Busy Bee News
Week of 5.4.20
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Classroom Items
Please plan to come through the rear carpool line (ASP entrance). Please place a sign in the upper left corner of your car's windshield with your child's grade, teacher and name. (See sample photos.) Our staff will hand you the items through your window and you will not even need to leave the safety of your car!!
Make sure to come only during the first grade time. If you have multiple children, you will have to come multiple times during the day to pick up items. My apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
I will NOT be in the same classroom next year. If you choose to not pick up your stuff, It will be in a bucket outside my new classroom door on the kindergarten hall once we return to school in the fall.
Teasley "Some Good News" show on Facebook
Coach Homansky and Senora Vega created the Teasley "Some Good News" show. The first episode will be posted on our Facebook page and we will post a new episode every Monday. We will also post Good News videos throughout the week!
We would love for all of our Teasley families to be a part of this. To participate, please record a short video telling us about something good you saw. Kindness, compassion, creativity, you name it! We would love to hear stories about community helpers you see too. Maybe you want to make something for your mail carrier or to leave treats on your porch for the delivery person? Plus healthcare workers of course! Or it might be something you that happend 3 weeks ago.
Families and staff can share their stories by emailing videos to teasleygoodnews@gmail.com. If someone feels shy, you can just take a picture and email it with the story!
Thank you for everything you do!
Netflix and YouTube
YouTube also has a bunch of learning videos. The alphablocks and get squiggling are two that my littles love. :)
Please let me know if you need anything. :0)
ABC Countdown
If our class were in the school building, we would have an ABC Countdown up to the last day of school. It is absolutely optional. Have fun with it!
Some information for the following weeks:
- Please be sure that your child is logging on to Seesaw Monday-Thursday. Friday is a catch up day. We will be taking grades on SeeSaw activities, so I encourage you to keep up with them as much as possible.
- Please work on Dreambox, Raz Kids, and Headsprouts daily.
- Zoom will be on Tuesdays and Fridays @ 10:00 am until further notice. We are using every precaution to keep the meetings private. Your passwords and direct links will be sent through DOJO and SEESAW. If you have not yet connected PLEASE do! Thank you!
- On zoom please NAME your ipad or laptop. Some have generic names such as "ipad" and I will not let you in the meeting if you do not identify yourself. Thank you!
This is where you can find quick access to seesaw, dreambox, and freckle.
To login use your Office 365 login: firstname.lastname@students.cobbk12.org
password: read
password: read
It changed again!!!! Your student's name is their class # For example: First name: 8. Last Name: Gabby
There is SO much amazing information on there!!