Teaching & Learning
March 2021
Message from Shanna
Last year on Sunday, March 15th a message was sent to families and staff from Supt. Wilson stating we’d be closed for the week due to COVID as recommended by KSDE and that the following week we’d be off for spring break. The message ended with the hope that we would be able to return to our normal routine soon. Little did we know then what kind of a year awaited us.
As we embark on that one-year anniversary, there is real HOPE that we can return to a closer-to-normal routine soon which I find very uplifting. The thanks goes to each of you for doing the heavy lifting of enforcing mitigation measures, of the various forms of instruction you’ve had to juggle, of the emotions we’ve all encountered personally and professionally during this pandemic.
~Shanna Dinkel
Upcoming Events
March 10th: Early Release
March 12th: End of 3rd 9 Weeks
March 14th: Daylight Savings
March 17th: Happy St. Patrick's Day!
March 20th: First Day of Spring
March 22nd-26th: Spring Break
FastBridge Printed Binder of the Downloads
- Marie Henderson will create the folder(s) and send a document with links once it’s complete.
- If you prefer to have a printed binder of the downloads, please go to this link to submit your request – FASTBRIDGE PRINTED DOWNLOAD REQUEST
- ***** DEADLINE TO REQUEST A COPY IS MARCH 15th by NOON, Please *****
- DLM Alternate Assessments - February 1 to May 7
- KELPA Assessments February - 15 to March 31
- KS Interim Predictive Assessments - March 8 to March 19
- KS Summative Assessments - April 1 to May 18
- FAST Spring Screener - April 15 to May 14
- STAR Spring Screener(OPTIONAL) - April 5 to May 5
YAY!! Our Next EdVenture is Ready to Share, and ALL SCHOOLS EVERYWHERE are Invited to Participate
*WEDNESDAY MARCH 10TH - We are celebrating the Fine Arts through a series for Virtual Field Trips and Guest Speakers*
Sessions include:
-The Power of Words - Oratory and the History of Ford's Theatre
-Discovering Puppetry in Cultures Around the World
-Exploring The Music Business with the Country Music Association Foundation
-History of the Guitar - the Instrument the Rocked the World
-Exploring Unsung Heroes, the Fine Arts, and PBL
-Arts Partners Performances
-Meet a BrainPOP Animator
-Contemporary Arts of the Silk Road (Yes, great for 6th grade Social Studies)
-Hopping with the Harp (a PK-2 Exploration of the Harp)
-Live Glass Blowing Demonstration at Kart Art Glass
-Walking Tour of Music Theatre of Wichita's Costume Shop
-US Navy Band Sharing their Mission and their Music
-Cultural Dancing - Your Passport to the World (Active Learning Session for kids)
-Interview with Kansas Graduates who are now professional Music Theatre Performers
-Story of Dale Chihuly
-Careers in the Circus Presented by The Ringling Museum
-Musical Math: Fractions with the Manhattan School of Music
There is something for everyone, and it's all waiting for you at our Fine Arts Edventure Website
Let the learning begin!
~Marie Henderson
USD 489 Wellness Committee Provided 547 Salads to All Staff
Congratulations to Kansas Head Start Award & Scholarship Winners!
Do you feel a bit lost while renewing your KSDE license?
Time flies, and before you know it, renewal time has arrived! Here are some V-FAQ's (VERY Frequently Asked Questions) with answers. Let's make this fun! If you know anyone suffering, please guide them to this blog or have them reach out to me! My mantra throughout this "tutorial-ish" experience, will be "HERE IS THE LINK! Take advantage.....
How Many PDC Points and/or College Credits Do I Have?
- Login to Frontline
- Go to "My Info" on left of screen
- Scroll down to TRANSCRIPT, then click on Print PDF
- Click on Print
- Click here to view PDF
TA-DA! Done.
Where Do I Start?
Start by checking the requirements for your next license.
- This information is located on your current license.
- You can also find the same information on the KSDE license look-up page.
Here is the link: https://appspublic.ksde.org/TLL/SearchLicense.aspx
What Form Do I Use to Renew?
You can view the list of forms AND their requirements on the KSDE site. Here is the link: https://www.ksde.org/Agency/Division-of-Learning-Services/Teacher-Licensure-and-Accreditation/Licensure/License-Application
- The most common form used within our district is Form 3a - 5 year professional license.
- Here is the link: https://www.ksde.org/Agency/Division-of-Learning-Services/Teacher-Licensure-and-Accreditation/Licensure/License-Application
How do I access the license application system?
Easy! Here is the link: https://www.ksde.org/Agency/Division-of-Learning-Services/Teacher-Licensure-and-Accreditation/Licensure/License-Requirements/Renewal-of-Professional-License-Requirements
Do I have to mail my signed PDC transcript to KSDE?
Not anymore. Hip-Hip-Hooray!!
Most forms are electronic now and the transcripts will be uploaded to KSDE during the application process by me. Just simply follow the application directions and everything will turn out fine.
When Do I Pay?
Depends on the form you use, but for the most part, you will pay electronically after your paperwork is uploaded. KSDE will notify you via email.
- Checks are only allowed for certain forms.
EXAMPLE KSDE WEBSITE: License Requirements
Thank You Volunteers!
DEAR EDUCATOR: A Series of Heartfelt Letters About What Kids with Trauma Need
Thank you so much for teaching my child. I appreciate this opportunity to share with you some insight into the challenges that my child has been having in your classroom and as a student in your school. I was one of you...
In my first letter, I shared some things I didn't know about kids with trauma. In this installment, I would like to share some of what I have learned...
Here we are, the last of my three letters about childhood trauma. I appreciate you taking the time to read what I have to say. Here are my last pieces of trauma-sensitive advice...
Family Recovery Nights
Smoky Hill Foundation is offering a series for youth 12 and up and their families. This series will address common struggles of families of addicted loved ones, and provide healthy strategies for recovery. The series starts March 19th, 2021.
Awesome Squiggles K12 Global Art Project...
The Best Part...
Learn More Here...
Looking for a Pick-Me-Up? Need a Break From the Monotony of Winter? Ready to Have Some Fun?
Coming your way this semester, USD 489 presents SPRING INTO JOY! Participants will join a team and compete in a collaborative contest designed to spark learning conversations and connect with colleagues all while earning prizes and having FUN! Even better, each day of the contest will take participants less than 15 minutes to complete. Look for information later this month as we SPRING INTO JOY!
~Marie Henderson
Professional Development Opportunities
U.S. Department of Education Early Learning
Kansas Civic Advocacy Network Roundtable
Join us to celebrate the great happenings at your school regarding Civic Advocacy. Learn what other schools are doing and consider applying for the CAN awards with the application due in May 2021. Roundtable/Drop In style meetings every Monday from 3:30 – 4:30p.m. Register HERE: https://ksde.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIpc-2vqzsvGdyfSGltpyeHnhqcUjeW0pDf.
KS Social Studies Teachers Support & Teacher Chat Networking
Feeling excited or discouraged regarding your SS learners, progress, or anything else related to your SS time period or SS classes? Come chat with other SS teachers in Kansas and share your successes and challenges in a supportive environment of your peers. Every third Tuesday, from 3:30 – 4:30! Register HERE: https://ksde.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEpd-qhqz0iGdGj3eFYMJe8rj53-88ct0AC
KSDE Science March Newsletter
Included in the March issue:
- KSDE / Fort Hays University / OpenSci Ed Storyline Workshop (Link)
- Kansas Association of Teaching Science Conference, April 23 &24 (Link)
- Kansas Hosts April MINKS & CO on the Science and Engineering Practice of "Developing and Using Models" (Link)
Reminders for Collaboration:
Science Teacher Collaboration, March 17th at 4pm(Registration Link)
Speech/Language Pathologist: https://www.ksha.org/licensing.php
KS Board of Nursing: https://www.kansas.gov/ksbn-verifications/search/records
KS Board of Healing Arts: https://www.accesskansas.org/ssrv-ksbhada/search.html
KS Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board: https://www.kansas.gov/bsrb-verification/