6th Annual Harvest Moon Ball
Harvesting Support for Your Local Child Advocacy Centers
You are Invited to the 6th Annual Harvest Moon Ball
The Perry-Jackson Child Advocacy Center and Franklin-Williamson Child Advocacy Center invite you to the 6th Annual Harvest Moon Masquerade Ball on Friday, November 12th. Enjoy great food, music, a silent auction, and help support your local child advocacy centers.
This is a joint fundraiser for the Perry-Jackson Child Advocacy Center and the Franklin Williamson Child Advocacy Center. The Masquerade Ball will be held at Legends at Walker's Bluff with a formal dinner, music, and silent auction. Tickets are $50 and must be pre-purchased. Business casual or formal attire and bring your masquerade mask if you would like!
Both organizations are not-for-profit agencies that serve children birth through age 18 who have been victims of child sexual abuse and/or serious physical abuse. Their mission is to provide a child friendly setting to conduct forensic interviews of child victims and provide the family with support services throughout the abuse investigation. They both work in a multidisciplinary team environment to produce the best outcome for the child victim and their family.
6th Annual Harvest Moon Ball
Come support your local child advocacy centers at The 6th Annual Harvest Moon Masquerade Ball on Friday, November 12th. This is a joint fundraiser for the Perry-Jackson Child Advocacy Center and the Franklin Williamson Child Advocacy Center. The Masquerade Ball will be held at Legends at Walker's Bluff with a formal dinner, music, and silent auction. Tickets are $50 and must be pre-purchased. Business casual or formal attire and bring your masquerade mask if you would like!
Friday, Nov 12, 2021, 06:00 PM
Legend's at Walker's Bluff, Meridian Road, Carterville, IL, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Timeline for the Harvest Moon Masquerade Ball:
6pm: Cocktail Hour with music
7pm: Formal Dinner Buffet with music
8:30pm -11pm: DJ, Drinks, Socializing, Dancing & More!
Ticket Information
You can purchase tickets online through PayPal (click below) or by calling one of the Advocacy Centers: Franklin- Williamson Child Advocacy Center at 942-3800 or Perry-Jackson Advocacy Center at 357-2990.