Program Announcement
KNOT Knit-a-long: Audition by Michelle Hunter
KNOT will be beginning this knit-a-long (KAL) late January/early February (exact start date is TBD)
Yarn will be purchased/subsidized using Chapter funds for those wishing to join the KAL. The amount of money will be based on the number of participants, but the available funds will be ~$20 per person.
Project yarn will be purchased at Mohair & More (https://mohairandmore.com). KNOT will arrange for a field trip for participants to go to Mohair & More to choose their yarn or a member may purchase the yarn for you.
IMPORTANT: You must make a decision on participation on or before 1/23/20 (the next KNOT meeting). At this meeting we will be finalizing yarn purchases.
To confirm your participation or if you have any further questions, Please contact Julie Allison at knitatnightguildknot@gmail.com or Susan at sjmotycka@gmail.com
If you do not wish to participate in the KAL program, please bring your projects, accomplishments and knowledge to share !
Project Highlights
Mentor knitters will assist with teaching skills necessary to complete a beautiful project
Yarn is purchased/subsidized with Chapter funds
The pattern is supported by video tutorials produced by Knit Purl Hunter
The pattern is free (for a limited time) on Ravelry https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/audition . I have also provided a downloadable PDF copy below.