College & Career Visits @Hillsboro
College Visits for 2024-2025
We are promoting our visits now for colleges to sign up! Check back to see what Colleges are coming!
You will need to RSVP for visit in order for an Appointment Hall Pass to be created. Appointment Hall Passes do not count against your total number of weekly hall passes.
Ms. Gilmore will be organizing all College Visits this year. Please look for emails from Ms. Gilmore on registering with a visit.
New to Hillsboro!
Angela Gilmore, M.Ed., LPSC
College and Career Readiness Coach
Phone: 615-298-8400
Email: angela.gilmore@mnps.org
Hillsboro High School
3812 Hillsboro Pike
Nashville, TN 37215
Joyce Claassen
Hillsboro High IB World SchoolEmail: joyce.claassen@mnps.org
Website: www.burrolibrary.com
Location: 3812 Hillsboro Pike, Nashville, TN, USA
Phone: 615-298-8400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hillsborohighschoollibrary/posts/
Twitter: @burrolibrary
Librarian Hillsboro High IB World School Nashville, TN