Hometown Buzz
Weekly Updates August 12
HMT Share Drive
I have created a share drive for all Hometown staff to access. If you go into your shared drives in google, it will be there. Multiple folders have been created for you to access documents. Please let me know if you do not have access to something and I will work to get it fixed.
Institute Day Agenda
The agenda for building specific information is attached. If I have forgotten any specific group please let me know. You can also access this in the share drive in the general folder.
We will have a PBIS presentation to be presented on Thursday morning. Each classroom will be responsible for presenting the presentation. The presentation will be in the share drive under PBIS ready for Thursday.
Parking Lot
Here is a picture of our parking lot. Unfortunately, our parking lot will NOT be ready to start the school year. We now have an estimated completion time of August 23rd. We ask that as you do not park in the back lot until we have completed the project. We also ask that you do not use Our Lady of Loretto Parking lot either as there is no walkway and heavy machinery. We ask that you use community parking if there are no spots in the front lot. Therefore, we will need to make some adjustments to our entrance locations for the first few weeks. Our first and second grade door entrances will shift to door 5. Thank you for your patience.
CLT Meeting
The CLT members met on Tuesday. Many topics were discussed. The agenda is in the HMT Share Drive. If you have questions, please ask.
School Dress
As we transition to return to the school year, we will be returning to our regular dress expectations for staff. Staff should wear comfortable and supportive footwear. We will create six "dress down" days per year when staff can wear jeans, and will associate with some type of school fundraiser or celebration event.
Open House/ Supply Drop Off
Open House will be on Tuesday, August 17th between 4:30pm and 6:00pm. Teachers will be expected to complete two 20 minute presentations to their families. See the staff drive for guidelines.
Supply Drop Off will be on Tuesday, August 17th between 12:30pm and 2:00pm and from 6:00 to 7:30pm (time sheet opportunity). Families will drop off supplies.
Extracurricular Activities/ Clubs
If you are interesting in sponsoring a club or activity, please fill out the form found in the share drive. I am looking for sponsors to tutor our quarantined students. If you are interested, please email me.
PLEASE look at the list. There are some regular resources we will not be able to use to start the year. Class Dojo will not be able to be used this school year due to this. Please begin to use Remind or SeeSaw.