3rd Grade Attendance Update
First Quarter, November 2023
Can you believe we are finished with our first quarter of the school year? Now that we have been in school for a while, here is an update on overall school attendance for your grade level.
Frequently Asked Questions about Attendance
What is chronic absenteeism?
- Chronic absenteeism is when a student misses 10% or more of the academic year, which includes both excused and unexcused absences.
I sent in a note stating why my child was absent, why is the school still calling me?
- While documentation is required for an absence to be excused, it is a county-wide expectation that we communicate with families whose students are absent to provide support or next steps if attendance has not improved. Our attendance is monitored at the division level, not just inside our school.
How is chronic absenteeism calculated?
- Chronic absenteeism is calculated according to the amount of days a student is registered in the school. For example, we have been in school for 50 days between August 21st and November 3rd. Therefore, if your child has already missed 5 days this year they are considered chronically absent until their attendance improves throughout the year.
How does my child's absence affect their academic progress?
- Classroom instruction takes place from 8:45am until dismissal (3:25pm) every day. When students arrive after 8:45am, leave early or do not come to school, they are missing opportunities to learn and practice new content with the support of live teachers. In addition to that, if your student receives support in special education or English Language learning they are also missing service time that has been developed with your child's success in mind. Not only does chronic absentee affect student academic performance, it can also create anxiety and frustration for your child as they try to catch up with their classmates on what they learned while they were absent.
Where does 3rd grade stand?
First Quarter of 2022-2023: 14% of students were chronically absent
Tips for Support
- Maximize your learning time: Third grade is the year where our students begin to take the Standards of Learning (SOL) test as well as receive letter grades on their report cards. For students to accurately reflect what they've learned in their test scores and grades, they should be in school as much as possible. Missing portions of instruction can place them further behind in their studies and cause frustration with school.
- Use your absences wisely: We recognize that emergencies take place, whether it is illness or a family crisis. We also recognize that there are times where you or your child may not be able to get to school. Consider your child's symptoms when determining if they should stay home, and if they are sick notify the school immediately so that we are aware. Keep in mind that doctor's notes may be required of you if the absences become extensive. We also have a school nurse who can examine students and use their medical knowledge to inform you of your child's health. Note: medical appointments can be scheduled outside of school hours if it is communicated with your provider, as they are aware of the state's expectation for children to attend school each day.
- Communicate with the school: Since it is Virginia law that students attend school each day once registered, we at Potomac View also have a duty to ensure that there are little to no barriers in our students accessing their education. If you and your child are currently experiencing barriers to coming to school each day on time (transportation, food, housing, community resources), please reach out to the school so we can try to provide support. Prince William County has various community resources that can be shared with you, and with that we can further support you as we improve your child's attendance.
What's next?
Communication regarding school attendance will be ongoing this year, with a focus on students who have already missed at least 5 days for this school year. You will receive communication from their teacher as well as a member of the school's Attendance Team if you reach 5 absences. At our school we also have attendance competitions both on a school-wide, grade-level, and small-group scale (permission is required for this).
We want to do as much as we can here at Potomac View to make sure your student is successful overall, however in order for us to do so we need your child at school each day from 8:45am until 3:25pm. Thank you in partnering with us to help your student grow, and remember we are here to help so do not hesitate to reach out if needed!