The Eagle Express
Big Shanty Intermediate Elementary
Hey Big Shanty families!
We have had a great week and are so proud of our Excellent Eagles!
Please continue to be on the lookout for our Thursday communications. Student folders and a CTLS email message will be sent home each Thursday with lots of fun information.
Everyday is a GREAT day to be a Big Shanty Eagle!
Important Dates-
3/3- ART SHOW! See info below
3/7- Early Release Day- Dismissal at 12:30
3/7- Sparkles Skate Night 1:00-5:00pm
3/9- Kona Ice Day
3/23- Report Cards Uploaded into Parent Vue
3/28-4/1- Book Fair
3/31- Last Day of RSP
4/20- 5th Grade Yard Sign Order Due
4/28- Rising 6th Grade Palmer Info and Spirit Night 6:30
5/8- Big Shanty and Kennesaw Elementary Chorus Performance at the Braves Game
News from the Nest
Eagle of the Week
Congrats to our Eagle of the Week. Thank you for being an Excellent Eagle.
Thank you to Depew Orthodontics for sponsoring this amazing honor.
Student Art Show
Early Release MONDAY!
Sparkles Skate Day
Let's GLOW Crazy for READING!!!
5th Grade Fun!
Spring is so close! And with that... we have several exciting things planned just for your 5th graders! We can't wait to celebrate them and all they have achieved throughout elementary school!
PTA is super excited to offer these super cool yard signs honoring your student! They will be shipped to the school and will be placed along the front driveway the last week of school! Pick up information will be given to those who purchase a sign :) If you would like to purchase a yard sign for your student please go here - Big Shanty 5th Grade Yard Signs - SpiritHero.com
PTA and your amazing teachers are also working on the plans for a 5th Grade Fun Day. We would like to include a special lunch for them during this event! If you would like to help donate to the cause you may do so here - MemberHub ... we are asking for $10 per student to help cover the fun :)
St. Patrick's Day Grams-
Heart Heroes
Palmer Middle School Spirit Night
Palmer AVID Program-
Palmer AVID Applications Due Friday March 11th
Palmer Middle School’s AVID college readiness program is now accepting applications through March 11th. AVID is a yearlong elective class that helps students develop key college and career readiness skills, grow student agency, and thrive in a rigorous environment. Ideal candidates for the program are motivated students in the academic middle with:
· C – B+ grades
· Average to above average test scores
· College potential with support
For more information visit http://palmermiddleschoolavid.weebly.com/
Awtrey Middle School-
North Cobb Junior Cheerleading Tryouts
Technology Trainings for Cobb Students-
CTLS Update Info-
Exciting new features have been added to CTLS over the winter break. Your local school CTLS point of contact received detailed information about this exciting release prior to the break.
Many of these amazing enhancements will benefit students and are highlighted in the student video linked below. Please encourage your teachers to take time to share the CTLS Student Overview Video with students and parents so they are aware of these remarkable changes to the student CTLS environment for February 2022.
GEORGIA's ESOL Teacher of the Year!!!
Mrs. Taylor recognized and honored by the Board!***
Not only is our very own Mrs. Taylor the Cobb County ESOL Teacher of the Year, but she has now also won the GEORGIA ESOL TEACHER OF THE YEAR!!! She won for the whole state of Georgia!
We are so proud of Mrs. Taylor and thankful for all she does for the students, families, and staff at Big Shanty! This is a well deserved honor!
We loved watching Mrs. Taylor being recognized by the Cobb County Board of Education.
Please click on this link to read an amazing article about Mrs. Taylor! https://www.cobbk12.org/_ci/p/57983
Winter Break Fun
Join Our Cobb County Team!
Friendly Reminders
The district has updated guidance regarding parents and visitors effective December 1, 2021:
- Due to continued social distancing and limited visitors in the classroom, we are sorry that parents will not be allowed to attend the classroom holiday celebrations this year.
- Due to lack of space and continued social distancing, parents may not request to have lunch with students at this time.
- Students will continue to walk to class independently at drop off.
- Late check in, early check out, and ASP check out procedures will remain the same at this time.
We appreciate your continued support at BSI.
Attendance Matters
- School begins at 7:50AM (in your seats & ready to learn)
- No sign outs after 1:45PM
- Dismissal starts at 2:20PM
- Please update the front office if there are changes in address or updated contact numbers
Absence Notes
- Please email any notes or correspondence regarding attendance to:
- Please send in a note any time your student is absent from school within three days of the absence.
- This can include parent notes or doctor excuses.
- Automated messages are sent through the system any day your child is absent. We are unable to control these automated messages
Join and Support our PTA
Our PTA is amazing and has a lot of fun ideas for our year. We can’t do it without your help. Please join here-
Birthday Info!
Let's Stay Connected
Our School Mission
Our School Vision
Big Shanty Sponsors
Big Shanty Intermediate School
1575 Ben King Road
Kennesaw, Georgia 30144
Phone: (678) 594-8023
Fax: (678) 594-8026
Archived Editions of our Eagle Express Newsletters
- 2/17/22- https://www.smore.com/mg0xda
- 2/10/22- https://www.smore.com/6c5mk
- 2/4/22- https://www.smore.com/4v8km
- 1/27/22- https://www.smore.com/sphtv
- 1/20/22- https://www.smore.com/md7ka
- 1/13/22- https://www.smore.com/yf5th
- 1/6/22- https://www.smore.com/6p528
- 12/16/21- https://www.smore.com/z1ywa
- 12/9/21- https://www.smore.com/pgz4h
- 12/2/21- https://www.smore.com/9kyac
- 11/18/21- https://www.smore.com/qr9w6
- 11/11/21- https://www.smore.com/yh5vp
- 11/04/21- https://www.smore.com/zqceh
- 10/28/21- https://www.smore.com/rt2s9
- 10/21/21- https://www.smore.com/psez5
- 10/14/21- https://www.smore.com/cv9e