PRM School Rocker
Issue 2, Volume 5 October 2023
Principal Simpson's Message
Greetings PRM Families,
This month, we will close out the 1st quarter on October 13th and begin the 2nd quarter. The season has changed from summer to fall, and we are making progress every day toward our goal of having outstanding student outcomes.
Your support is important to our success. Please make daily/weekly contact with your child’s teacher(s) to discuss academic progress. Encourage your child to follow the school rules and be a good citizen who is a peaceful problem solver. Be sure your child is prepared for school each day and ready to learn. Review the Student Handbook available on prmrocks.org or by using this link. Also, check PowerSchool and Schoology frequently for updates on assignments and progress.
We are partners in this work. We must function as a unit to support the success of every child at PRM. Our Parent Teacher Organization and Equity Group meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:00pm. Please plan to attend those meetings so that your contributions are considered as we make the best decisions for our school.
We are moving in the right direction and won’t leave anyone behind. Please continue to partner with us on this amazing journey!
Principal Simpson & Asst. Principal Brown
Email: simpsoa@cpsboe.k12.oh.us
Phone: 513-203-9087
School Hours
Upcoming Dates
- October is Breast Cancer Awareness and Bullying Prevention Month
- Thursday, October 5th~ 1st Quarter Parent Conferences 4-7pm
- Wednesday, October 11th~ Fall Picture Day (students may be out of uniform for photos – to order online use mylifetouch.com and Picture Day ID – EVTDFDJHV
- Wednesday, October 11th~ LSDMC Meeting @ 3:00pm at PRM (Media Center)
- Wednesday, October 11th~ Clark Montessori Parent Forum 5:30-6:30pm
- Wednesday, October 11th~ PTO/Equity Group Meeting @ 6:30pm at PRM
- Friday, October 13th~ End of 1st Quarter
- Monday, October 16th~ ILT Meeting @ 2:30pm at PRM
- October 17th-19th~ 6th Grade Iowa/CogAt Testing
- Wednesday, October 18th~ Foundation Meeting from 6:30-7:30pm at CHH
- Friday, October 20th~ 1st Quarter Report Cards Go Home
- Friday, October 27th~ Think Pink Day (All wear pink)
- Friday, October 27~ Ghoul Fest from 6:30-8:30pm at PR CRC
- Friday, November 3~ No School for PRESCHOOLERS only
- Tuesday, November 7~ No School, Election Day
- Friday, November 10 ~ No School, Veterans’ Day (observed)
- Friday, November 17~ Save the Date for Grandparent’s Day at 7:45am
- Coffee Cup Cafe~ Every Thursday 7-8am
Event updates throughout the month will be available on www.prmrocks.org/calendar
*You can also subscribe to the calendar on your device- find the green “subscribe” button on the top right side of the calendar page.
Fall Climate Survey (Panorama)
Love Your School? Tell Us Why and Provide Additional Feedback to Make Our Schools Better!
We know our staff, students and families love our schools. We also know there is always room for improvement. Last school year, CPS launched a new Climate Survey through Panorama that helps our district and school administrators evaluate what is working, areas needing focus and recognizing how our district stacks up against other similar districts across the nation.
CPS wants to hear from you!
As part of our ongoing effort to gather comprehensive feedback from staff, students and families, CPS is conducting its online climate survey Oct. 2 -13, 2023. The climate survey asks questions about your experiences with academics, behavior and culture that will help CPS make informed decisions, impacting the way the district educates Cincinnati’s children. The Fall 2023 survey will also help us monitor progress compared to previous years.
The survey will only take a few minutes to complete - all responses are anonymous.
Fall Survey Window - Oct. 2, 2023 through October 13, 2023
Staff will receive an email from Panorama with a unique link to the survey.
Students will take their survey at school.
Parents & Guardians can take the survey at surveys.panoramaed.com/cincinnati/fall2023family
Thank you in advance for helping us better prepare students for life!
PowerSchool is the computer system used by Cincinnati Public Schools to keep track of student information. It helps parents be an active part of their children's education and keep track of academic progress on a daily basis.
PowerSchool, launched in 2009-10, is used by principals, school office staff, teachers, counselors, Central Office staff, parents and students.
The system is accessed through a website, so it can be viewed from computers at home, work, or the local library. There also is a computer in every CPS school building for parents to use to check PowerSchool, and a computer is available in the Customer Care Center in CPS' Education Center, 2651 Burnet Avenue, 45219 (Corryville).
Information about your child is private and password-protected. You cannot see other students' records, and other parents cannot see your children's records.
- Student Information Available in PowerSchool (see below)
- Create a PowerSchool Parent Account
- How to Sign Up for PowerSchool (see below)
- PowerSchool User Guide
- Virtual Tour of PowerSchool
Parents register for PowerSchool accounts by filling out Account Registration Forms. This may be done online or in person at your child's school.
To activate your PowerSchool account, parents or guardians come to the school office in person and show official photo identification, such as a driver's license or state ID. This step is required to protect your child's information from being given to someone pretending to be you. Account activation must be done at the school even if you registered online.
Using Your Account
You will receive a login, password, and a set of instructions on how to log on and navigate through the PowerSchool website.
Getting Help
For assistance with your PowerSchool Account:
Call the CPS Help Desk at (513) 363-0390, from 7 a.m.– 5 p.m. Monday-Friday, during days when school is in session, or Email the Help Desk
PRM Community in Action:
Community News:
Updates from our Parent Leadership Groups
Happy fall! Hopefully, your student(s) and you are starting to get accustomed to the rhythms of the school year. Thank you to all the teachers who are staying late for conferences on Thursday, October 5th, to meet and partner with parents/caregivers. Thank you to anyone who signed up to provide nourishment to our whole staff so they can continue to do their best work.
We look forward to building community later this month when we join the Cincinnati Rec Center to celebrate Ghoul Fest on Friday, October 27th, from 6:30-8:30pm at the CRC. We will need volunteers to make this event a success. Volunteering is actually a great way to build connections at PRM; you will benefit alongside the benefactors. Next month we will be hosting Grandparents Day on November 17th. This is a unique opportunity to help support a meaningful and memorable event for both students and their invited guests. Speaking of volunteering… have you been meaning to get a volunteer badge? A special in-person opportunity to do so is taking place on October 5th from 4:00-6:00pm at PRM. CPS will be at PRM doing fingerprints and taking badge photos - individuals will need to bring their ID with them as well as $50 (cash/credit). Remember to stay connected at PRMRocks.org.
PTO & Equity:
This month’s meeting will be on Wednesday, October 11th at 6:30pm. From 6:30 to 7pm, we will hear PTO updates from Principal Simpson, CLC, LSDMC and ILT. Beginning around 7pm the equity conversation will feature special guest speaker, Linda Chatterjee on non-violent communication, a strategy for transforming how we speak to ourselves and to others, one empathic conversation as a time.
The Foundation would like to give a huge THANK YOU to everyone who supported our Fall Mum Fundraiser. It was a great success!
As we continue to raise money to benefit the school, the students, and the staff, we need your help. We are looking for champions to lead the planning of some of our favorite annual PRM events, including the Silent Auction Party and the Annual Read-a-Thon. With the blueprints in place, and many resources available to support you along the way, we would love for some new volunteers to learn the ropes to continue the success of these activities. If you would like to learn more, please reach out to prsfpres@gmail.com.
If you know or are connected to a business who would like to become a PRM sponsor, please pass along this PRM Sponsorship Guide. Don't forget to check out PRM Rocks to learn about other ways to give back to our wonderful school.
Boosters met last week to discuss athletics at PRM. Fall sports (volleyball and soccer) are in full swing – thank you to our coaches and coordinators! Winter sports (basketball and cheer) will begin practicing sometime in November. Registration for cheer will be available online at prmrocks.org/athletics on or before October 6th and will run through October 20th or until capacity is reached. Cheer this year will be for girls in 5th or 6th grade (unless space becomes available to add 4th graders). Questions can be directed to prmathletics@gmail.com
The ILT is designed to share in the instructional leadership decisions to improve student achievement at PRM. ILT meets twice a month after school on the first and third Monday of the month. Upcoming conference dates for the school year have been set and are October 5th, November 29th, February 22nd, and May 2nd.
The homework policy should be aligned by teachers for each age level and sent home to parents.
Schedule E funds for after school activities (supported by the CPS district budget) were reviewed and approved. Staff members in charge of the individual clubs will send out sign up info ahead of those clubs meeting. Please note that many clubs will have a capacity limit.
The LSDMC will meet on Wednesday, October 11th at 3:00pm in the library. All are welcome.
In September, the group met and reviewed the new district Code of Conduct as well as the most recent Ad Hoc boundaries board meeting. (PRM was not a topic of discussion.) Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary roles were determined and the roster was completed for submission to the district. In addition, a new program, BBIT, focusing on STEM talent development, was presented as a potential after school partner. The LSDMC voted to welcome this new partner relationship.
Cub Scouts kicked off in September with the full pack joining for a trail hike in French Park and renting the BB Range at Cub World for a weekend. In October, Pack 25 will meet as Dens to work on our Adventures and hold our annual Halloween Fun Night at the Pleasant Ridge Presbyterian Church in their parking lot. Questions should go to cubpack25prm@gmail.com
School Team Reports
3-6 News:
The 3-6 team is excited for fall. Please send your student in appropriate clothing/layers and
hats/gloves as all our students go outside BEFORE 8:30am. Thanks for partnering with us to get your student to school on time and well-rested! We look forward to engaging with
parents/guardians for conference night on Thursday, October 5th, from 4-7pm.
Our first field trip for Ks will be on Friday, October 20th, to Blooms and Berries Farm in Loveland. This experience will give the students a taste of “Fall on the Farm”. Outdoor education instruction with Imago is continuing. If you want to know which day your Kindergarten student has garden, please check with their teacher. Please read to your child daily and talk to them about what you read. It is vital for language development, early literacy, and so much more!
**Looking ahead: please make note that on November 3rd there is no school for preschoolers.**
6-9 News:
October is a very busy month for the 6-9 team!
We have started our Outdoor Education lessons and are so excited for those to continue through the month. We will be exploring the garden, harvesting, tracking the weather, and other topics.
Our students will be traveling on two field trips. At the beginning of October, we will be visiting Green Acres, and then Blooms & Berries will be toward the end of the month. Field trip permission slip forms will be coming home with your student. If you would like to volunteer on a field trip, please make sure that you have the needed purple badge. Instructions on how to acquire one can be found on the PRM website.
2nd grade students will complete their IOWA/CoGat testing in October. This assessment evaluates the development of students' reasoning abilities using verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal cognitive tasks.
I know all the teachers are looking forward to parent-teacher conferences. This is a great opportunity for you to build that partnership and ask specific questions about your student’s academic, behavior, and emotional growth!
9-12 News:
Thank you for a wonderful start to the school year. Beginning of the year testing has concluded. Teachers are busy analyzing the data and planning meaningful instruction. Please make sure your child is bringing their laptops, chargers, and planners every day to school. We are working hard to build routines with the students at school and having these necessary materials is so important. We are looking forward to seeing everyone at Quarter 1 Conferences on Thursday, October 5th, from 4-7 pm. Please reach out to your child's homeroom teacher if you still need to schedule a conference.
Academic Updates:
Math: Students are continuing to complete their customized lessons on iReady MyPath. All grade levels are working on Unit 1 in the iReady curriculum.
Science: Students are exploring the solar system.
Social Studies: Students are exploring geography and are learning how to read and interpret maps.
ELA: Students are working on building their vocabulary with Wordly Wise, comprehension skills with their novel studies, and have begun organizing their thinking using graphic organizers.
6th Grade Families:
All students in 6th grade will take the IOWA and CogAT assessments on October 17, 18 and 19. These tests are used for two purposes: gifted identification and eligibility for CPS placement in certain high schools (Walnut Hills and Spencer Center for Gifted and Exceptional Students).
Ms. Bonfield has graciously provided a resource – Time to Start Planning for High School for all 6th grade students. The slideshow includes information to help students and families in preparation for these assessments as well as to share valuable links about several of our CPS high schools. Please reach out to your child's homeroom teacher if you have questions.
We understand that making a decision about what comes after PRM can be complicated. Listed below are PRM parents who are willing to be resources. Feel free to reach out to them via email in regards to their current experiences with students at the following CPS high schools.
Walnut Hills – Jen Jarman at jarman.jen@gmail.com
Clark Montessori – Sara Bourgeois at lewis.sara@gmail.com
School for Creative and Performing Arts – Allison Goodman at ALGoodman3@aol.com
Open House Dates and Shadowing Opportunities:
Discover SCPA Day – Saturday, October 21st from 11:30am-1:00pm and more detailed information about the current application process
Walnut Hills Prospective Student Open House – Sunday, October 22nd from 1:00-4:00pm and Online Shadow Registration opens on October 8th at midnight.
Clark Montessori Prospective Student Night – Thursday, November 9th from 6:00-7:45pm and information about touring and shadowing this school year.
Lastly, if you are interested in joining a Facebook group, PRM 6th grade 2023-2024 just for PRM 6th grade families, please reach out to Diane O’Brian at dianeobrian@gmail.com
News from the Specialist Team:
Awesome things are happening in our library!
Kindergarteners are focusing on letter recognition and phonics. We are currently working on our 'alphabet' books that they enjoy coloring while learning new words weekly. The dance parties that begin library continue to be a big hit!
6-9 continues to learn about alphabetizing and correct use of the library. Please continue to remind your students that when they check out a book, it is their responsibility to protect it and return it on time.
9-12 will begin lessons on creative writing. We are starting with some basic reviews of parts of speech and sentence structure and will soon be venturing into the figures of speech such as personification, oxymoron and irony.
Art with Ms. Kate:
Students have been working hard on their first projects in art class. We have been lucky to have an awesome student teacher, Ms. Sheridan from the University of Cincinnati, to share new lesson ideas with us. Kindergarteners are finishing up their Kandinsky-inspired work, where they experimented with using a variety of art materials and art-making techniques. 6-9 and 9-12 students have been sharpening their sewing skills by stitching together felt quilt squares for a collaborative quilt. We can't wait to start displaying student work as we continue to learn and create this quarter.
In all technology classes, we will be reviewing and learning problem-solving steps for when our devices are not working properly.
9-12 students will practice keyboarding, continue with the core concepts of coding, and begin content creation.
6-9 students are increasing their login skills and will learn more keyboarding. We will begin expression through word art in Google Slides.
3-6 students will practice iPad navigation with phonics apps. Students will also build gross and fine motor skills with group cooperation activities.
Outdoor Education:
We are excited for Fall in Outdoor Education! This month students will be making music and exploring the sounds of the garden. Students will use water to experiment with volume to make their own xylophones, use loose parts to create sounds like thunder and rain, and create their own songs using the PVC 'pipe organ' in the garden. Students will also continue caring for the garden and enjoying all the fantastic produce grown over the summer.
Gifted & Enrichment with Ms. Bonfield:
My October Smore newsletter was sent out on Tuesday, October 3rd. The newsletter includes information about the PRM Spelling Bee, Brain Bowl, Gifted Testing, our PRM Gifted Program, general information about gifted education and identification, and even more.
On conference night (October 5th), I will be available to meet with parents to answer their general questions about gifted education. I’ll be in the library from 4:00 to 5:00pm.
From 6:00 to 7:00pm, I will be available to talk to 6th grade parents about the upcoming CogAT and Iowa Assessments, which are used for gifted identification as well as eligibility to attend Walnut Hills High School and Spencer Center for Gifted & Exceptional Students.
CLC Update
Hello everyone, The CLC Center is here to provide you with various services that you may need. Feel free to contact either our Resource Coordinator- Ms. Monique Johnson at johnmon@cpsboe.k12.oh.us
Happy Hispanic Heritage (September 15-October 15)!!!
Thank You! I want to say thank you to our parent panel and student panel for providing quality and knowledgeable information at our High School Transition Night. We had many parents and students from PRM, North Avondale, and Saylor Park that came out to gather information and get some questions answered that they may have had. We had a big turnout. Thank you so much!
Volunteers CPS Badges- If you would like to volunteer here at PRM, you must have a badge. For your convenience, we will have our CPS Security Department here on October 5, 2023, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. to do FBI/BCI checks and photos for badges. If you have any questions or need any additional information feel free to contact Allison Goodman.
Picture Day!!!! Make sure you are ready on Wednesday, October 11, 2023. The order forms have already gone home. If you need another form, contact your child’s teacher or the front office.
Health Screening for students in Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade. Will take place on Friday, October 13, 2023. This screening is a state-mandated screening for vision and hearing. Forms went home to the students in those particular grades only for options to do additional screens such as BMI, dental, etc.
PRM Pink Out Friday is scheduled for Friday, October 27, 2023. The flyer went out in last week’s Wednesday folder. We will start collecting money October 2-25th. The class that collects the most money will have a special activity with our principal.
PRM Walking Carpool: We are excited to announce the launch of The Walking Carpool for the 2023 – 2024 school year. CPS bus routes cannot accommodate children who live under 1-mile to and from school. For our kids who live at the 1-mile mark, this can be a far distance to walk alone. As a community, we want to show up and come alongside these families to help get their kids to school safely and on time. At this time, our efforts will be focused on the mornings as many kids have different activities in the afternoon. If you are interested in helping out in this effort, feel free to contact our Social Worker- Allison Quinter, Resource Coordinator- Monique Johnson, or our Parent Volunteer- Lacy Hitman-Mason. Check out the flyer below for more information.
Building Tours- We have dates available for interested or prospective parents to come tour our school. If you are interested, you can contact our Montessori Coordinator through email at lyonsel@cpsboe.k12.oh.us or call her at 513-363-4459. We will be happy to have you.
Clark Shadow Days- Do you want your child to experience what a typical day looks like at Clark? If you do, click on the link below to schedule a day to do just that. Shadows are from 9:45 am-2 pm. https://sites.google.com/view/welcometoclark2324/schedule-a-visit?authuser=4
After-school Clubs and Groups are getting geared up for a fun and exciting school year. The leaders of the clubs/groups are getting ready to send out information and applications to students. Here is a list of current Clubs/Groups:
Girls 2 Women (4th-6th)- has started
M.O.R.E. (4th-6th)- has started
Chess Club (3rd-6th)- January
Brain Bowl (4th-6th)- starts in October
Hooked on Fishing (4th-6th)-January
Art Club (4th-6th)- November
Music Club (1st-3rd grade)- October
Girls on the Run/Sprint Sisters (3rd-5th)- Mar
Drama Club (2nd-6th)- November
Coffee Cup- has started
Girl Scouts (K-6th)-has started
Boy Scouts/ Cub Scouts- has started
Whiz Kids @ Crossroads (2nd-6th grade)- November
TeamWorks @ PRPC (1st-3rd grade)- October
PRM Athletics (Fall, Winter, & Spring Sports)- has started (Winter sports sign-ups are on the PRMRocks webpage)
Spanish Academy- starts October
Webby Dance (K-5th grade) - has started
Math Club (4th-6th grade)- October
Golf Club- (4th-6th grade)- November
Footprint Dance Class (4th-6th grade)- October
Step Team (4th-6th grade)- October
Early Explorers STEM (1st-6th grade)- November
After-School Care/ Child Care Program
CRC at PRM is currently full. There is a waiting list at this time if you are interested.
CRC at Pleasant Ridge Center is still accepting students
YMCA of Blue Ash- offers child care service before school and after school
Mayerson JCC is currently full and is not taking any more students at this time. There is a waiting list if you are interested. They do have openings for their Days out of School Day program and for Camps. Check out the flyer below for more information.
Youthland Academy- this is a daycare center that is still accepting students.
HomeBase- this is a new after-care site that is connected with Mayerson JCC and works very closely with them. They are currently accepting students. Students can come two days a week for now until further notice.
Pleasant Ridge Montessori Library- There are many programs and events taking place at the local library. Check out all the programs and activities that are happening by clicking on the link. Cincinnati Public Library Link: https://cincinnatilibrary.bibliocommons.com/v2/events?_gl=1*1g09vbr*_ga*MjE2NzQ1MzAzLjE2OTA5OTE4NTU.*_ga_G99DMMNG39*MTY5NDAyNTc1NC4yLjAuMTY5NDAyNTc1NC4wLjAuMA..*_ga_QQ6PLFKMN0*MTY5NDAyNTc1NC4yLjAuMTY5NDAyNTc1NC4wLjAuMA..&locations=PL
Making Strides Breast Cancer Walk will be held on Saturday, October 21, 2023, at Yeatman’s Cove from 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Click on the link to see more information. Breast Cancer Walk link: https://secure.acsevents.org/site/STR?pg=entry&fr_id=105613
Queen Bee Half Marathon and 4-miler this event is on Saturday, October 14, 2023, on Central Parkway by Hard Rock Casino. The half marathon will start at 7:30am, and they will have 2 start times for the 4-miler at 8 am and 8:30 am. Click on the link below to volunteer, register, or see the route map to cheer people on. Queen Bee: https://queenbeehalf.com/
CRC Pleasant Ridge and Pleasant Ridge Montessori Ghoul Fest: Trunk or Treat is Friday, October 27, 2023, from 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. This is a free event and is open to the public. So come on out and have some holiday fun.
YMCA Blue Ash Boo Fest- is Thursday, October 30, 2023, from 5:30 pm-7:30 pm. It's located at 5000 YMCA Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45242. This is a Trunk or Treat filled with family activities for all. Open to the community!!
CPS Forms
The required school forms may be completed on paper. Many of our families have received and returned the necessary forms already. If, for some reason, you still need to access these forms, you can complete them online or ask for a paper copy from the front office. Access to the Back-to-School packet with forms can be accessed here.
Online Registration Platform
To get started, parents must create an account and log in or simply log in if they have used the online registration system previously. It will take 30–60 minutes to complete the information.
The online registration platform offers translations in Spanish and French. On the right side is a button marked English; click on the drop-down menu and select the preferred language.
Paper forms in Arabic, English, French, and Spanish are available in the link above for parents to print, complete, and return to the schools. Some forms are available in Nepali. Paper forms are also available at each school. Complete and Submit by September 12th.
Please complete the online or paper forms by Friday, September 15th.
If you have any questions or need assistance with the student registration system, please contact the PRM office or call our Customer Care department at (513) 363-0123.
CPS Code of Conduct 2023-24
Please keep the electronic link to the Code of Conduct handy for your records. There will not be paper copies printed this school year.
Support Hotlines
Cincinnati Public Schools:
Cincinnati Children's Hospital PIRC intake line:
Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect:
Suicide Prevention Hotline:
1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Crisis Textline:
Text 4HOPE to 741741
Disaster Distress Helpline:
Domestic Violence Hotline via Women Helping Women:
CPS Parent Technical Support Line
Our Character Program centers around:
Respect, Ownership, Compassion, Kindness and Safety, Safety, Safety!
Below are the three school-wide expectations that we expect students to follow throughout all parts of our learning community. Please support us by reinforcing these at home.
- Be Respectful
- Be Responsible
- Be a Problem Solver
Principal Simpson & Assistant Principal Brown
Email: simpsoa@cpsboe.k12.oh.us
Website: www.prmrocks.org
Location: 5945 Montgomery Road
Phone: 513-363-4400