MCCHS Friday Focus
266th Issue - September 8, 2023
From the Desk of Benji Winkelman
Good afternoon,
I would like to take a minute and introduce myself. I am the Dean of Students, a teacher, father (of a Junior) and alumni (‘92) of our great school. There has been great enthusiasm here at Marian as our students have really come out to support our teams, clubs, and organizations. As with any new school year it is a chance for a fresh start, and as we settle into our routines it is important that we start to form good habits. School is an opportunity for many things; to make new friends, learn academically, socially, spiritually and to find courage in yourself to try new things. During your time here at Marian you will experience many highs and perhaps a few low moments, hopefully not too many. Remember you are here to grow, and that growth can sometimes be awkward, but remember that it is for the best. We want the best for you, your parents want the best for you, your teachers want the best for you, and it is ok to ask for help from time to time. Your parents made a great choice and sacrifice by sending you to Marian, now make the most of this time, and opportunity, find the courage in yourself to try new things. You will find that when you believe in yourself you are powerful beyond measure.
In closing, thank you to all the teachers for their tireless work, and to all the families that support not only their own students, but Marian Central Catholic High School. I am so proud of our students and staff and thankful to be part of this school community.
I leave you with this quote.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
Benjamin Winkelman
Parking Lot Reminders
- School buses drop off and pick up in front of the Theater Entrance. Please refrain from parking in this area.
- PACE buses are picking up and dropping off near Door #1. These buses will move past the parent pickup line and stop at the concrete area furthest east of Door #1.
- Car drop off/pick up is typically at Door #1. When picking up your student, it is important to pull up to just in front of the concrete area in front of Door #1. Stop at the Statue of Mary.
- While in the pick up line, please do not block the "jock lot" exits, Doors 24 and 26. (parking lot west of the building) so that students can still exit that lot.
- After picking up your student, please pull up to the turn-around midway between Door #1 and the Theater doors and turn left. But please do NOT pass the school buses that are loading students (with their stop sign out). This is illegal.
- If your car is parked in a parking spot while you are waiting to pick up your student, it is advisable to park far enough west of the turnaround so that it can be utilized safely.
Please remind your student drivers that driving and parking in the Marian Central Catholic parking lot is a privilege and can be revoked if students do not adhere to the expectations, including:
- The Marian parking tag must always be hanging from the rear-view mirror.
- Cars must be parked correctly in a single parking space.
- Speeding will not be tolerated.
- Cars must stop at ALL stop signs.
- Leave promptly after getting to your car (no hanging out in cars in the parking lot).
Senior Portraits - NEW FEATURE!
SAVE THE DATE: Senior portraits will be taken at Marian on Tuesday, October 3rd for all seniors. Please see the attire guidelines below for these portraits. A specific schedule will be shared with the students later.
NEW THIS YEAR: The Class of 2024 will be photographed as a class! All seniors that are present on senior picture day (Tuesday, October 3rd) will take part in a posed group photo at the end of the school day. Since there will not be a retake of this photo, we are hoping all of our seniors can be present on picture day so that they are included in this special keepsake. The traditional composite with all of the senior photos will also be available for purchase.
Please watch your email and the Friday Focus for ordering information soon!
ATTIRE GUIDELINES: Seniors will remain in their dress clothes for the entire day.
Senior Ladies
Appropriate attire on this day includes dress pants and a modest blouse or sweater that covers the shoulders. Dresses/skirts are not allowed. No nose rings/studs, facial piercing, and no more than two earrings per ear will be permitted on girls. Hair must conform to Student Handbook guidelines.
Senior Gentlemen
Gentlemen must wear a white shirt and tie, a sport coat or suit coat that is blue, black or grey and dress pants. No nose rings/studs, facial hair, facial piercing, and no earrings will be permitted on boys. Hair must conform to Student Handbook guidelines.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. DiSilvio at ldisilvio@marian.com or 815-338-4220, x107
Next Week's College Visits in the Guidance Office
Juniors and Seniors may attend these visits. Students must sign up for all visits in SCOIR and obtain permission from their teacher.
Tuesday 9/12: Dominican University-8th Period, University of Texas-Austin (Virtual)-10th Period
Wednesday 9/13: St. Louis University-1st Period, University of Cincinnati-8th Period, Florida Gulf Coast University (Virtual)-9th Period, Xavier University-10th Period
Thursday 9/14: University of Missouri-Columbia-3rd Period, College of St. Benedict/St. John's University-10th Period
Freshman Physicals/Senior Meningococcal Boosters Due
The deadline is rapidly approaching for Freshmen Certificate of Child Health Examination forms and Senior proof of meningococcal booster vaccines. These are both due in the office by Friday, October 13, 2023. Please contact Mrs. Johnson at kjohnson@marian.com with questions.
Fine Arts Boosters - All Are Welcome
Concession Help Needed
There are still spots available where help is needed to keep the concession stand running. Please considering signing up to help out. Thank you.
Homecoming Dance
Tickets are $15 each and can be purchased during lunches through Tuesday, September 12th.
If a student would like to bring a guest from another school, a Date Request Form must be completed, signed by the Guest's school and turned in at the time of ticket purchase.
Homecoming Dress Down Themes
Parents Association
It takes many hands behinds the scenes to make every school event a success, so our students have the best possible experience! We appreciate your willingness to help make that possible. We are looking for help with the following events: Homecoming, Teacher Conference Dinner, Winter Formal, Catholic Schools Week, and Prom. Each event will have a small committee to help with the planning needs. Sign up to help here! We look forward to a successful school year and can't wait to make wonderful things happen at Marian Central with your help!