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Blue Stampede
(LJH Community Outreach)
August Newsletter
Message from Mr. Tielke
It is an absolute honor to get to serve this amazing school community! We have had an amazing start to the school year! Thank you for entrusting us with your most precious resource the children we serve here at Lamar Junior High. Here at Lamar Junior High, it is essential that we work together as a school community.
Below you will find pertinent information with regards to the remainder of the school year and upcoming events. We are extremely excited about this school year and our staff have been very intentional about the experience we want to create for our school community!
Our next large event is our upcoming open house on September 5th. On that date, we will also be hosting a Title 1 Parent Engagement presentation prior to the start of the open house from 6:00 - 6:25 PM.
Please make sure to follow us on social media, and refer to the campus website!
It is a great day to be a Mustang!
Greg Tielke
LJH Principal
LJH Campus Initiatives
Save the Date
Mustang Support Squad
Beginning of the Year Orientation
Beginning of the Year Forms
BOY Forms are a mandatory requirement to be filled out at the start of each school year. These documents are required, and if you need assistance in completing these forms we would be glad to support you (see the information below).
We very much appreciate you taking the time to knock out all the required forms.
All student's families' beginning of-year forms (BOY) must be completed in Skyward.
Contact information such as phone number and email should be updated so that school officials can reach you during an emergency.
You should also include anyone you want to have access to your child during an emergency.
Any questions please contact Mrs. Adams @ 832-223-3204 (nadams@lcisd.org) or
Mrs. Hernandez @ 832-223-3208 (priscilla.hernandez@lcisd.org)
It is extremely important that all of these forms are completed by the end of the week.
Attendance Matters
7th Graders: 403 Students = 99.87% Attendance Rate
8th Graders: 410 Students = 99.85% Attendance Rate
All Students: 813 Students = 99.86%
We will continue to keep a heavy focus on attendance and prioritizing students being in school. Each of you plays a huge role in how we respond. Distinction Designations are further broken down into content areas and achievement. ELA attendance, Math attendance, Science attendance, and Social Studies can be a determining factors on whether a school receives a distinction designation!
Please remember that attendance is also tied to exemptions each semester. Exemption policy and information can be found in the student code of conduct.
Every student, every day, one direction, one purpose!
For questions regarding attendance please reach out to our amazing attendance clerk.
Mrs. Hernandez @ 832-223-3208 (priscilla.hernandez@lcisd.org)
23/24 Student Code of Conduct LJH Assembly
Lamar JH PBIS Matrix
Vape Free Zone
LJH Tardy Policy
First Week of School: We coached students on how to get to their classes.
Second Week of School: We conducted tardy sweeps with warnings to support students.
This Week: Tardy Expectations are in full effect with the expectation of getting to class on time.
Dress Code 23/24 School Year
Cellphone & Headphone Free Campus
SMART Tag & ID Expectations 23-24 School Year
SMART Tag Expectations are in (Full Effect): Monday, August 28
1) SMART Tags are a part of our mandatory dress code!
2) SMART Tags are to be worn at all times by students!
3) SMART Tag Dress Code Checks will occur at the beginning of each day in 1st Period.
4) 1st Period teachers will spot-check all students for having SMART Tags
We understand that there will be times a student forgets their SMART Tag or they have actually lost their SMART Tag and will need a new one printed. (When we print new ones the student will automatically be charged $5.00 as a replacement fee).
These charges will be tied to exemptions and the ability to participate in school reward-based events. Below are the steps a 1st-period teacher will take to ensure this expectation is met.
Step 1: An announcement will be made to prompt the SMART Tag Dress Code Check
Step 2: The 1st-period teacher will scan the room for SMART Tags
Step 3: Identify those that do not have a SMART Tag
Step 4: Identify if they just left it at home or if they have lost their tag and need a new one.
Step 5: If the tag isn't lost (document on a spreadsheet) provide a temporary badge.
- Teachers will be provided temporary badges to write the following
- Students First/Last Name & ID
- The teacher will keep track of temporary distribution, 3 instances w/ incur a referral.
Step 6: If the tag is lost and they need a new one you will submit their name to the form link.
- The teacher will follow Step 5
- The teacher will then fill out the Microsoft Form below so the front office can print
- The front office will print the badge and charge $5.00
Parents, we appreciate your support as we continue to make school safety and security a number one priority!
Student Bus Routing Information
Access Your Student's Bus Route Information (Parent Portal)
Parents can log into the Parent Portal, click Profile, click View Assigned Routes. For questions, you may also contact Rosenberg Dispatch at (832) 223-0289
Lamar JH Dismissal Procedures
If you need to pick your child up from school, it needs to be prior to 4:00 PM. Any time after 4:00 PM, you will need to enter the car pick-up line to follow our dismissal procedures. (notated by arrows on the map)
We dismiss our campus very strategically to ensure that safety and security are upheld.
Walkers are dismissed first, and they are expected to walk on the sidewalk in front of the school and head to the right or left.
We then dismiss our car riders, and car riders are only allowed to be picked up on the circle drive at the designated pick-up location by our gyms. (notated by arrows on the map)
- Students are not allowed to cross the street as this is recognized as a safety risk.
- All car rider students are expected to exit their classroom and head to the gym to be picked up in the designated area. (notated by arrows on the map)
- Students who are car riders are not allowed to exit through the front of the school with walkers.
- Please refrain from parking across the street, all families picking their children up must follow our car pick-up procedures. (notated in pink on the map)
All families picking up their child as a car rider must go through the car rider line and families must pick their children up at the designated location. (notated on the map by the gyms)
Following all our car riders exiting the building, we begin our dismissal of buses.
Below you will find a map to guide you on our dismissal procedures:
LJH Dismissal Process and Procedures Map.png
Thank you for taking the time to review and abide by our procedures.
Administrative Team
AP of Instruction
7th Grade AP
8th Grade AP
Ext: 3210
Admin Secretary
Clarita Cantrell
Ext: 3209
Counselors Corner
Student Support Counselor
Ext: 3217
7th Grade Counselor
Ext: 3206
8th Grade Counselor
Ext: 3228
Instructional Corner
AP of Instruction
Instructional Coach
Instructional Coach
Educational Resources
All Subjects
· PBS Kidshttps://pbskids.org/
· ABCYA - https://www.abcya.com/
· BrainPOP - https://www.brainpop.com/
· Khan Academy - https://www.khanacademy.org/
· Prodigy Math (https://www.prodigygame.com/main-en/)
· GregTang Math (https://tangmath.com/)
· IXL Math (http://ixl.com)
· Study Jams! (Scholastic) - https://studyjams.scholastic.com/
· Desmos (calculator resource) - https://www.desmos.com/calculator
· Math Playground - https://www.mathplayground.com/
· Star Fall (K-3) https://www.starfall.com/h/
· News ELA http://newsela.com
· IXL ELAR (http://ixl.com)
· Study Jams! (Scholastic) - https://studyjams.scholastic.com/
Mustang Athletics
Mustang Athletic Newsletter
Important Update (Students Attending Extracurricular Activities)
23/24 Lamar Junior High Bell Schedule
Parent Community Outreach (Resources)
(School Community) Pro Tips
Offer your children the opportunity to reflect on what they learned daily.
Create opportunities for your children to reflect on how they are doing in school.
Use family access as a tool to monitor/review both grades and attendance with your child.
Don't hesitate to reach out when you need help we are here for you and your children.
Practicing literacy (reading/writing) and numeracy (math) skills
Build digital citizenship by monitoring how and what your children use their tech devices for.
Students receive the daily message of empowerment to do the right thing during tough times.
"If you see something or hear something make sure you say something".
Social Media, Canvas, and Skyward Tips
Mr. Tielke's Daily Announcements
Mobile learning device signs are posted in classrooms, locker rooms, and restrooms to guide students as to when and where they can use their technology.
If you see something or hear something make sure you say something!
It's a great day to be a MUSTANG!
Greg Tielke (Principal of Lamar Junior High)
Email: gtielke@lcisd.org
Website: lcisd.org/campuses/lamarjh/home
Location: 4814 Mustang Avenue, Rosenberg, TX, USA
Phone: 832-223-3200
Twitter: @LJHMustangs