Copyright Free Images *Revised
You must change USAGE RIGHTS when choosing Google Images
Public Domain Images - Free Images No Citation Required
Smithsonian Open Access Portal Over 2.8 million images added to public domain
Is it in the Public Domain? Slide to find out
Click this link to find even more information about copyright free images
*Students- To let your teacher know that you used a public domain image and do not need a formal citation, you may want to note something like the following (filling in the place you got the image from):
"All Images used in this presentation are in the Public Domain and were accessed through the Smithsonian Open Access Portal "
"All Images used in this report are in the Public Domain and were accessed through Unsplash.com"
--Ask your teacher what the requirement is for your presentation or project.
Smithsonian Open Access: 2.8 MILLION images...free to use!
Google Images Revised Usage Rights September 2020 - Now includes Creative Commons Licenses!
Google Image searches include copyrighted images
Usage Rights: Change this from ALL to Creative Commons Licenses
ATTRIBUTION - Creative Commons Attribution is not as formal as a citation.
If the Creative Commons license includes 'BY", you must give.
attribution. The ideal Creative Commons attribution includes the
following: T = Title A = Author S = Source L = Link (remember the
accronym TASL)
For example. Attribution for the image to the right would be:
Question Copyright by Stephen Baum, Wikimedia Commons CC BY
OR also acceptable is:
Photo by Stephen Baum, Wikimedia Commons CC BY
Title* and Link (the title of the image is linked)
*it is acceptable to use the word Photo and link to the photo, if it does not have a title
Author (the author's name is listed)
Source and Link (the Source is listed and linked)
CC BY (the type of CC license is referenced and linked)
After finding an image, remember you must create an image CITATION or if the image is from Creative Commons, you need to provide ATTRIBUTION. (the url is NOT a citation).
Prefer learning by Video?
Prefer learning by Video? Watch a very short video with step by step directions
Copyright Information
Need more information about Copyright and Creative Commons Licenses?
Joanna Wright
Cox Mill High School
Email: joanna.wright@cabarrus.k12.nc.us
Website: https://www.cabarrus.k12.nc.us/domain/1596
Phone: 704-260-6600