The Heart of Haleʻiwa
May 14, 2021
In this Issue...
- Literacy Corner: Level Up Summer Challenge
- Read Aloud: The Couch Potato
- Creating Art: 3rd & 4th Grade
- 2nd Grade: Kapa with Kumu
- E Mālama ka Honua - Take Care of the Earth by Kumu Kuʻuipo
- The ESSENCE of Haleʻiwa... by Mrs. Cyndy Sumbad
- COVID Vaccines and Hawaiʻi Travel by Nurse Connie
- Helpful Resources: COVID-19 Vaccinations at WHIS on May 18
- Haleʻiwa HELPS by Mrs. Nakamura
- Kindness Ambassador
Literacy Corner
Level Up Summer Challenge
Summer is almost here and Library Media Services has a free summer reading challenge available to all students.
There are two ways to join and help us reach a statewide goal of reading 3 million minutes this summer.
Students with Internet access can log their reading online and share their progress with fellow students in the protected app space at 808reads.hidoe.us.
Virtual Launch Party - bit.ly/summer21_launchparty
· Hosted by Pōmaika'i Keawe Lyman, the recorded launch party is a great way to kick off summer during the last week of school.
· Includes local author Gabrielle Ahuli'i reading her book, Hiiaka Battles the Wind
Student Quick Start Guide - https://bit.ly/808Reads_Student_SQG
Students with NO Internet access can log their reading using a badge book, an interactive hands-on sticker and activity book that follows the online challenge closely and provides literacy activities to keep kids reading all summer long. Students in grades K-5 who will be returning next school year will be receiving a badge book during the last week of school. Please be on the look out for the book. All completed badge books that are returned during the first week of school in August will be entered into a prize drawing.
After listening to the story, think of ways that you can avoid being a couch potato.
3rd & 4th Grade: Creating Art
We are grateful for the generous contributions from: (insert donors).
Our students from grades Kindergarten to sixth grade received goodie bags full of art supplies and small gifts. Our upper grade students are loving their POSCA pens. Here are some of the pictures with students showcasing their artwork.
E Mālama ka Honua - Take Care of the Earth by Kumu Kuʻuipo
Did you know that it takes about 450 years for a plastic bottle to biodegrade, 500 hundred years for the plastic bottle cap, 450 years for a disposable diaper, and 200 years for aluminum cans and plastic straws? If you didn't know, now you do. Since knowledge is power, you now have the power to choose to stop purchasing these products that arenʻt good for our planet.
I've been teaching Hawaiian Studies in the Department of Education for over twenty years. I can recall looking into the beautiful faces of our island keiki back then, feeling very concerned for their future because of the state of the planet at that time. Scientists had been warning of the catastrophic results of our irresponsible human activity that was having a negative impact on our planet. They say in 50 years there will be more trash in the ocean than there are fish if we donʻt change the way we live on the planet. Iʻv made it my lifeʻs mission to bring awareness to the plight of the planet through sharing how the ancient Hawaiianʻs had lived on these islands for hundreds of years in harmony with the environment and each other through the set of values they practiced and the laws of the land that were governed by their Aliʻi class. They cared for the land in a way that would assure seven generations ahead of them would have their life giving resources intact.
Today, years later, I look into the beautiful faces of our island keiki and am filled with deep concern and disappointment that I am still saying the same things. I apologize to them for the actions and inactions of the generations before them that have not considered how our pollution will be left for them to deal with. They are the innocent victims of human greed. We acquire, consume, and waste. Yes, we do need to purchase the items we need for our lifestyle, but we can become better aware of what we are purchasing.
Itʻs not too late yet. We have an opportunity today to totally commit to embrace change. Itʻs absolutely essential that we come together as a community to agree that it takes ALL of us to stop the greed that is hurting our planet. The answer lies in my favorite Hawaiian proverb, “I ka wā ma mua, i ka wā ma hope”, which means, to seek the future, we must look to the past. We must look at how the ancient Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiians) lived a lifestyle that was about empowering nature (hoʻomanamana) to have thriving communities, versus overpowering nature to suit our needs. Everything they needed to survive came from the natural environment. They had no garbage, or chemicals that would harm them, or the environment.
We must change our attitude of needing things to be convenient, or disposable. We must treat the global environment threats as a crisis and not just something we read about in the newspaper, or hear on the news. Are you willing to commit to making a change? Will you commit to not use plastic straws anymore? Itʻs a small change, but if we all commit, then it becomes a big change. Every once in a while, I reconnect with my students I taught 20 years ago. They are doing things to help the ʻāina and thank me for being a part of what shaped them into who they are today. But, really I thank them, for giving me hope and faith that this generation may be the change our planet so desperately needs. E mālama ka honua!
The ESSENCE of Haleʻiwa... by Mrs. Cyndy Sumbad
We begin by asking, "What do we VALUE?"
“To value is to esteem or regard highly. A value is that which makes anything desirable or useful. Our values determine either, consciously or unconsciously, the way we act in any given situation. The more we understand about our values, the more control we have over our own lives…values tell a person what kind of human being he or she wants to be, or what kind of world (they) want to live in, or how (they) wish to judge or evaluate (themselves) and the world.”
Our values reflect what we want and what we do.
"We all set for ourselves some guidelines for behavior, and when we do so, we are establishing values as standards. As standards they define how (we) should behave in life." ~ Ku Kanaka, Stand Tall, A Search fo Hawaiian Values, George Kanahele
Ke aka o Haleʻiwa… Kupono me ke aloha no ke ahona o ke ao
The ESSENCE of Haleʻiwa…Live life to the fullest with honor, respect, kindness and love to make the world a better place.
COVID Vaccines and Hawaiʻi Travel by Nurse Connie
Some great changes are coming our way this summer as we look forward to traveling and spending time with our loved ones. As of May 11th 2021, fully vaccinated individuals are exempt from inter-island quarantine and testing requirements. We further anticipate for the State of Hawaii to follow the CDC guidelines that recommend fully vaccinated individuals to be able to resume normal domestic travel without quarantine and testing requirements. In Hawaii, domestic travel without quarantine or testing for fully vaccinated travelers is estimated to take place in early July or even sooner. For more information on the Safe Travels Card or Hawaii Vaccine/Health Passports, please click on the link below:
Helpful Resources
Kindness Ambassador: Crista Alfanta
Contact our "THOH" Team
Email: haleiwaschool@haleiwa.k12.hi.us
Website: haleiwaelementary.com
Phone: (808)637-8237
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/haleiwaelementary
Twitter: @HaleiwaElement1