RST 104 Guide
Villa Maria College Library
Books on Reserve
These items cannot be removed from the library. Speak to a librarian to access items on reserve.
- The Bible: The New King James Version
- Find it Fast in the Bible: The Ultimate A to Z Resource
- Harper's Bible Commentary (two copies)
- Harper's Bible Dictionary
- I Never Knew That Was in the Bible
- Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling
- The Student Guide to Bible People
- The Student's A to Z Guide to Bible Application
- What does the Bible Say About: The Ultimate A to Z Resource
- Who's Who in the Bible
Reference Books
Search for Books, eBooks, Print Journals and DVDs
Books in the standard collection may be borrowed for three weeks. Books placed on reserve by your professor will have a shorter loan period. Books not available from the library can be borrowed through AcademicSHARE or Interlibrary Loan (ILL). Contact the library for help. To find items held by Villa and other libraries, try WorldCat.
Don't forget your Villa Maria College ID card to check out books!
Online Resources
Assignment-Specific Online Resources
Wabash Center: Religion on the Web
The Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion provides an annotated guide offering electronic resources on a wide variety of topics dealing with religion, ethics and philosophy. Don't miss the Bible Online Reference Works.
The complete list of databases available can be found on our website.
Articles not available in full text can be requested through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). Contact the library for help with ILL.
Off-campus access to most online databases requires a username and password. Drop by the library to get this information.
Smitty Abel-Smith
Email: sabelsmith@villa.edu
Website: http://www.villa.edu/academics/library/
Location: 240 Pine Ridge Road, Buffalo, NY 14225
Phone: (716) 961-1864