Clark-Shaw Magnet School
of Science, Math, and Technology
As a school of choice, our mission at Clark-Shaw Magnet School is to develop students into globally aware and productive citizens who excel academically and are responsible, courteous, life-long learners. This will be accomplished by providing a challenging curriculum in a safe and nurturing environment.
February 1, 2022
Principal's Message
Hello Eagle Family,
I would like to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication required to complete the Science Fair projects. Parental support is extremely important throughout this process. Congratulations to all the students who placed at our school science fair and those who were selected to participate at the regional level. I know they will represent us well at the University of South Alabama in March.
February is an active month here at Clark-Shaw Magnet. We will begin our Jump Rope for Heart Campaign as part of Heart Health Month. Our school has been recognized as the largest contributor to the American Heart Association at the middle school level in the district for the past few years. Let’s keep that tradition alive! We are also the host site for the MCPSS Robotics Competition this month. Soccer, softball, and baseball seasons begin this month with track season soon after. Mardi Gras break wraps up the final days of February.
On an academic note, we are working to correct all report card printing errors. Numerous updated report cards have been sent home. As a reminder, all students are required to maintain a 70% overall average in all courses. Failure letters were sent home to those students who are in jeopardy of failing out of the magnet school program. Please contact the school or your child's teacher if you have questions. Additionally, we are making plans to recognize students who made the Honor Roll during 1st and 2nd Quarters. Due to COVID, this will be a virtual or student only activity, with more details to come. Finally, be aware that we are close to mid-term. Please take some time to check your student’s grades and attendance.
Thank you for your continued support!
Teacher of the Year
Congratulations to Mrs. Veronica Bragg, our 2021-2022 Teacher of the Year! She was presented a floral arrangement by former students and our principal, Mrs. Taylor-Jackson. We are proud of you, Mrs. Bragg!
Wear Red on Fridays in February!
Feb. 4th
Feb. 11th
Feb. 18th
Feb. 25th
Jump Rope for Heart
Affirmation Station
*outside the library
*on the 7th grade hall
*on the 8th grade hall
Science Fair
The Clark-Shaw Science Fair was held January 27 - 28, 2022, and the scientific method and student learning was on full display! After presenting the findings of their individual science experiments to their classes, many Clark-Shaw students were entered into the school-wide Science Fair. Display boards, abstracts, and log books were judged by an impressive group of professionals representing the Mobile County Public School System, Dauphin Island Sea Lab, the Environmental Studies Center, and the University of South Alabama. We would like to thank Christine Nassar, Dr. Melody Tucker, Julie Neidhardt, Jessica Ellzey, Larry Mouton, Dr. Tina Miller-Way, Virginia Driscoll, Dr. Tracy Jay, Tracy Delcambre, Troy Latham, Sommer Calderone, Dr. Susan Ferguson, and Dr. Katie Guffey for their time and expertise.
Ribbons were awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places for all grades in nine different categories, ranging from chemistry, engineering, environmental science, botany, to medicine and health. To see a full list of the results, visit our website (link). Congratulations to all students who placed!
Science Bowl
Try-outs were held in early January to select the members of the Clark-Shaw Science Bowl team. The team practices on Tuesday afternoons in preparation for their competition in March and they are sponsored by Mrs. Melissa Specker. The following students were selected for this year's Science Bowl team:
Allie Armbrecht
Cooper Cox
Victoria Howell
Edwin Perry
Rachel Poole
Congratulations to these students!
Scholars Bowl
Extended Day Tutoring
Donation Drive for Penelope House
Penelope House is an organization in Mobile which helps victims of domestic violence and their children. In addition to providing shelter, advocacy, and community education, they also operate a 24-hour crisis line at 251-342-8994 for adults who are being abused. For more information, visit https://penelopehouse.org/.
Dance Team in Mardi Gras Parade
Black History Month
Share your photos!
Submitting photos is easy! Simply go to this link (click here), fill out the information (be sure to tell us who you are and what you're doing in the photo), and submit! Please submit soon since we are designing the yearbook right now!! For questions, email Mrs. Dena Van den Bosch at dvandenbosch@mcpss.com.
Youth Ambassador Award
Archery Highlights
At the Causey Classic held at Causey Middle School on January 27-29th, our team placed 2nd overall of all middle school teams with a team score of 3030! Paden Roberts scored 272 with ten 10's, followed by Julia Panchenko (267 and nine 10's), Senad Shabaneh (265 and seven 10's), Jordyn Adams (257 and five 10's), Sophia Piper (255 and six 10's), Charlotte Milling (254 and eight 10's), and Brady Burkett (254 and six 10's).
The team's next tournaments will be the rescheduled Gilliard Battle of the Swamp and the Regionals tournament at Bryant High School on February 23. For more information, contact Mr. Jonathan Braswell at jbraswell@mcpss.com.
Payden Roberts was awarded a 2nd place overall medal for his performance at the Denton Magnet 3rd Annual Winter Wonderland Tournament in early January. Payden has consistently led the Clark-Shaw archery team all season!
Boys Soccer
Joshua Barahona
Laith Shabaneh
Sanad Shabaneh
Adam Almashni
Alejandro Serrano
Carlos Benitez
Henry Sprague
Taye Phillips
Kaii Phillips
Isaac Clark
Terrance Mack
Brandon Whitfield
Faculty Spotlight
Lauren Peabody has a bachelor’s degree in Sports Management/Leisure Studies, another in Physical Education K-12, and a master’s degree in Physical Education K-12, all from the University of South Alabama. She is also certified to teach Health 6-12. She has taught a total of 6 years in the public school system at Taylor White in 2014-2016 and at Clark-Shaw 2018- present. In 2016-2018 she taught PE at Cottage Hill Christian School. She currently teaches Girls’ PE, coaches Girls’ Track, serves as Athletic Director, and is the FCA Huddle Coach at Clark-Shaw.
Coach Peabody ran track for Mobile Christian in high school and was on a scholarship at the University of South Alabama. So it's no surprise that in her spare time she still enjoys running and officiating cross country and track meets. In addition, she loves working out and going to the beach. Coach Peabody is also a new mom and loves spending time with her family.
Under her leadership, Clark-Shaw has been recognized as the top middle school supporter for the American Heart Association in Mobile for the past three years. She has organized our Healthy Heart Month activities, including Jump Rope for Heart, Wear Red Days, and Candy Gram sales in February.
Coach Peabody, thank you for all that you do for our students and our community!
School Supplies
Space Camp Scholarships
Applications are open for Space Camp! Students between the ages of 12-14 can apply for a full scholarship thanks to our state legislators. Check out this amazing opportunity using the link below.
Basketball Season
Both boys and girls basketball teams made it to the playoffs, where they lost in close finishes. Congratulations to the players and coaches on successful seasons!
Nurse's Corner
Due to on-going concerns over the spread of COVID-19 and the recent Omicron variant in the community, we are still implementing safety practices such as social distancing as much as possible, the frequent cleaning of our facilities, and the use of sanitizers. If your student is exhibiting any symptoms of COVID such as fever of 100 degrees or greater (especially first thing in the morning), cough, runny nose or sinus congestion, trouble breathing or persistent pain or pressure in the chest, stomach ache, lack of taste or smell, diarrhea or vomiting, and sore throat, please keep them home and contact the nurse. Please note that students who wear masks are less likely to be quarantined in accordance with the CDC and ADPH guidelines. Please remember to continue to send a non-glass water bottle filled with water to school each day with your student. If you have any questions regarding Covid or medical needs, please do not hesitate to reach out to the nurse, Mrs. Jolene Walker, RN at jhwalker@mcpss.com or by calling the school at 251-221-2106.
Students, Get in Rhythm!
PTA needs you!
To join PTA: https://clarkshawpta.memberhub.com/store/items/28462
To volunteer at Clark-Shaw: https://forms.gle/vcLRW66jdJ56gXW36
Link to PTA's December newsletter: https://www.smore.com/uf6ez
Important Dates - 3rd Quarter
Friday, Feb. 25 - Black History Program
Monday, Feb. 28 - Wednesday, Mar. 2: Mardi Gras break - NO SCHOOL
Thursday, March 17: Last Day of 3rd Quarter
Friday, March 18: Teacher Work Day - NO SCHOOL
Mardi Gras Break
Mardi Gras holidays are Monday - Wednesday only! (Feb. 28 - March 2). School resumes Thursday, March 3rd.
PE Uniforms on Sale
PE uniforms are on sale so that students can dress out during PE class. Dressing out is part of their participation grade in PE. Shirts are $10.00 and shorts are $10.00, for a total of $20.00. Students may purchase uniforms during their PE class period. Cash or checks made payable to Clark-Shaw Magnet School are accepted.
8th grade Personal Ads - limited space available
2021 - 2022 Yearbooks
Eagle Eye News
Don't miss out! Catch the latest announcements, Dad jokes, lunch menus, student interviews, birthday announcements, and other entertaining features from Mr. Sikes' broadcast team. Click the link here or the button below to watch our daily broadcasts via YouTube. You can also participate in their weekly poll question on the Clark-Shaw homepage.
Follow Clark-Shaw on social media!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clarkshawmagnet
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clarkshawmagnet_eagles @clarkshawmagnet_eagles
Twitter: https://twitter.com/clarkshaweagles @clarkshaweagles
Website: https://clarkshawmcpssal.schoolinsites.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH5jO4hJwMgEawGLisFn4Lw/featured
Clark-Shaw Magnet School
Timesha Taylor-Jackson, Principal
Website: https://clarkshawmcpssal.schoolinsites.com/
Location: 5960 Arlberg Street, Mobile, AL, USA
Phone: 251-221-2106
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clarkshawmagnet
Twitter: @clarkshaweagles
Newsletter compiled by Dena Van den Bosch, dvandenbosch@mcpss.com