Kirk Fenton News
19th May 2023
Please look on our website www.kf.starmat.uk for up-to-date information.
Dear Parents / Carers,
This week has been a lovely week in school with the weather starting to dry up and become warmer. It has been great to see many of our classes taking their learning outdoors whether that's PE, Science or other subjects. Year 6 enjoyed a fabulous day at the woods where they were able to use a range of tools and enjoy smores around a campfire after completing their SATs last week. Well done Year 6, we are very proud of you!
A couple of things to mention this week:
- First, if your child travels on one of our school buses could you please remind them about behaving and following our school rules whilst they are on the bus. I have received complaints from bus drivers recently (both the Ulleskelf bus and Biggin bus) around the use of bad language, children getting out of their seats and children spraying water from their water bottles. Whilst this is by no means all children, it doesn't harm to remind them of the need to be safe on the bus.
- Second, a reminder that our school summer fair will be taking place after school on Friday 30th June. The Friends of Kirk Fenton would be very grateful for any offers of help or volunteers for setting up or running stalls on the day so please let the committee know if you are able to help.
Have a lovely weekend,
Karen Williams
Head Teacher
Good Work Awards
This week's certificates were awarded to the following children:
Donaldson - Elspeth and Matthew
Hughes - Elin and Charlotte
Coelho - Thea and Bobbie
Rosen - Bea and Tommy
Milligan - Poppy and Clara M
Zephaniah - Skyla and Harry
Shakespeare - Sadie and Sam
Angelou - Joe and Tom
Hot Chocolate Friday
Well done to the following who earned the hot chocolate award:
Donaldson - Darcie
Hughes - Jack
Coelho - Thomas
Rosen - Mila
Milligan - Tilly
Zephaniah - Seeley
Shakespeare - Nancy
Angelou - Nadia
Winning Team
It is great to see another increase in children in KS2 working hard to learn their times tables, well done for putting in the extra effort! Our Rockstars of the Week are Tilly B, Bea O, Archie K, Georgia K, Alexa K, Darcey M, Ollie Y and Niamh N.
KS1 and EY children have been working really hard too. Our Numbots superstars this week are Alice H, Jack S and Tom O'C. Well done everyone!
Message from Head Pupils
This week, it was the turn of the year 6s to venture out to the woods. We enjoyed creating weapons, building dens and lighting fires. We look forward to more brilliant learning in the run-up to the May half-term holiday!
Head Pupil certificates went to Hattie and Fern M
Niamh and Lillie
Supporting your child’s learning at home
If you would like more information about some of the things you can do to support your child’s learning at home, there are a number of resources on our website that you can have a look at. These can be found under the ‘Curriculum’ tab:
Among other things, there is information to support your understanding of the key phonics learning, book suggestions for all year groups, ideas for times tables activities and details about the maths covered in each year group.
Meal Selector on ParentPay
Please remember to cancel meals (up until 8am on the day) if you change your mind, or if your child is absent from school, as ordered meals will be charged for. There is also the option to say you are sending in a packed lunch.
If you are having problems accessing parentpay or ordering the meals please speak to the office.
Friends School Disco
Thursday 25th May
EYFS & KS1 3.15-4.30pm
KS2 4.45-6pm
Half Term
Monday 29th May - Friday 2nd June
Class Photos
Monday 12th June
Sports Day
Thursday 22nd June
EYFS/KS1 - morning
KS2 - afternoon
Friends Summer Fair
Friday 30th June, from 3pm
Moving Up Days / Y6 TGS & SHS Transition Days
Wednesday 5th & Thursday 6th July
New Starters EYFS Transition Morning
Wednesday 5th & Thursday 6th July, 9-11.30am
New Starters EYFS Parents Meeting
Thursday 6th July, 4-5pm
Y5/6 Leavers' Production
Tuesday 18th July, 6.30pm
Wednesday 19th July, 2pm
Y4 Onsite Camp
Thursday 20th - Friday 21st
Y6 Leavers' Lunch
Tuesday 25th July
Y6 Leavers' Service in Church
Tuesday 25th July, 2.15pm
Term Ends
Tuesday 25th July
Staff Thank You's
If anyone would like to say thank you to or has any positive comments for a member of staff then please complete and submit the form below.
Don't forget school discos are on Thursday 25th May, just £2 to be paid on the door - there is no need to pre-book. Reception and KS1 pupils can bring a change of clothes to school, and be collected at 4:30pm. The KS2 starts at 4:45pm, and children can be collected at 6pm. A drink and a snack will be provided for all children at the disco.
The Summer Fair will take place after school on Friday 30th June - we'll share more information next week!
As ever, you can always set up EasyFundraising as an easy, free,
way to help raise funds for the school whilst you shop.
(Easy Fundraising will link to: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/kirkfenton/)
Registered charity no: 1154660
Like us on Facebook for up-to-date information www.facebook.com/FriendsOfKirkFenton
STAR MAT Vacancies
Please click on the following link for details of our current vacancies:
Saxton Cricket Club Schools Partnership
Dear Parents,
Saxton CC are running several ECB National Cricket Programmes with ALL STARS Cricket (5-8yrs) and DYNAMOS Cricket (9-11yrs) courses and holiday camps. They offer both Mixed and Girls only courses to follow in the footsteps of their thriving Women's team.
Thanks to their main club sponsor School ICT Services they are offering advanced bookings the fantastic opportunity to enrol in their ALL STARS and DYNAMOS courses and holiday camps with a huge 20% discount.
Availability may be limited so BOOK TODAY
***MUST SEE*** Also see our rising star Rhia Sedhar feature on BBC Look North promoting Women & Girls Cricket at Saxton CC.
Robin Hood
The South Milford Memorial Playing Fields Association are welcoming the professional travelling theatre group Illyria back for the second year. Last year's Peter Pan was a great success, complete with flying actors, and a terrifying crock. This summer Illyria are back to present Robin Hood! 24th June, gates open 3pm to start at 4pm. South Milford park LS25 5AF. Please park away from the High Street to avoid facebook rage :-) We Hope to see you and your families there!
You can buy your tickets here (prices are a lot cheaper with us than at some of the big venues they go to!):
Feeling frazzled?
Feeling the heat and pressure of family life?
Join our Parenting courses & events to discover ways to stay cool and calm in the middle of it all.
Sunshine and blue skies beckon (although there are no guarantees with the British weather!). As the summer approaches, we look forward to cloudless skies, BBQ's and relaxing with friends and family. But as the temperatures rise, so can the heat in our family life! Tempers can fray with the longer days; our patience can be stretched to the limits with the season of school exams.
At Family Matters York, we understand!
We would love to support you and your family in helping you to stay cool this summer. We offer FREE parenting courses & events across the city to give you a safe space to learn and share ideas with others, to help make your family life more enjoyable this summer.
Sign up to our parenting courses - starting soon:
We would love to see you.
For an overview of our upcoming June/July 2023 courses, click here
PARENTING SUPPORT: To book a place or for further info contact:
Jen Wootten Tel: 07393 147259
Email: jenwootten@fmy.org.uk
Or you can find more information about our courses on our website https://fmy.org.uk/york/