Family Communication September 4
Weekly Pond News
Hello Otter families,
We are glad our Otters made it through Hurricane Idalia safely, and we were thrilled to see our happy Otters back on campus Thursday and Friday.
As a reminder, school will be closed on Monday, September 4th and we also have Early Release Day on Wednesday, September 6th.
Have an OTTERific Day!
Dr. Steinacker, Ms. Leahy, and Mrs. McDowell
Lunch Visitors
Will begin after the first Quarter on Tuesday, October 17th.
Dismissal Pick Up
Race to Read Challenge
We have a Reading Across The County Everyday Challenge (R.A.C.E)
Pasco County Schools are challenged to see which school reads the most each month. Please sign sign your child up for the challenge!
Spirit Sticks
Communication in MyStudent
SAC Information
School Advisory Council (SAC)
Please use the link below to vote for OES parents who are interested in becoming members of SAC for the 23-24 school year. The link will be active until Tuesday, September 5th.
Early Release Day
School Safety
When students ride their scooter or bike to school, they must walk their bike once they enter campus. If you are waiting to walk with your student after school, you must stand behind the yellow line. Many parents are standing too close to the gate which limits the access for students to exit. We appreciate your cooperation to ensure the safety for all staff and students.
Updated Testing Schedule
~Upcoming Events~
9/4: Labor Day – No School
9/5: DQ Night 5 - 7pm (Cancelled: changed to 9/13)
9/6: Early Release Day - Dismissal Begins at 1:50
9/11: PTA Meeting 8:45 in the Media Center
9/12: School Advisory Council Meeting
9/13: DQ Night 5 - 7pm
9/15: Progress Reports Released
9/25: Read-a-thon Begins
9/27: Chick Fil a Night 4:00pm to 8:00pm
9/29: Readathon Ends
Oakstead Elementary
Email: oes_administration@pasco.k12.fl.us
Website: https://oes.pasco.k12.fl.us/
Location: 17725 Lake Patience Road, Land O' Lakes, FL, USA
Phone: 813-346-1500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OaksteadElementarySchool/
Important Links
Pasco County Student Code of Conduct
Oakstead Parent Information Letter
Please consider how many snacks you are buying, as the class
only has about 25 minutes to eat lunch.
Den Shirts, School Fees, Field Trips, ID Badges, Car Tags