A great ending to some awesome medical words!
What is a Suffix
- It is at the end of the word. If it is hard to remember prefix has pre which is before. Or Suffix starts with an S and comes after P in the alphabet.
- It modifies the meaning of the word. But it is NOT the meaning of the word. for example: jumping- jump is the word root, the suffix ing is the process of. Jumper: Jump remains the meaning but the suffixes changes to on who jumps. Lets see it as a medical term: appendicitis: Appendic/o is the word root meaning appendix. -itis is the suffix meaning inflammation of. What is inflammed? The appendix. Appendectomy: append/o appendix -ectomy is the suffix to remove the appendix. But what is inflammed? the appendix. What is being removed? the appendix. without the word root you do not know.
- It may are may not be present. Usually is present but is not needed for the word to stand alone.
A quick lesson on suffixes
Surgical suffixes
to surgically remove or to excise or exit (ect)
splenectomy: splen/o=spleen - ectomy= surgical removal of.
to surgically repair.
Rhinoplasty: rhin/o: nose -plasty: to surgical repair
to surgically cut into. incise
Craniotomy: Crani/o: brain, skull -otomy: to cut into the skull
fun things about suffixes
the simplest suffix is the -s. When added to a word it makes it plural.
changing the suffix changes your actions.
sometimes suffixes can also have a word root form: ex: path/o=disease -pathy=disease
enlargement of
hepatomegaly: hepat/o liver -megaly: enlargement of
an instrument used to visualize
Arthroscope: arthr/o: joint -scope: an instrument used to visualize
An instrument used to visualize the joint
to visually examine
bronchoscopy: bronch/o: bronchus -scopy: to visually examine
A visual examination of the bronchus