Little Elm High School
News, Updates, and Accolades - May 26, 2020
Happy Summer!
A couple of End-of-Year Reminders:
Students in grades 9 - 11 will keep their laptops and textbooks over the summer. We will collect materials in August. If you are not returning to LEHS in the fall, our school registrar will provide instructions for returning school property at the time you withdraw.
Graduates who still need to return their laptop, textbooks, or other school-issued items, may do so on June 8th from 9am - 10:30am. Items can be dropped off on the west side of the building nearest the cafeteria and library. If you have questions, please email Mr. Heller kheller@littleelmisd.net.
End of year report cards are being mailed home this week. Please look for them to arrive the week of May 26th.
Please see information below regarding summer school. All summer school will be online and will be limited to credit recovery.
Wednesday, August 12th, 2020
If you are in need of a copy of your transcript, you can order one online at parchment.com
Email for Graduating Seniors will be disabled on June 8th
Graduating Seniors - The district will disable your LEISD email on June 8th.
I wish you a happy, safe and relaxing summer.
We look forward to seeing our returning students in August.
Best of luck to our graduates! We will miss you!
Stay well and Go Lobos!
Dr. Priddy
Follow me on Facebook & Twitter @LittleElmHS
Summer School 2020 Information
Little Elm High School Summer School ENROLLMENT begins Tuesday, May 26th.
Summer School is Monday through Thursday, June 1st through June 24th. If you qualified for the opportunity to recover credits through our virtual learning At-Home Summer School program, please check your email.
You should have received an email using the email address you have listed in FOCUS through our parent portal and students should have received an email through their school email with a link to Enroll in summer school. Emails were sent out May 22nd by our Summer School Principal, Mr. Christopher Reza.
If you did not receive the email, you can still Enroll online through our school website at www.littleelmisd.net/summerschool beginning Tuesday, May 26th.
Summer School is FREE this summer!! Students may also be eligible to have graduation requirements waived if they EARN credit during this time. To find out more, you must ENROLL!!
Little Elm High School highly encourages you to ENROLL and take advantage of this opportunity to earn credits from home. Sign up using the following link:
Christopher Reza
972-947-9446 x31005
Seniors will do a drive through drop off of any school issued materials they need to return to LEHS. Students will drop off on the Library and Cafeteria side (parent drop off side) of LEHS. There will be staff members at the curb to collect materials from cars. Parents and students will need to stay in their cars and school personnel will take items through the car window or remove them from the trunk of cars. We ask that seniors follow the following schedule for returning items in order to prevent long wait lines.
Date: June 8th
Time: 9am - 10:30am
Location: West side of LEHS nearest cafeteria/library
Do You Enjoy Shakespeare?
If so, HEATHER GARRETT is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting over the summer.
Topic: Shakespeare in the Round
Time: This is a recurring meeting - Mondays from 2:00-2:30pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 212 069 2640
Password: 083167
LEHS PROM - July 22, 2020
Due to the extended school closure, we have decided to move Prom to Wednesday, July 22nd.
The price of prom tickets will not increase going forward.Tickets are $75/each.
Forms for permission to bring dates that do not attend LEHS can be obtained from Mr. Hamlin. khamlin@littleelmisd.net or Dr. Priddy eapriddy@littleelmisd.net and are due May 10th.
Prom Sponsors: Keisha Brown, Heather Garrett, and Shelly Schmidt
Little Elm High School
Misty Chesnut - Academic Dean (mchesnut@littleelmisd.net)
Michelle Gentry - Lead Counselor (mgentry@littleelmisd.net)
Gerald Muhammad - House Principal A - E (gmuhammad@littleelmisd.net)
Michael Absher - House A - E Counselor (mabsher@littleelmisd.net)
Ruben Molinar - House Principal F - Li (rmolinar@littleelmisd.net)
Kaitlyn McGuire - House F - Li Counselor (kmcguire@littleelmisd.net)
Kyle Heller - House Principal Lo - Ri (kheller@littleelmisd.net)
Amy Chamberlin - House Counselor Lo - Ri (achamberlin@littleelmisd.net)
Terilyn Thomas-Monday - House Principal Ro - Z (tthomas-monday@littleelmisd.net)
Juan Schmidt - House Ro - Z Counselor (jschmidt@littleelmisd.net)
Adriana Beck - Intervention Counselor (abeck@littleelmisd.net)
Ana Kibbe - CIS Site Coordinator (akibbe@littleelmisd.net)
Marisa Flores - Parent Liaison and Translator (mflores@littleelmisd.net)
Website: http://www.littleelmisd.net/Domain/9
Location: 1900 Walker Lane, Little Elm, TX, United States
Phone: (972) 947-9443
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Little-Elm-High-School/736775073135970?notif_t=page_fan
Twitter: @LittleElmHS
Join LEHS's State & Nationally Ranked Color Guard for the 2020-2021 Season!
Contact Kristin Zotti for more information: