February 11 2024

A leper came to Jesus and kneeling down begged him and said, “If you wish, you can make me clean.” Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand, touched him, and said to him, “I do will it. Be made clean.” Mark 1:40–41
Reflect, today, upon this leper. Try to understand his isolation and loss. Try to understand his humility and faith. And seek to imitate the way that he comes to our Lord. Do not be afraid to humble yourself before God as you acknowledge the sins and other needs you have. Profess your faith in His almighty power and love, and place yourself into His hands of merciful love. He will not let you down.
Most merciful Lord, You desire all of Your children to be healed of the many sins that keep them from communion with You and with Your people. Please give me the faith and trust I need to always be able to humble myself before You so as to receive the restoration to Your grace I so desire. Jesus, I trust in You. https://catholic-daily-reflections.com/
Special Annoucement: Acting Principal Mrs. Damur
Please welcome Mrs. Melissa Damur as the Acting Principal of St. Isidore.
Mrs. Karen Anontiuk, Principal of St. Isidore, has been reassigned to a new school for a few months.
Mrs. Damur knows the running of St. Isidore very well, as she has been here for 3 years. Mrs. Damur knows, staff, students and parents in our community too. We are very confident that she will do excellent work. Please welcome her! Please feel free to contact her as needed. melissad@eics.ab.ca .
EICS Education Assurance Survey Closing Soon
There is slightly more than one week left to contribute your feedback to our 2023-2024 EICS Education Assurance Survey.
Your insight plays a critical role in decision-making as our school and EICS seek to further enhance our Catholic education to students.
Please click here to start the survey.
If you have already filled out the survey, thank you. It's truly appreciated!
Shrove Tuesday, Come in Feb. 13 between 8-8:30 am WEAR PINK
Pancakes will be served up between 8:00 and 8:30 am. Please join our staff and share in a Pancake breakfast. Also, wear PINK, as we are celebrating Valentines day today.
Wear PINK on Tuesday February 13th we are celebrating Valentines one day early.
Ash Wednesday Mass February 14th 1:00 pm at OLPH Parish
PLEASE JOIN THE SILC STAFF and Students @ 1:00 pm on Feb. 14th at OLPH Parish, for an Ash Wednesday Mass. Please do not wear pink, we will celebrate Valentines day on the 13th.
SILC staff will be ushing at this mass. We hope to see you there.
Hello from Mrs. Oikonen!
I hope everyone had a nice long weekend! This week, we will be celebrating Valentine's Day on Tuesday as Wednesday is Ash Wednesday. On Wednesday, I will be livestreaming the Ash Wednesday Mass from OLPH. This is for all grades and will start at 1:00pm. This Friday is PD Day, so there is no school for students.
Here is what we will be doing this week!
Graduation Photos - March 1st Book your photos below
Grad 2024 Portrait Bookings - BOOK NOW!
For our 2024 Graduates...
Come into the Centre for your Graduation Photos .
book ONLY ON MARCH 1 between either 11:00 am - 7 pm.
Please click the link.
Cap and gown & flowers will be at SILC for you at the photo shoot to use.
Are you a Graduating this year & have financial need? Note the event below.
Student Engagement Day
Come on into the Centre from 1 to 3 pm. We will be doing some art! Paint by Numbers and / or Water Colour / activity of Turtle Island. Please RSVP to Katy.parsons@eics.ab.ca. We will have some snacks too.
- February 13 Shrove Tuesday ... please come into the center for pancakes Time to be determined
- February 14 Ash Wednesday 1:00 pm please join SILC and students at OLPH Parish for the Ash Wednesday Mass
- February 15 Grad Committee Meeting
- February 16 No School for Students .... Teacher Faith and Development day
- February 19 No School Family Day
- February 29th Student Engagement Day ... Come it and Paint with us. 1:00 to 3:00 pm
- March 1 --> Graduation Photos 11:00 am to 7 pm
- March 2 --> What is Classical Education PD event at OLPH Parish
- March 14 --> Student Health Day .. more info to come
- June 21 --> Graduation 3:00 pm Mass ... Cermonies to follow.
The SILC Centre Hours
The SILC Classroom (Centre) is open to student drop-in:
Monday - 8:30 - 3:30
Tuesday - 8:30 - 3:30
Wednesday - 8:30 - 3:30
St. Isidore Learning Centre
Want to stay connected?
Follow us on Twitter at: @silc_eics
Facebook: @StIsidoreEICS
Instagram: @silceics
310 Broadview Road
Sherwood Park, AB T8H 1A4
Phone: (780) 449-6463
Principal: Karen Antoniuk
Assistant Principals: Melissa Damur, Chad Starko