LMHS Updates
for parents and families ... April 13, 2023

Spring Vacation
Next week is spring vacation -- Monday, April 17 through Friday, April 21. Please note that the school office will have limited hours during vacation week; please call ahead or email if you need something. We hope that all of our students, families and staff members have a relaxing and safe vacation. Recharge those batteries for the final 8 weeks of the school year -- only six weeks for seniors (five weeks of classes plus Senior Week)!
Today's Career Fair
Today LMHS held our annual Career Fair. Over fifty local and regional employers and other organizations were represented -- you can see the details by downloading this document. After the fair, the members of our junior class participated in mock employment interviews with some of the employers. To prepare, the juniors (pictured below) developed their resumes and other materials typically needed for a job application and interview. Thanks to the Lee Youth Association for continuing to organize this annual event for our students!
Cell Phones
After we return from spring vacation, the LMHS faculty will be making a concerted effort to enforce the cell phone protocols as written in our Handbook for Students and Families. You can review our cell phone rules by clicking on this link for the Handbook - and then going to page 40. But to summarize:
- Cell phones should not be seen or heard during class time, unless for a specific purpose permitted by the teacher. Each classroom has a cell phone "parking lot" where phones can be deposited by students at the start of class or after a warning.
- A first violation of this rule in a classroom will result in the teacher confiscating the phone until the end of the class period.
- A second violation in a classroom will result in the teacher confiscating the phone and turning it over to the Dean of Students; the student will get the phone back at the end of the day.
- A third violation in any classroom will result in the phone being confiscated, turned over to the Dean of Students, and held until a parent/guardian picks the phone up from the office.
A failure to turn a phone over to the teacher will result in the student being sent to the office for a meeting with the Dean of Students, and further disciplinary actions will result.
While no one enjoys confrontation, we firmly believe that the use of cell phones in school has gotten way out of hand at the present time to the detriment of the learning process. In that vein, the faculty is recommitting itself to enforcing these existing rules, which follow the school's behavioral expectations -- that all members of the LMHS school community will be
Community-minded, and
Please contact Principal Gregg Brighenti with any comments or concerns.