Husky News
June 5th, 2022
Our 5th graders and our 4th/5th grade choir put on a fabulous show last Thursday night at the PAC. A huge THANK YOU to Mrs. Chittick for all her hard work and dedication to making this performance happen. It was a night to remember!
The Week Ahead...
Friday- Husky Hustle! Wear comfortable clothes and shoes!!
MLE Flower Basket Pickup-Wednesday, June 8th
For those who participated in the spring flower basket fundraiser- it’s almost time to pick up your flower basket orders!
Please mark your calendars for:
Wednesday June 8th between 2:30pm and 5:30pm
In an effort to avoid congestion at pickup times, we are suggesting the following timeline to swing by (first letter of last name):
2:30 to 3:30pm: O - Z (please note dismissal happens at 3:10 and you might want to avoid the 15 minutes after)
3:30 to 4:30pm: J - N
4:30 to 5:30pm: A - I
Baskets will be located in the grass behind the playground (loop between Sumner Middle School and Maple Lawn).
Thank you for participating in this fundraiser and supporting Maple Lawn!
We appreciate your family!!
June Character Trait of the Month
Quote of the week
Free lunch throughout the summer at Daffodil Valley Elementary
The District is offering free hot lunch for all children 18 years and younger throughout the summer at Daffodil Valley Elementary. Unlike the past couple of years of curbside grab-and-go bagged meals, we will now serve hot lunches to be enjoyed inside the school building.
Here are the details:
- June 27-Aug. 19, Monday-Friday
- 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
- Daffodil Valley Elementary (1509 Valley Ave., in Sumner)
- No applications required
- No meal service Monday, July 4 due to Independence Day holiday
For more information, please call the District’s Child Nutrition Services at (253) 891-6450.
Key Dates
Negotiated between the Sumner Education Association and the District, our school calendars are planned far in advance. Here are links to key dates that outline holidays, school board meetings and other events.
Maple Lawn Elementary
Location: 230 Wood Avenue, Sumner, WA, USA
Phone: (253) 891-4400
Twitter: @MLE_Huskies