Highlander Times
October 11, 2023

Highlander Times January 31, 2024
Hello. Welcome to the January 31, 2024 edition of the Highlander Times. You can access past editions on our website
Hello, all -
Welcome to the first week of second semester. This is a wonderful time for everyone to reset and start fresh. Just 3 weeks until February Break!
Last week you all received an email about two physical altercations that took place after school. I want to reiterate that we are very much committed to making sure everyone feels safe at Somerville High School and can focus on learning. We are in the process of drafting an overview of our short term and and long term efforts to stop violence at school and will share that with you in the very near future.
We hope to see many of you this Thursday, February 1 for Parent/Guardian/Teacher Conferences 2:45-4:45. Sign ups are available on Aspen and are open to all students and families. If you want to meet with a teacher and their schedule is full, please email the teacher directly. The general format for staff email is: firstinitiallastname@k12.somerville.ma.us. So for example, if Celia Cruz worked here her email address would be ccruz@k12.somerville.ma.us
Report Cards for Quarter 2 are posted in Aspen. You can also see students’ grades by going into aspen and clicking on the Academics tab on the top of the page. For directions on how to access Aspen, please call your community or click on the links below.
Weekly Student Announcements are also on Aspen Each week information about upcoming events and opportunities is shared with students via slide show. While we don’t post this information on our website, students and families can access it via Aspen on the home page. Click on the "Weekly Student Announcements" link after logging in to your student's account.
Course Selection for next year started this week. You should have received an email from our counseling department. You can access that email and more information about course selection here or by clicking our new "School Counseling" button at the end of this newsletter. Courses for next year must be submitted by February 9. Please reach out to your student’s counselor with any questions.
For Black History month, the SHS Black Student Union will be hosting some events, including a movie night on February 6 and a panel on "Black Experiences in Education" on February 27.
Our first ever “Class Cup Challenge” will come to a close Friday, February 16 with the first ever “Class Cup Olympics.” Students will participate in competitions ranging from trivia to “freeze dance” to volleyball and can earn final points for their grade level. The winning class will get a party with food of their choice sometime in March. As of the writing of this newsletter, the 9th grade is in the lead with 1315 points followed closely by the seniors with 1295.
Our Open Houses for prospective students and families are next week These events are geared for families and students considering attending SHS in the near future. We are offering tours on the following days:
Wednesday, February 7 from 8:15 to 10 am
Thursday, February 8 from 8:15 to 10 am, or
Thursday, February 8 from 12:15 to 2pm.
We will begin with a 15-minute presentation in the auditorium, followed by student-led tours of the building. Please note that all 8th grade students have the opportunity to visit the high school with their classmates later this spring. Please spread the word for prospective students and families.
Seniors - Order your Cap and Gown for graduation ASAP. You can choose between blue and white. Caps and gowns are $32 (choose "The Essential Package). Please see your assistant principal/community staff if you need financial assistance.
Review your student's course selection! All courses for next year should be submitted on Aspen by February 9.
From the PTSA: Feb. 1st PTSA meeting, followed by social hour
Following parent-teacher conferences, the PTSA will meet at 4:45 on Thursday, February 1st, in room C205. We will begin with a brief update on upcoming events and fundraising activities. The meeting will be followed by an informal parent meet and greet at Sally Obrien’s, 335 Somerville Ave, where parents can meet each other and discuss school-related concerns. If you have any questions, reach out to PTSA Board members, or email shsptsa1@yahoo.com
Upcoming Events
- Feb 1 Parent/Guardian Conferences from 2:45-4:45 PM
- Feb 7-8 Open House for prospective students and families
- Feb 7 8:45-10:00; Feb 8 8:45-10:00 and 12:45-2:00
- Feb 9 Student Course Selection due for next school year
- Feb 14 School Improvement Council SHS 6:30-8:00
- Feb 16 Class Cup Olympics
- Feb 19-23 February Break - No School
Highlander Highlights
Robotics at SHS
Students in Ms. Peters' semester-long Introduction to Hardware Engineering class recently completed their final projects. Projects ranged from homemade games to light-up artwork, and all projects included aspects of computer programming and hardware engineering.
Art Students Help Younger Students
Just before leaving for winter break, a group of Advanced Ceramics students from the High School visited Ms. Rogers' art classroom at the Winter Hill @ the Edgerly. Students helped to develop a clay lesson for Ms. Rogers' classes and gave demonstrations to the students on clay techniques. The high school students worked one-on-one with students to help them find success with their clay donut projects!
CTE in the News
Check out this feature in the Somerville Times about Somerville High School's CTE program
Somerville High School's Trivia Team on WGBH's High School Quiz Show!
The SHS Trivia Team competed on WGBH’s High School Quiz Show on Saturday, January 27 and Sunday, January 28. The team of Ruthanna Kern, Lillian MacArthur, Ella Wilczek, and Jack Granowetter, alternates Calla Taylor and Nate Chimelwieski, and coach Ted Blake took on Phillips Academy and Lexington High School in the televised trivia-quiz game show.
The team was bolstered by support from the Somerville and Somerville High School communities as the studio audience for both matches was majority Somerville fans.
The Trivia Team appeared on the show as one of the top 16 qualifiers out of approximately 100 Massachusetts high schools that tried out for the show. WGBH will air this season’s High School Quiz Show tournament weekly, on Saturdays, with the first match on February 3. Somerville’s matches will air on March 30 and April 27.
SHS Cultural Exchange
Students in Ms. Blanchard's ESL 3 class and Ms. Bowen's Spanish 3 class met for an English, Spanish, and Portuguese cultural exchange to promote cultural and linguistic inclusivity at SHS.
For More Information....
Career and College Corner
We invite all SHS parents, guardians, students, and staff to join the PTSA, and welcome your ideas for helping our school and community. For more information, please contact us by email at shsptsa1@yahoo.com. You can visit our website and fill out a membership form here: shsptsa1.wixsite.com/shsptsa Also, please join our SHS Friends and Family Facebook page at SHS Friends and Family Page | Facebook to stay informed about PTSA and SHS activities. PRESIDENT Caroline Rosas; CO-VICE-PRESIDENT: Laura Beretsky; CO-VICE-PRESIDENT: Lisa Tatterson; SECRETARY Nicole Hoxholli; TREASURER: Kim Doherty