Norton Creek Elementary
Friday Tidbits - September 15th, 2023
Kindergarten thru 5th Grades-
Students can be dropped off at 7:45am for the school day. If you arrive before that time please keep your child with you until 7:45 as there is no supervision outside until then.
Our school office is open from 7:30am until 4:00pm on school days.
9/18/2023- Learning and Teaching Committee Meeting/Haines 5:30pm
9/20/2023- DPTO Meeting 9:30am
9/25/2023- Business Services Meeting/Haines 5:30pm
9/27/2023- Elementary Early Release Day/Dismissal at 2:10pm
Please mark these dates on your calendars-
Early Release Days for Elementary school this year(dismissal is at 2:10) are September 27th, October 25th, November 29th, January 24th, February 21st, March 20th, and April 24th.
From The Principal Tony White......
When we talk about academic achievement, our target is no less than proficiency in grade level standards. The sky is the limit for each of our Eagles, and there are many ways to get up in the air (Boy, lots of interesting analogies and sayings today!). We want each of our Eagles to know we believe in them, want to encourage them to believe in themselves, and in turn take that motivation and encouragement and parlay that into success. Elementary school is hard - way harder than it was for us as kids. Kindergartners are expected to write three sentence paragraphs by the end of the school year. When we were in kindergarten, we had nap time! Third, fourth, and fifth graders are expected to write essays based on their synthesis of multiple texts - in one sitting. Our third, fourth, and fifth grade experiences did not reflect that level of rigor. The standards have led to more complex, rigorous learning experiences, and we believe that with the proper instruction and a warm, caring environment, each of our students can achieve them. After all, the standard is the standard.
From a social and emotional standpoint, we want our Eagles to achieve success as well. From something seemingly as simple as waiting your turn (which can sure be hard for many people of all ages) to learning to be happy for someone else's success to managing your feelings of disappointment in a setback, these are skills children must master to become healthy, successful adults. This is an area where I feel we as your elementary school are your partners in parenting. It's hard work to do alone as parents (And I say that as a dad of three with an amazing wife!), so we want to pull up a chair right alongside you and let you know we're on this journey together.
There are a lot of layers to this core value of achievement. It does not refer to qualifying for AT Math or ELA. It also is not competitive. It's not about having a feeling of achieving "more" than someone else, but about achieving more than you ever thought you could.
Have a wonderful weekend celebrating all of the achievements of your Eagle and making memories with your favorite people, Norton Creek! Enjoy the beautiful weather!
Can you spare some change?
The annual St. Charles Community Kick-A-Thon, which is a collaborative fundraising event between the Dance Teams from St. Charles East and St. Charles North High Schools, unites our community with a fun and impactful event that promotes wellness, camaraderie, and charitable giving.
Over the last 30 years, this event has united the St. Charles community through the art of dance while making a positive difference in the lives of those in need by raising over $1.5 Million for local charities. By combining our collective strengths, resilience, and compassion, we continue to create a lasting impact that fosters a stronger and more connected St. Charles.
90% of all donations will go to our selected charitable organizations and the remaining 10% will be shared amongst our two schools' Dance Teams. The following organizations have been selected as the beneficiaries for Kick-A-Thon 2023, and you can click on their names below for more information:
The Colette A. Miles Foundation "Colette's Crew" (link)
Fox Valley Food for Health (link)
Thank you so much for your support, as we continue our tradition of coming together as a community to benefit these wonderful local organizations.
Come out and watch us "Kick Cancer" at the STCE vs. SCN football game at St. Charles East HS on Friday, September 29th!
-Important Dates-
Restaurant Night: Wed. 9/20 at Chipotle on Main Street in St. Charles
Food Truck Night at East: Tue. 9/26
Food Truck Night at North: Thu. 9/28
Kick-A-Thon: Fri. 9/29 at St. Charles East HS
If you would like to be listed as a Corporate Sponsor for Kick-A-Thon 2023, please review the information below and submit the RSVP Form after making your donation.
Corporate Sponsor Letter (link)
Corporate Sponsor RSVP Form (link)
Corporate Sponsorship Tiers
- Gold Sponsor: $250-$999
- Platinum Sponsor: $1,000+
Email KAT2023sponsors@gmail.com with any questions or concerns. Or reach out to Dena in the main office at Norton Creek.
From the Nurse
Illinois State Code requires that all Kindergarten and students new to Illinois submit a vision exam by October 15, 2023. If you have not already submitted your student's eye exam, please send the completed form to school with your student (in an envelope, labeled "Attn: Nurse") or forms can be submitted via email to karen.lombardo@d303.org. Blank vision forms can be accessed on the district website under the Health Services tab. If you have any questions, please reach out to our nurse, Karen Lombardo at 331-228-2704 or karen.lombardo@d303.org.
Parent Education Sessions
District 303 is pleased to present its lineup of Parent Education sessions for the 2023-2024 school year.
The Parent Education series (formerly Parent University) includes informational meetings and workshops intended to empower parents and guardians to support their children’s academic, social and emotional needs. Become informed on specialized topics, engage in two-way dialogue with speakers and fellow parents, and become a support resource for others.
Sessions for this school year will focus on bullying prevention, addressing anxiety, and include film screenings and discussions about the impact of screen time and cultural awareness. The schedule also includes college preparation workshops hosted by our high schools. Sessions were selected based in part on feedback from District 303 parents.
Explore the full lineup of sessions here. Signup forms for each session will be made available closer to the session dates. New this year, you can also register for Parent Education notifications and receive alerts as new information and session recaps become available.
Picture Retake Day
Note: We are still waiting on pictures to arrive as soon as they do they will be sent home. If you ordered a package, your child will bring it home. If you did not order a package, your child will bring home a proof card with instructions on how to order.
Hello Norton Creek Families!
In art class, our students upload a photo of their work onto Artsonia, the world’s largest online student art museum. It's a free, safe, educational program designed to connect parents and families with their child's creative activities at school. Many of you are familiar with Artsonia because we have used it in the past.
Founded over 15 years ago, Artsonia has been recognized with the national distinguished
service award for outstanding contribution to the arts by the National Art Education Association, as well as the distinguished service award by the state art associations in New Jersey, Illinois, Michigan and Colorado.
Families in Kindergarten and those new to Norton Creek, please check your email for an invitation from Artsonia If you would like to grant permission for your child to join our exciting school art gallery or click on the link and enter your child's name and grade, along with an email address: https://www.artsonia.com/connect/J6SC62KW
We participate only for the digital gallery and it is not necessary to purchase anything that Artsonia offers. Thank you for your support! If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at Joyce.Simkus@d303.org.
Parent Volunteers
5th Grade Choir!
5th Grade Choir!
Dear Families of 5th Grade Students!
It’s time for 5th Grade Choir! This ensemble will run in a similar fashion as the current Elementary Band and Orchestra programs with a weekly before school rehearsal, but will NOT conflict with current band and orchestra rehearsals. The choir program will run from late September through May, with our first rehearsal being Friday, September 29th! Please register by September 15th!
DATE/TIME: Choir will meet on Friday mornings at Norton Elementary School from 7:15-8:00 a.m. Parents/guardians are responsible for dropping their choir student(s) off at Norton Creek no earlier than 7:10 a.m. Rehearsal location will be the MUSIC ROOM!
FEE: This year for the first time, all 5th Grade Ensembles are running on a tiered fee system as follows:
Participation in…
1 ensemble=$50
2 ensembles=$75
3 ensembles=$100
All fees will be paid in Pushcoin on Home Access Center. If your student is only participating in choir, the payment can be made by selecting choir on the drop down menu under Elementary Ensembles. If your child is in band and/or orchestra, and you have already paid for those ensembles, you will receive a bill for $25 to cover the remaining choir cost once you register them for choir.
UNIFORM: Students will also be asked to purchase a choir uniform t-shirt later in the year! All singers will be required to wear this uniform t-shirt for all performances and can certainly wear them to school to show their choir pride!
CONCERTS: Performance dates are yet to be determined this school year!
The goal of the 5th grade elementary choir program is to offer a formal choral music opportunity to our young students and to enrich their musical experience while preparing for middle and high school vocal music possibilities. We will work on ensemble practice, team building, vocal technique, vocal health, unison and part-singing, all through a rich variety of vocal music repertoire. I look forward to this adventure and hope your student will be a part of this wonderful experience!
If you would like to register your student for 5th Grade Choir, please click the link below:
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to email me!
Mrs. Beetstra
Norton Elementary K-5 General Music Teacher
Norton Creek Choir Director
SCN Football
D303 Community,
St. Charles North is looking forward to our second home football game of the season this Friday vs. Batavia! The sophomore game starts at 4:30pm followed by the varsity at 7:00pm. This Friday our school community is going GOLD in support of Cal's Angels, a local non-profit organization raising money and awareness for Pediatric Cancer research.
In order to maintain a safe and enjoyable atmosphere for all of our spectators in attendance please take a moment to review some important reminders regarding the game:
-Gates will open at 3:45 pm.
-Tailgating is not permitted.
-No backpacks, bags or outside food or beverages are allowed. Bags no larger than 8x6 are acceptable. All bags are subject to search.
-All students under high school age must be supervised by a parent or guardian inside the stadium.
-No re-entry into the stadium is allowed.
-Use of profanity, taunting, including racial remarks of any kind, throwing objects, and possessing objects that block the view of other spectators are PROHIBITED.
Tickets will be sold at the gate. Prices are as follows:
-General Admission-$5.00
-Students & Seniors 65+-$2.00
-Visitors w/Student ID-$2.00
-D303 MS/HS Students and Staff w/ID-FREE
Please contact our athletic office at 331-228-6258 with any questions related to this event.
Come out and support our North Stars this Friday Night!
St. Charles Aquatics
Friendly Reminders From the school office...
A few reminders to keep the school year going.....
How do I contact the nurse?
Please email the nurse at karen.lombardo@d303.org or call 331-228-2704.
How do I contact the office or nurse via email?
Please email the office at nor-office@d303.org
What time can my student arrive to school?
We open the doors at 7:45am for student arrival every morning. Students should not be dropped off before that time as there is no supervision for students. If you arrive before drop off time please keep your child in your car until the appropriate time.
Arriving Late To School-
If your child is arriving after 8:00am please walk them into the school and sign them in. Please also notify the attendance line if you plan to arrive to school after 8:30am.
How do I report an absence?.
Absences should be called in by 7:45 AM if your child will be absent for any portion of the day. The number is 331-228-2700 and has voicemail. You can call during the evening or overnight and leave a message. Please leave your child’s name and the reason why your child is out. If they are ill, please indicate their symptoms.
Even if you notify your child's teacher of an absence via email, we ask that you please still notify the office at nor-office@d303.org for attendance purposes. Please note that if your child is sick, they should be fever free and have no vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school. Of course, you can always email the teacher as well, but you need to formally notify the school of any student absence.
Is your child leaving school early?
Also, if you will be picking up your child early or taking your child out for an appointment, please let our front office know as early in the day as possible by calling the main number at 331-228-2700 or email at nor-office@d303.org. This can be very helpful should a pick-up time be when the child is in specials or at lunch. Kids can be indoors as well as outdoors depending on their schedule and it can take a few extra minutes to locate and get the child down to the office for an early pickup if they are not in their classroom.
Does your child need a prearranged absence?
Students must apply for the privilege of using prearranged absence days through the principal’s office.
This completed form must be turned in at least (2) school days prior to the requested absence to the main office.
The building principal or designee has the authority to grant up to (5) days of excused absence per year
for the following types of absences:
Participation in regional and/or national contests or awards
Family vacation—qualified by the phrase “accompanied by parent”
Special religious events
Please see attached form below or visit the district website at www.d303.org under the FORMS section.
What if my child has a change in dismissal/transportation?
Please let the school know as early as possible if there is a occasional change to your child dismissal by emailing nor-office@d303.org and your child's teacher or call the office directly at 331-228-2701. If it is after 2pm please call the office directly so that we can ensure your child gets the notification of changes. Dismissal time can be very hectic and to help ensure a smooth dismissal, getting any transportation changes for students early is very helpful. Simply call the school office or email at nor-office@d303.org and let them know.
What if my child forgot an item at home?
If your child has forgotten an item at home and it is needed for that day please email the classroom teacher to notify them that you will be dropping an item off. Bring the item labeled with the name and teacher to the office and place the item in the bookcase by the front window.
What is my child lost/misplaced an item at school?
Please ask your child to check the lost and found table. You can also email the classroom teacher to let her know that your student is looking for an item. They will allow time for them to check the table in the Community Room.
Note: Save our school number in your contacts. Norton Creek Elementary: (331) 228-2700.
1st Grade: 11:00-11:20
4th Grade: 11:20-11:40
RISE Students: 11:40-12:00
Kindergarten: 11:40-12:00
2nd Grade: 12:00-12:20
3rd Grade: 12:20-12:40
5th Grade: 12:40-1:00
If your student forgets their lunch please email the classroom teacher and drop off at the main office. Please label with the students full name.