them this letter!
- Businesses will complete the form at the bottom of this page.
- Upon completion, businesses will receive email confirmation.
- They will be contacted by our business sponsor chairperson for details re: specifics pertaining to your sponsorship level (advertisement design, etc.). Artwork requirements
- If paying via check, mailing address is:
Instrumental Music Association
Attn: Business Sponsorships
PO Box 3535
Easton, PA 18043
PLEASE NOTE: Any business sponsorships secured by students will result in 10% of that sponsorship going towards their trip contribution!
For more information, please visit our Sponsorship Website!
Raise Right - Fundraising Opportunity
Participants can buy gift cards at face value. There is a percentage listed that you earn for every purchase. Gift cards are either instant download and/ or physical gift cards. You can then spend the gift cards as you would normally, knowing you helped fundraise!
Click here to learn more about the program, create your account & begin fundraising! Friends & family can help fundraise anywhere in the country - it is a great way to get relatives involved who may not be able to participate in our normal fundraisers.
*If ordering Giant gift cards, please ensure you look for the logo below to use at Giant. Do not use any other logos, as they will not be able to be used at Giant.
To join, please click on this link:
Easton Area High School Instrumental Music
Location: 2601 William Penn Highway, Easton, PA, USA
Phone: (610) 250 2481
Twitter: @eahs_band