Distance Education Newsletter
Kapi‘olani Community College | February 1, 2019
Welcome to February!
Adobe Pro Is Available to YOU
MySuccess Early Alert for Faculty
Tutor.com Has Replaced Brainfuse! Please Update Your Syllabi
Laulima Updates
In addition to a full version upgrade during the winter break, the UH ITS is now planning monthly updates/patches to Laulima. The most recent update on Jan 20th, 2019 fixed the Chatroom refresh issue and also brought back emoticons in the Rich Text Editor. See Laulima 12 Updates and New Features for other improvements in Laulima 12.5. If you run into any Laulima issues, please submit your request to ITS via the Request Assistance form.
Laulima Tips
Thinking about embedding a Youtube video into your Forums/Assignments/Overview tool? Watch a quick video tip from TOPP: Embedding Videos in Laulima Forums.
To embed an image in Laulima Forums, students must first upload it to their own Workspace (Home). Watch How to Insert Image or Video in Laulima Forums (for Students).
Upcoming Workshops
CELTT is pleased to announce that a series of interactive workshops will be offered for each month in Spring 2019.
February Workshops
F2F | ProctorU
- Tuesday 2/5 at 1:30 - 2:30 pm in Lama 118
- Wednesday 2/6 at 9:30 - 10:30 am in Lama 118
SPOTLIGHT: Online Teaching | Gamification
- Friday 2/15 at 1:00 -2:00 pm in Lama 118
March Workshops
F2F | Accessibility (Microsoft + PowerPoint)
- Tuesday 3/5 at 2:30 - 4:00 pm in Lama 116
- Wednesday 3/6 at 10:30 am - 12:00 noon in Lama 116
SPOTLIGHT: Online Teaching | Maximizing the Effectiveness of Discussion Forums
- Friday 3/15 at 1:00 - 2:00 pm in Lama 118
April Workshops
F2F | Fostering Community in Online Courses
- Friday 4/5 at 1:00 - 2:30 pm in Lama 116
SPOTLIGHT: Online Teaching | Group Projects Online
- Friday 4/26 at 1:00 - 2:00 pm in Lama 118
Reminders will be posted through Kapi'olani News and Events. Our goal is to provide opportunities in a variety of workshop topics to anyone who may be interested in learning, collaborating, and/or growing their skills.
If you have any questions about our Workshop Series or would like to suggest a topic, please reach out to celtt@hawaii.edu.
We are looking forward to seeing you.
Know Where to Go!
There are various resources for technology-related support. Knowing who to contact and how will ensure the best and most efficient resolution to your issue!
Please note that the appropriate contact for technical support for Laulima is the Help Desk - they are the only ones with full access to the back end of Laulima and the only source of support that is staffed and available 24/7, including holidays.
Get the printable Quick Reference
Information Technology Services Help Desk
Any and all technical issues, including those with Laulima.
24 hrs a day / 7 days a week
Includes holidays
Email: help@hawaii.edu
Phone: (808) 956-8883
Click Request Assistance at the bottom of any Laulima page
Instructional Design Support Group
(re)Design of online learning activities; selecting, aligning, or learning technologies for teaching and learning; related professional development.
M-F, 8am - 5pm
Submit a ticket via Resolve (resolve.kapiolani.hawaii.edu)
Contact Instructional Designers individually
Software, hardware, website requests
M-F, 7:45am - 4:30pm
Submit a ticket via Resolve (resolve.kapiolani.hawaii.edu)
Accessibility and ADA compliance, including expert assistance with making your documents accessible
M-F, 8:00am - 4:30pm
Visit hawaii.edu/access for resources
Email: itsada@hawaii.edu
DE Course Comments Form
Let’s make sure our students have the information they need to make informed decisions about what online classes to take. We have revamped the DE Course Comments Form, and it is now SO EASY to fill out! On the back end, an automatic comment is generated based on teachers’ responses, so all your department’s Banner-inputter has to do is cut and paste. If you’re teaching online in Summer 2019, you should have received the form earlier this week; if not, or if you’d like it resent, please contact Leigh (ldooley@hawaii.edu). Please note: filling out the form is OPTIONAL; default course comment language will be used if you choose not to fill it out (such as: “This class may require one or more proctored exams”).
Refresh! 2019
Refresh ‘19 was a great success! Mahalo to all who attended, presented, coordinated and otherwise supported this event!
Missed a session or just want to revisit a resource? Find them here: Refresh '19 Resources
FS DE Committee Updates
Last semester the DE committee submitted an action request to Faculty Senate regarding a policy to address semester start and end dates. The resolution states that a motion was made in response to the action request (#1819012), that a policy be initiated by the VCAA that reminds faculty, each semester, of the following:
no activities or assignments, even orientation related, extra credit or those without any impact on student grades, should be due before the official start date of the class;
no classes should end before the official end date of the class; and
final examinations are to take place during the institution specified final exam dates and times.
The Chancellor approved this resolution and charged the VCAA to include the three items mentioned above as part of the VCAA’s end-of-semester email reminding faculty of their responsibilities to close out the semester. However, this reminder from the VCAA to the instructional faculty is not considered to be a policy and is not subject to the process outlined in K1.100: Policy on Policy Development Process.
What We Are Reading Now
"Giving a Nudge: How Digital Alerts Can Keep Students on Track," EducationDive, January 2019
“Provosts Count More on Online Programs,” Inside Higher Ed, January 2019
“Rethinking State Authorization, Again,” Inside Higher Ed, January 2019
“Teaching Critical Thinking: Some Practical Points,” Faculty Focus, October 2018Contact Us: the DE Folks
Leigh Dooley
ldooley@hawaii.edu, x9703
Nadine Wolff
nwolff@hawaii.edu, x9787
Kelli Nakamura
kellinak@hawaii.edu, x9420
Helen Torigoe
htorigoe@hawaii.edu, x9855
Jamie Sickel
jsickel@hawaii.edu, x9849
Youxin (Yoyo) Zhang
youxin@hawaii.edu, x9822
Melissa Nakamura
mchar@hawaii.edu, x9152
Kristie Malterre
kristies@hawaii.edu, x9344
(on sabbatical Spring 2019)