Greenville Elementary
September 20, 2024
Principal's Message
September is flying by! Here are some important dates coming up:
Flag Football Game-Today at 4!
Annual Triathlon – Friday, September 27th!
Pledge forms went home last week.
Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Sept. 30 - Oct. 4. Teachers will be reaching out soon to schedule your meeting time.
**Please make sure to update your Aeries Parent Portal to ensure we have the most up-to-date contact information. This is especially important for trip coordination and any urgent communication.
Upcoming Events:
Triathlon- Friday, September 27
Parent/Teacher Conferences- Monday September 30-Friday October 4th- Early Release at 1pm
Planning Meeting for Halloween Carnival- Thursday, September 26 at 5pm
Parent's Club- Monday, October 7 at 4pm
Halloween Carnival- Saturday, October 26th
No School- Friday, November 1st-Professional Learning Day
4th Grade Trip to the New Post Office to Mail Pen Pal Letters
They went to the post office to mail their pen pal letters. Students had to learn how to write their mailing address correctly, address envelopes, and write a friendly letter. They will receive a letter in the mail early next week from their secret pen pal. While they were at the new Greenville Post Office, the Post master talked to the students about the mail delivery process and the history and importance of zip codes.
4th Grade Scavenger Hunt at Wolf Creek
Learning So Many Things with Our Amazing Teachers!
5th Grade Plumas Audubon Visit
5th Graders had Plumas Audubon visit their classroom on Wednesday to introduce them to birds that frequent Plumas County. Students learned how to identify different types of birds using field marks specific to parts of the body, how birds are a vital part of our ecosystem, and the time of year we would most often see different species of birds depending on their migration patterns.
6th Grade Trio w/ STEM Robotics & Moon Phases Oreo Style
4H Projects
Flag Football
Junior High Volleyball
School Swag
Great news! We are kicking off our GES sweatshirt and T-shirt fundraiser! We have an assortment of youth and adult sizes available in the GES office.
And a BIG thank you to our student models for showing off our awesome new youth sweatshirts!
Adult sweatshirts $40
Youth sweatshirts $35
Adult t-shirts $25
Youth t-shirts $20