Schultz's Super Stars
Room 205
We talked about the letters Jj & Nn this week. We also talked about how wind pushes things like clouds, leaves, and even our hair. We have been creating name turkeys and discussing what it means to be thankful.
Our Thanksgiving party is coming up next week(11/17 from 10-1045). We have been counting down the school days and the kids are starting to get very excited for a whole week off of school. 2 guests are allowed per student, please RSVP to the front office to make sure you are able to attend. We also have parent/teacher conferences coming up. They are due in by December 1st. I know a lot of you work during the day and it is hard to schedule conferences. If you are coming to the Thanksgiving party let me know so I can have paperwork ready for you to take with you that day. That way we wont have to schedule an extra meeting. Greatly appreciated!
We have a student that is bringing cupcakes for the Thanksgiving party. If you would like to bring anything else let me know :) Everything has to be prepackaged/sealed (veggie/fruit tray, chips, fruit snacks, dessert cakes, etc) We will have 17 students.
* Also, as the weather gets cooler, don't forget to send in warmer extra clothes. I will be putting the "summer" clothes in their backpacks
Dates to Remember
11/16- Classroom Mom & Dads 10 am @Head Start with Ms Ellis
11/17- Thanksgiving Party (10-1045 am)
11/18-Sophia turns 4!
11/20-24- Thanksgiving Break- No School
11/26- Kason turns 4!
11/28- FISH night @445pm Givens cafeteria (located in between Head Start and Givens)
11/29- MOMS MATTER 10 am @ Federal Programs
11/30- Holiday wreaths 9 am @ Head Start