Vol 92. No1 - 2020
KAHPERD Secretary - Brenda Sharp
Click on the link below to hear an inspiring message from your Secretary of KAHPERD.
March 27, 2020
President's Message
Click on the Violet Button to read the KAHPERD President's message. "It is Time to Make use of Technology"
KAHPERD Professional Development Workshop
Please click on the Violet Button to gather information about the workshop and complete a survey on what you would like to see discussed in the workshop. COLLEGE CREDIT is available through WASHBURN UNIVERSITY
KSDE Summer Workshop for Physical Educators
Please click on the Violet button to receive information about a summer workshop.
National Convention Canceled in Salt Lake City
Please click on the Violet button to review the updates on the cancelation of the National Convention.
Speak Out Day!!!!
Click on the Violet Button to read the "Speak Out Day" article.
KAHPERD is Turning 100 and you are invited
KAHPERD is turning 100 - Mark your Calendars for Oct 28-30 in Lawrence Kansas - Convention Click on the Violet button for a convention update.
Nominate a Professional For a KAHPERD State Award
Click on the Violet Button to view the nomination information
L.P. Washburn - An early leader of KAHPERD
Please click on the Violet button to read an article about L.P. Washburn.
Please click on the Violet Button to read an article about the Move to Give program.
Grant Recipient - Tara Yost - Recess Re-Vamp Project
My Movie
Grant Recipient - Teri Lund - Mathematics in motion
KAHPERD Member Grant Mathematics in Motion
Mathematics in Motion Article by Teri Lund
Please click on the Violet button to read an article about Mathematics in Motion.
OPEN - Active Home
Please click on the Violet button to view OPEN'S active home link.
OPEN - National Field Day
Please click on the Violet button to view OPEN'S National Field Day.
2020 Shape Recognition Awards
Please click on the Violet button to review the 2020 Shape American Recognition awards written by Gorman, Hardy, Grimes and Ball
A Multi-perspective Reflection
Please click on the Violet button to read the article "Teacher education Preparation Program - A Multi-Perspectiive Reflection"
Collegiate Athletes’ Psychological resilience .....
Please Click the Violet button to read the article "Collegiate athletes’ psychological resilience and Their Rehabilitation Beliefs, Effectiveness, and Adherence.”
PE Kansas - For all your lesson plan needs.
Take a moment and check out this site. (click the violet button to visit the site)
Resources from Shape America - Covid -19
Please click on the Violet button to find helpful resources about Covid-19
Inspiration video - How am I living
Please click on the Violet button to hear an inspirational video.