M.A.G.I.C. News for Members and Friends
Vineyard Community Center
Phone Mrs. Flowers to RSVP so she can know a head count: 816-588-6001
Saturday, Dec 3, 2022, 12:00 PM
4301 East 43rd Street, Kansas City, MO, USA
Thoughts and Prayers
The family of Rosalind Bauchum
The family of Karla Parker.
Also, keep the spirits of your ancestors at the forefront of your daily life. After all, they each did at least one monumental thing in their life...…they had a child…that survived…through puberty. Otherwise, YOU would not be here ;)
In the 1997 Academy Award nominated motion picture, Amistad, there is a scene, “A Call to the Ancestors,” when the lead African character, Cinque says of his ancestors, “I will call into the past, far back to the beginning of time, and beg them to come and help me…I will reach back and draw them into me. And they must come. For at this moment … I am the whole reason they have existed at all.”
Generations Quarterly (printed) Last Issue Caps 30 Year Serial
The current (and final) printed quarterly MAGIC Generations, October-December 2022 magazine is linked here. It is the fourth and final produced this year. Hereafter, the quarterly will be superceded by this monthly e-newsletter, eGenerations, that we debuted last fall.
MAGIC's printed, quarterly edition of Generations magazine is in its third decade in 2022. This 30th volume is a milemarker; but, the Oct-Dec 2022 issue is the last of the dinosaurs to be printed. The printed newsletter has run its course and is outdated. AND, that it takes a LOT of TIME and ENERGY to produce. AND, that there are FEW, regular contributors TO GENERATIONS. AND, there is little to no feedback from readers one way or another with regard to GENERATIONS. AND, from the results of a MAGIC member survey last year, GENERATIONS ranks rather low in members’ list of expectations from MAGIC. All of these are reasons to look forward to something new and different . . . maybe for the next 30 years.
See you here next month!
Back issues are at: magickc.org.
Looking Ahead to Black History Month 2023
2023 Genealogy Day in Joco
Mark your calendars for the National Genealogy Day Open House and Resource Fair, Saturday, March 11, 2023 from 9:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Johnson County Central Resource Library, 9875 W. 87th St., Overland Park, KS. This annual event is sponsored by the Johnson County Genealogical Society.
Buck O'Neil Bridge Adaptive Reuse Looking Bleak
MAGIC Represented on FamilySearch.org African American Societies
Redlining Exhibit at Joco Museum
REDLINED: CITIES, SUBURBS, SEGREGATION takes visitors on a deep dive into the history of redlining and how it both shaped and was shaped by Johnson County and the region. Visitors will learn about the 19th and 20th century foundations of redlining, how the private practice became federal policy during the Great Depression, the expansion of the practice during postwar suburbanization, attempts to dismantle the system during the Civil Rights Era, and how the legacies of redlining continue to impact communities around the nation today.
The exhibit is up through January 7, 2023.