Keewaydin Chronicle
Spreading News, Pics, Poems, and Love from Lake Keewaydin
Thank You , Department of Transportation
A big shout out to Paul Merrill and everyone at the D.O.T. for completing the culvert job in record time (3 days!). The guys worked overtime on the last day to get the job done and open the road. We are grateful.
In Case You Miss the Shortcut Here is a Nice Overview by Eric Belcher
The Road is Officially open as of 5 PM
Finishing Touches
Day 2 photos by Cheryl Barker (We’ve Got Pipe)
May 2023
Subscribe to the KC
Light at the End of the Culvert
Height: One Cheryl Barker
The Road to Norway: New Culvert Ready to Install
Lastest Culvert update: Monday is start day. Road should be open by the weekend, at the latest.
How We Feel
New Signage by Slab City Road : photo by Cheryl Barker
Maybe East Stoneham could keep this and use it in the future as a do not disturb sign?😂
What We Thought it Said Before
How Elon Musk Might Solve the Problem by Reishi
Dogs need not apply. Sorry , Reishi.
Osprey by Ralph Fletcher
fletcher17@earthlink.net for prints
AJ’s Needs Our Love and Support
In the early hours of Monday morning, thieves broke into AJs and stole stuff. The investigation is ongoing so we will keep you posted on the results. Now is the time for us to lend our support to Tim Bushey, the new owner. Apart from the loss of money, robberies create a sad feeling of betrayal. For a moment it can seem that all people are bad, instead of just a few bad apples who make it hard for everyone else. Our community is so much better than that. If you see Tim, let him know how sorry you are this happened and ask what we can do to help. Beyond that, let’s all go to AJ’S and help the business grow.
May 24th Tribute to Eva Mireles
May 24th is the one year anniverary of the Uvalde school shooting that left 19 children and 2 teachers dead. But teachers especially don’t die because their lessons live on in the hearts and minds of their students. I made this 14 minute video about Eva Mirales, a remarkable teacher who was loved and respected by all who knew her. Listen to what her colleagues say about her and notice how she comes alive.
Virginia Falls, May 4: Video by Lee Attix
When you open the link above, click on incidents to get the latest road closure news. Thanks to Internet sleuth, Arch Owen for finding this.
A Tale of Two Culverts: Photos by Cheryl Barker
Crooked River Campground, May 2, 2023
4 inches of rain and counting.
Lost Beaches by Rod Rovzar
Dam Deluge by Cheryl Barker
Watch this Video to the End and You will Find there is no End
Follow Hut road to the end and you find the beginning: Great Brook, brimming with spring water.
Poetry from Keewaydin’s Own, Lucia Owen
To read 4 poems by Keewaydin Poet Laureate, Lucia Owen, published in in the Maine Journal of Conservation and Sustainability, click on the link above.
Lucia Owen
Fifield’s Have a Late Night Visitor: Time to bring in Bird Feeders
Moose Curtis Spotted in the Wild Near Great Brook
Marilyn Remembers
Life on the Farm by Marilyn Jones
90 year old Marilyn Jones is a living treasure. Here she remembers life on the farm from the 1930’s. This video is 20 minutes long but by the end you will see country life of the 1930’s in Stoneham through the eyes of a little girl.
Virginia Lake: Photos by Lee Attix
Ice from Lake Keewaydin featured in CT Art Show
If you miss Keewaydin ice you can drive to Sharon CT and see a nice block of it at Eric Aho’s show at the Ice House Project, May 13, 2023, from 4-6 pm.
People on 4 continents read the Keewaydin Chronicle
Young and Old Attend Earth Day Celebration in Waterford
More Upcoming Events at Wilkin’s House
A New Pond. : photo by Cheryl Barker
Power to the People
If you spend time online you have probably seen many ads against Pine Tree Power paid for by Central Maine Power and its Spanish parent company Avangrid. The ads say that if the politicians take control of our power the bills will go up. To truly understand this issue we need to understand the difference between a public utility and privately owned power company. Click on the link below to find out more about what Pine Tree Power could do for Maine. In a year when our electric bills have gone up 40% it is important to understand where that extra money is going and who controls the future of power in our state. It is impossible to have an informed debate when you only hear one side of the argument. To this end , the Keewaydin Chronicle hopes to supply you with more information. Below, Waterford’s own, Ted Coburn, describes the reason for a publicly owned power company and how it could change our lives.
Rest in Peace Harry
URGENT: Take This Test So We Can Access Grant Money for Better Internet
The Maine Connectivity Authority is developing a statewide Broadband Action Plan for Maine. The plan will identify priorities for investment in broadband infrastructure and digital equity to advance our goal of ensuring that everyone in Maine can benefit from access to affordable, reliable, high-speed internet.
To develop that plan, we are collecting feedback from Maine people, communities, businesses, and organizations to identify areas of need and their priorities for this generational investment in high-speed internet access. Please take the Maine Broadband Survey!
Plant Sale May 28th, Fryeburg Fairgrounds
Adam and Andrea Helm in Bruges, Belgium: “A Fairy Tale Land.”
The Chronicle’s European correspondents Andrea and Adam are now in Belgium. We look forward to more dispatches from them as they work their way through this fairy land south to Italy.
Jardin de Hotel d’Sully, Paris , France
Arona , Italy
We’re now in Portofino along the coast! We’re staying in a gorgeous rustic hostel in the mountains with distant views of the Mediterranean. Today we hiked 5 miles through the hills along paths traveled by monks 800 years ago 🤯
Lovell Food Bank OPEN
It is open the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at 2081 Main Street, North Lovell (Lion's Club building) from 10-noon. Anyone can come to pick up food, pet food and dry goods to supplement their needs.
Buy Old Stoneham Note Cards to Support Historical Society
You can purchase these beauties at the Town Clerk’s Office for $18. Make great Christmas presents.
Seal of Approval
photo Ralph Fletcher fletcher17@earthlink.net for prints
Join FOLK: The Friends of Lake Keewaydin
The Keewaydin Chronicle is Your News
Text or email news stories, photos, poetry, video links
Email: barrylane55@icloud.com
Phone: 802-345-9193
order to go at AJ’S. 928-2454
Real Estate. 207-576-6908
$4.00 a dozen Eggs at 619 Maine Street
Support Stoneham Rescue and Save Money too!
If you are 65 or older, subscribe to Stoneham Rescue and save lots of money if you end up using the ambulance service this year.
If you are single, send check for $35 to the address below. If you are a couple, send $55. You are also welcome to send more money as a charitable donation.