Community Letter
May 27, 2022
In Memory of Lives Lost this Week
Dear LISD Families,
During our staff PD day today, we spent the morning finishing a book study on restorative discipline practices as a whole K-12 team. In the afternoon, we analyzed data in separate elementary and secondary teams for the purpose of setting goals and creating an action plan. These PD are important because they give us the time to collaborate and learn together.
We have all been shaken to the core with the news of the shooting at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas. Children should be safe from deadly weapons at school. Parents should be able to count on seeing their children at the end of the school day. Teaching should not be a life-threatening vocation. If you are grappling with anger and sadness over this week's tragedy, you are not alone.
The Washington State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Chris Reykdal, has issued a statement that you may be interested in reading.
We sincerely hope that one day, we will no longer have to worry about gun violence in our schools.
This Memorial Day, as you remember and honor lives lost, please join us in a few moments of silence for Robb Elementary and the Uvalde community.
With heavy hearts,
Mary and Martha
Hands-on the-Land
We just ended our Hands-on the-Land stewardship program with a circumnavigation of Chadwick Marsh in canoes!
Community Graduation Celebration
Important Dates for Elementary School
- June 15: Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony 1:00
- June 16: 5th Grade graduation Ceremony (time to be determined)
- June 17: Last Day of School
Important Dates for Secondary Families
- June 4: AP Art Show, 5:50, Lopez Community Center for the Arts
- June 4: Middle School Dance, 7:00
- June 7: End of Year Awards 10:05-10:55 in the gym. Parents are invited to attend.
- June 7: Yearbook signing party: 1:10-2:00, hosted by LIPTSA
- June 10: MPPACT plays at Vita’s, 5:00-7:00
- June 11: Graduation, 2:00
- June 14: Performing Arts Night
- June 15: 8th grade graduation, 5:00-7:00
- June 17: Last Day of School
Lunch Menu: June 6-10
Parent Partner Program
Performing Art Night
Please join our Performing Arts Night On Tuesday, June 14 at 5:00 P.M. at the Quad, the outdoor venue between the gym and the elementary school. There will be a theater presentation and live music. What a great night of entertainment!
From the Lobo Library
The school year has flown by and it's almost over! Please help your student/s find their books and return them to the library. If you're uncertain what's checked out, you can email lmc@lopezislandschool.org and you'll get a quick reply. Teacher's have their class lists of books checked out as of May 25. The 2nd grade is the winner with 42 books out! Books are a valuable resource, and your children have enjoyed them over the year/s. Yes, some are still out from the 2020 pandemic closure. There's a total of 315 books out as of May 25.
The public library has planned wonderful programs for the summer months for youth ages 10-18. Please visit their website for more information. lopezlibrary.org If your student would like their own library card, applications are available in the school library.
From Nurse Karen
There will be an immunization clinic provided by the San Juan Health Department. This will be held at the MPR the week before school starts. The exact date will be sent out on a later Newsletter. This is a free service. all immunizations are provided by the State for children 18 and under. This is a great opportunity for your child to be up to date on their immunizations.
Karen Hattman R.N.
Lopez Island School
Lopez Island, WA 98261
360-468-2202 Ext 2114
Surplus Sale
LISD will be hosting a technology surplus sale on Monday, June 13 from 3:30-6:30 PM in the school's Library Media Center. Items available for purchase are a variety of Chromebooks, laptops, network equipment, and more. Please bring cash or check, credit cards will not be accepted. If you have questions or would like a spreadsheet of our surplus inventory, please reach out to jhammond@lopezislandschool.org.
- Certificated Teacher Substitutes pay increased to $220 daily rate for the remainder of 2021-2022 school year - Did you know that Washington offers an emergency substitute certificate, which does not require a teacher training program? Work days you are available and don't worry about having to take time off for days you aren't!
- Various Certificated Teachers starting 2022-23- Come get your island teach ON with US!!!! There are numerous certificated teaching positions open for the 2022-2023 school year at Lopez Island and even one at Decatur School. There are various schedules, hours and positions available in Elementary, Secondary, and Music. Now is your chance to help inspire, educate, enlighten and refine the future islander generation!! Most positions qualify for paid time off, retirement, and insurance benefits!
- Cook/ Dishwasher- Help make and share all the FRESH, HEALTHY, and DELICIOUS local foods with the children and staff of Lopez Island School! We are looking for some help in the fast-paced, fun and friendly kitchen at Lopez Island School from 8am - 2pm daily (with a 30 min break). The position starts at $18.53 an hour and qualifies for paid time off, retirement, and insurance benefits!
- Van Driver - Want to get out and see the island? This transportation position drives a wheelchair van (or another vehicle) to transport student(s) with special needs to and from school. This 3.5 hour per day, Monday through Friday. This position qualifies for paid time off, retirement, and insurance benefits!
- ParaEducators and ParaEducator Substitutes - Interested in working with students individually, in small groups, and/or in general classrooms and helping assist teachers in modifying student behavior? You can apply to become a ParaEducator with a regular schedule or else a ParaEducator sub for flexibility!
You can see full postings on our website! Just go to District Info and then to HR and Employment for more details.
Let me know if you are interested in any of these positions! I am at school 11-4 daily and available at 360-468-2202 extension 2303 or hr@lopezislandschool.org to help see if there is a good fit here for you!
I look forward to working with you!
Summer Hagge
Human Resources Specialist
Lopez Island School District
Ed Murray, Superintendent
Martha Martin, Secondary Principal
Mary Fordham, Elementary Principal
The Lopez Island School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employee(s) has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator, Ed Murray – emurray@lopezislandschool.org; Title IX Coordinator, HR Specialist, Summer Hagge – shagge@lopezislandschool.org; Section 504, Mary Fordham – mfordham@lopezislandschool.org; OR contact by phone, 360-468-2202, OR mail to 86 School Rd, Lopez Island, WA 98261.
Website: lopezislandschool.org
Location: 96 School Road, Lopez Island, WA, USA
Phone: 360-468-2202