Cedar Reader
Cedar Park Middle School - December 4, 2017
Message from the Principal
At the time, going to outdoor school was about getting away from my parents; it was one of the first experiences afforded to "growing up." Now that I look back, it was really about giving us and opportunity to learn how to interact in a safe, but open environment. Kind of like the idea that tests what kids do when no one is watching. Don't get me wrong, the kids are supervised full-time at outdoor school, but they work with camp counselors and have a different experience with each other that a traditional classroom does not allow. It's an experience that cannot be duplicated.
Last year, the PTC wanted all the grade levels to have "an experience," and set aside monies to support it. I worked with the grade-level teachers to come up with some ideas and we settled on two experiences: 8th grade traveled to OSU, toured and campus, and even got to meet the University President, Dr. Edward John Ray; 7th grade had a 3-day engineering experience where they built robots, programmed them, and ran them through competitions. It was a fun, hands on experience that allowed them to work together and realize new skills. The 8th graders got to visualize themselves walking on a college campus and listen to expectation set at post high school institutions.
We are working to bring experiences to each grade this year. These non-traditional learning settings are very important to the social and emotional growth of our students, as well as their academics and skills. Look for information in the next few months about what each grade level will be doing, and please take time to reflect with your student about what he/she learns from it.
Shannon Anderson
Immunizations – Please Read
Exclusion Day – Feb 21st, 2018
All 7th graders must have received a Tdap vaccine within the last couple of years.
Your child’s updated immunization status or exemptions must be completed and returned to the school by December 20th. All students with incomplete vaccine records will be excluded from school starting February 21, 2018.
Letters have been mailed to families of students needing a vaccine.
1) If your child has received the vaccines, turn in the documentation with the dates to the school office.
2) If you want a nonmedical exemption for you child, complete the required education regarding immunizations and return the certificate to Cedar Park. The module can be found at
3) If your child needs a medical exemption, you must provide documentation to the school. The information needed from the doctor is stated on the Certificate of Immunization Status form.
If you have any questions about your child’s immunization status, please call Leslie Redman at Cedar Park at 503-356-2560.
Vacunas- Por favor lea
Día de Exclusión- 21 de febrero de 2018
Todos los estudiantes del grado 7 deben haber recibido una vacuna Tdap en los últimos años.
El estado de Vacunas actualizado de su hijo o las extensiones, deben completarse y devolverse a la escuela antes del 20 de diciembre. Todos los estudiantes con registros incompletos de vacunas serán excluidos de la escuela a partir del 21 de febrero de 2018.
Se enviaron cartas a familias de estudiantes que necesitan una vacuna.
1) Si su hijo recibió las vacunas, entregue la documentación con las fechas a la oficina.
2) Si desea una exención no médica para su hijo, complete la educación requerida con respecto a las vacunas y devuelva el certificado a Cedar Park. El modulo se puede encontrar en
3) Si su hijo necesita una exención médica, debe proporcionar documentación a la escuela. La información necesaria del médico se indica en el formulario del Certificado de estado de inmunización.
Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el estado de inmunización de su hijo, llame a Leslie Redman al 503-356-2560. (Para Español opción 2)
Inclement Weather
2017-18 Beaverton School District Inclement Weather Information
When the weather outside gets inclement, school schedules could be affected. The District generally
makes inclement weather decisions by 5:15 a.m., posting them shortly thereafter on the District
website and on social media. All Portland Metro area media outlets are also notified and announce the
information on TV newscasts and online.
The District makes decisions based on the ability to operate school buses safely; the ability of parents
and students to drive safely; and the ability of students to walk safely. The decision that is made will be
for the entire District. (As always, parents may choose to make different decisions based on their
particular location.)
For the latest inclement weather information:
• Log onto the District's website: http://www.beaverton.k12.or.us and a message banner will be
posted on the top of the main page if there is a change in school operations.
• Beaverton School District Public Safety webpage has information about inclement weather
procedures and snow routes.
http://www.beaverton.k12.or.us/home/departments/public-safety-and-security/ then click on
Inclement Weather Information.
• Follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
• Follow media outlets. The Districts posts informatio
A group of our awesome Cedar Park students will be participating in the first-ever Special Olympics Youth Leadership Summit for Middle Schools this Tuesday, December 5, 2017!
The Cedar Park Wolfpack Partner program is an inclusive classroom of neuro-diverse learners. The group has been asked to present how we have created and maintained a Unified Classroom during advisory classes. Special Olympics is generously paying for the bus and providing lunch for the group. We are proud of the diversity of our school and what we learn from each other.
Cedar Park Lego Robotics Team Goes to State!
Way to go Wolves!
Beaverton AVID Portland State University College Information Night!
Thursday, December 14th 6:00-7:30 @ Beaverton High School-Library
Come hear Portland State University students share their experiences and insights of their college journey.
Beaverton AVID in partnership with PSU Student Leaders for Service and the Student Community Engagement Center will be hosting a PSU College Information Night for AVID Middle School and High School scholars and their families. All students and families are welcome to attend this evening program.
After School Programs
5th Grade Parent Night
Thursday, Dec 7, 2017, 06:00 PM
Cedar Park Middle School
New Staggard Release Plan
The district’s Safety Team examined the procedure and recommended staggered release times for family vehicle pick-up. The team determined the safety plan will be to use the long back lot for this purpose.
At dismissal, walkers, bikers and bus riders are released. If parent pick-up and leaving school early is necessary, the family must park and walk to meet student at front door prior to 3:35. Leaving early should be reserved for appointments and emergencies only, and is not acceptable for daily practice. The parking lot will be closed to cars from 3:35-4:00. After the buses leave, approximately 10 minutes after dismissal (4:00), parents may enter the lot, drive around to the back lot, and pick up students at south end of side lot outside of C Hall. Students who are picked up by parents will be waiting at that exit.
Safety for all of our students, parents, and supervising duty staff is critically important. We appreciate your support as we adjust to this new routine.
Please see the attached map below.
Book Fair Results
A big Thank You for everyone who support the
Wild, Wild, West Book Fair. We made
$937.94 profit to be used on the Library.