Hero Happenings!
Hellstern Middle School Newsletter, Springdale, AR
2020-2021 Issue 29, April 19, 2021
ACT Aspire Testing is next week - what you need to know.....
- Students will report to their advisory and then move to their testing location. Testing will begin promptly at 8am. Please have your student to school at 7:45am so that he/she can be ready to go at 8am.
- Cell phones and "smart devices" like iWatches are NOT allowed in the room. Students will be locking all of these things in their locker. If you choose, you are ALWAYS welcome to keep devices at home, so they are not lost (especially watches). This should be no different than any other day at HMS in regards to cell phones. This is a serious testing violation - please help us by talking to your student about this.
- Get your kids up each morning in time to have breakfast, or encourage them to eat at school. Breakfast is free. Please get your child to bed at a normal time (don't forget Sunday).
- Students should bring chargers and FULLY charged Chromebooks - this is VERY important. We do not have extra chargers at school.
- Schedule:
Tuesday - Math
Wednesday - Writing
Thursday - Science
Friday - English
Need help with rent & utilities? -click here
This is money to assist those that have been impacted by COVID-19.
Click here to apply for EAST!
Deadline is May 8th for applications
Connect with your team!
Every week, we will post team information through these links. We are doing this to try and simplify communication. So be sure and check here EVERY WEEK!
6th Grade Teams
7th Grade Teams
26-30th - ACT Aspire Testing - Please do not check out your student
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About Us
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Email: abyford@sdale.org
Website: http://springdalear.apptegy.us/o/hellstern-middle-school
Location: 7771 Har-Ber Avenue, Springdale, AR, USA
Phone: (479)750-8725
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hellstern-Middle-School-243986482329649/
Twitter: @HellsternHeroes