SMN News for October 22, 2018
Where tradition began, excellence continues.
Shawnee Mission North High School
Location: 7401 Johnson Drive, Overland Park, KS, USA
Phone: 913-993-6900
Twitter: @SMNindians
ACT and ACT Workkeys
Beginning with the 2018-2019 school year, the Kansas Legislature has appropriated funds for a statewide contract to provide one free ACT assessment and one free WorkKeys suite of assessments to qualifying students.
The ACT and WorkKeys assessments are available to the following groups:
● Any high school junior enrolled in a Shawnee Mission high school
● Any Shawnee Mission high school senior who has not yet taken an ACT or WorkKeys assessment
● Juniors do have the opportunity to opt out of testing; however, if students initially sign up to take the test they then must take the test in February or on the makeup date in April.
ACT- This opportunity is only available on Wednesday, February 20, 2019
ACT WorkKeys- This opportunity is only available on Thursday, February 21, 2019
Additional Information can be accessed through or
How to Sign Up
Juniors and seniors will be able to sign up through a custom form in the Skyward student portal. The form is available now and will close on Friday, November 2nd. (All Juniors already met with counselors to discuss this opportunity on October18th) Please contact Student Services if you have further questions. 913-993-6900.
Update regarding MVP
The Shawnee Mission School District (SMSD) strongly encourages volunteer support for students and schools. It is equally committed to the safety of students and volunteers. To support the goal of safety, the district has instituted a policy requiring background records checks for all volunteers.
In order to make the process more efficient and effective, on September 24, 2018, the Shawnee Mission Board of Education (BOE) approved the use of Validity Screening Solutions to provide background screenings for MVP volunteers. This new background screening process will take the place of the current fingerprinting requirement for MVP volunteers. Instead of coming to the Center for Academic Achievement, MVP volunteers will go on-line to and enter the required information.
There are now two steps required to complete the MVP process:
- Attend an in-person training
- Visit for available sessions.
- Note: Tuesday morning sessions at CAA require a reservation—seating is limited. Email for more information.
- Visit Validity Screening to complete the online, background screening process.
- If you have already completed the required training, visit this link to complete the process.
In most cases, applicants will be approved and ready to serve as a MVP volunteer within 48 hours.
SMSD apologizes for the inconvenience the fingerprinting process and long wait times have created. We believe Validity will provide greater convenience in less time, while still maintaining the safety our stakeholders, students and staff members expect and deserve. Your commitment to your student’s education and to the district as a whole is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
North Area Parent Information Nights
In an effort to raise awareness of pressing issues that we are facing in our community, give parents/guardians access to knowledge and resources, as well as bring community agencies to the parents/guardians, East Antioch has organized North Area Parent Information Nights. Each quarter there will be a different topic and speaker arranged.
SPEAK UP ( a local non-profit united in breaking the silence and reducing stigma surrounding all mental illness and suicide. They will be presenting on Thursday, November 29th at 6:30pm at Hocker Grove Middle School.
Kansas Assisters Network
Red Ribbon Week
Red ribbon week starts on Monday the 22nd and goes until that Friday the 26th. During that week StuCo will be working with Officer Covington to offer activities that spread awareness of unsafe behaviors. An informational video will be shared during Tribe Time.
Trunk or Treat
Attach flyer! Oct 23rd 5-7
Food Drive
The canned food drive runs from Oct 29th to Nov 9th (the last newsletter was wrong, it is a two week event!), and there will be a canned sculpture competition on Nov 1st during seminar. There will be a Hunger Games themed building wide competition to see which first hour can bring in the most cans. Look out for posters around the school with more information on how to help your “district” win!
North Week
North Week is Nov 5th-9th, and there’s lots of events to check out!
Spirit week outfits & themes
USA Monday
Tie Dye Tuesday
Wednesday Beach day
Jersey Thursday
Frat Friday
Coin drive- Support 8 of your favorite teachers and prevent them from getting pies in the face and the Northman assembly! Drop your coins that week in jars in student commons or at lunch
Crush for your crush- buy a crush for your crush at lunch all week! The sodas will be $2 each and will be delivered during 5th blocks the following week
Dodgeball tournament- Wednesday the 7th, 5-7pm in the fieldhouse. More information coming later!
North Family Fall Ball! Bring your elementary or middle school aged siblings (along with a parent/guardian or older sibling) for dancing, punch and cookies from 6-8pm in the fieldhouse! $5 a person or $15 for a family
Each grade level has class shirts for sale November 12-15th! Order forms available at lunch that week
Spirit Wear Sales
Spirit Wear will be sold during lunches on Wednesday, October 24 & Friday, October 26.
You can purchase your items then or order them on our website and have them delivered to the school office for pickup.
All proceeds from the sale of Spirit wear goes back to help our students and staff at SMN.
Sports Updates
Upcoming Important Dates:
October 25 Coaches and sponsors breakfast
November 5-11 Buffer Week
November 12 First day of winter try-outs
November 16 Winter Sports Season Kick-off and Parent meetings
Hy-Vee Athlete of the Week
Recently, Billy Conaway was named Hy-Vee Athlete of the week and was recognized at practice for his efforts. Last Thursday, the Indians fought back from a 20-16 half-time deficit to win 30-27 versus the SM West Vikings. This was an all-around team effort – the players showed resilience, moxie and a will to win down the stretch to preserve the WIN! SMN is 3-4 with our final regular season game at the Leavenworth Pioneers on Friday at 7:00pm
SMN boys’ soccer team has played in some nail-biting games this year. The team lost a hard-fought match against KC-Turner on Monday evening 2-1 and savored a 3-0 victory on senior night vs. Olathe North. The team record stands at 5-9-1 with four over-time games; SMN plays Olathe northwest on Thursday at 7:00pm at CBAC to close out the regular season. KSHSAA regional play begins October 22.
Cross Country
Cross-Country team participated in SFL CC Championships at the iconic Rim Rock Park on Saturday morning. We’re proud of our two individual SFL champions – Katie Kusinic and Asher Molina. In addition, the following runners earned SFL honors: Abbie Onnen (11th) and Caroline Colburn (16th) and Logan Jiskra (11th). The varsity girls took 2nd place as a team. Regionals is this Saturday at JCCC Girls at 9 and boys at 10:45 am
Tennis team has concluded their season. Coach Kurtz and the team look forward to swinging the rackets again next year.
Girls Golf
Gymnastics team competed at the SM South Invitational on Thursday evening. This was the last opportunity for the girls to qualify for KSHSAA gymnastics championships scheduled for October 20. North has one qualifier – Tatum Meyer in the bars. The state meet is at 11:00 am and Tatum will probably compete around 1:00pm
Interested in purchasing a Yearbook?
If you haven’t purchased a 2019 Yearbook, they can still be purchased through the bookkeeper in the main office or at through Jan. 19, 2019. Cost is $48 if purchased at school.
The money ($48) or a check made out to SM North, can be taken to the bookkeeper by January 19. If you would like to pay with a credit card, payment can be made at Choose Shawnee Mission North. There is a $2 service fee if you choose to pay online.
Food Service: Did You Know...
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
FOOD SERVICE….Did you know…………
Did you know that breakfast is available each day at your student’s school? Eating a nutritious breakfast helps students achieve the classroom goals set for them. National studies consistently confirm that breakfast helps kids concentrate, think, behave and learn.
Eating breakfast:
improves children's classroom performance, including better test scores and grades
increases children's ability to focus and concentrate on school work
decreases behavior problems, tardiness and visits to the school nurse
increases attendance rates
decreases risk of food insecurity and hunger that impair development and learning
may protect against childhood obesity
If it is difficult to fit breakfast into your morning routine, breakfast is available in all schools. A student must choose a full portion of at least three different items to receive a reimbursable school breakfast. One of the three items must be ½ cup of fruit or juice. Breakfast items include: protein, grain, fruit/juice, and milk.
Don’t forget – if your child receives free or reduced meals, they are eligible for one breakfast and one lunch per day as part of this benefit. All breakfast and lunch meal choices are available for all students regardless of eligibility status.
The school breakfast menus, lunch menus, and other nutrition information are available on the district’s website at