Curtis Roo Stars
May 2021
About Curtis Elementary
Curtis Elementary is an elementary school located in the heart of Weatherford, Texas serving kindergarten through fifth grade students. Curtis partners with families and the community to create a positive, connected learning environment focused on educating the whole child. Highly qualified teachers challenge and inspire students to develop their talents and passions in preparation for future success in the global community. Curtis Elementary fosters creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking in all students.
Curtis Elementary has programs and services to meet the needs of all students. These include, Dyslexia, Quest (Gifted and Talented), English as a Second Language (ESL), Reading and math interventions, Innovation class and various clubs.
A Message from the Principal!
Our staff and students are really working hard this time of year. Teachers are helping students catch up after missing a few months of school last year.
One of the most important factors in ensuring students make academic progress is parent engagement! What does that mean? It simply means that students perform better academically when their parents communicate the importance of school and support their child at home with homework, extra reading, and practice of academic skills. This is especially true for reading. It is so important for parents to read with and to their child every day. Let them read what they want to read even if the child wants to read along with a book on tape.
Parents of Kinder and First Grade need to really support their child at home with reading. If a student falls behind in kindergarten or first grade, it is very difficult for them to close the gap, and it may prevent them from reading on grade level in future grade levels.
No matter the task or skill, it is important to practice. Some students need more practice than others, so school practice is not enough. Just like in sports, students may go to practice during and after school. Some even continue to practice at home at night or on the weekends to get better. Even in reading or any academic skill, our students need to practice!
End of the Year Celebration - May 26th
We are still limiting visitors inside the building. Keep an eye out for communication about when your child is participating in outside activities!
End of Year Awards
Last Day of School, May 27, 2021 - Early Release
Check out our Curtis Store!
Curtis SMART Start Plan!
WISD Smart Start Plan
Please click on this link to access the Weatherford ISD Start Smart Plan!
Building Cleaning Plan
● Campuses will be cleaned throughout the instructional day.
● Custodial staffing will be realigned to allow for ongoing cleaning of touch surfaces during the instructional day.
● Classrooms will be equipped for cleaning between student transitions.
● Cleaning products will be properly stored when not in use. ● WISD utilizes the Bioprotect product developed by Viaclean to provide a base layer of protection on all surfaces and buses throughout the district. Bioprotect is a preservative antimicrobial coating applied to all surfaces through an electrostatic mist machine to disinfect and provide long-term antimicrobial surface protection that kills and inhibits the growth of bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms including the virus that causes COVID-19. Protection begins in 60 seconds and remains effective for up to 90 days. Bioprotect will be reapplied to all surfaces on a 90-day cycle.
● All district facilities will be cleaned and disinfected on a daily basis using the Virex product developed by Diversey. Virex is a hospital grade one-step quaternary disinfectant cleaner that provides broad spectrum kill of microorganisms including SARS-CoV-2.
● In addition to daily cleaning, all buses and facilities will be treated using the Virex product with an Emist electrostatic disinfectant sprayer to cover all surfaces efficiently and effectively. Response to Lab-Confirmed Case of COVID-19 (Deep Cleaning)
Deep cleaning will be triggered when an employee or student is identified as lab positive for COVID-19. Schools must close off areas that were heavily used by the individual with the labconfirmed case (student or staff) until the non-porous surfaces in those areas can be disinfected by custodial staff, unless more than 3 days have already passed since that person was on campus.
Student Health Protocol Reminder
● All parents are responsible for ensuring that a daily self-screening of each student occurs prior to coming to school or boarding school transportation. SCREENER o Temperature Check(temp must be less than 100°F)
1. Have you traveled outside of Texas in the last 14 days?
2. Have you been exposed to anyone who is sick?
3. Have you had any of the following symptoms?
▪ Cough
▪ Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
▪ Chills ▪ Shaking with chills
▪ Muscle pain
▪ Headache
▪ Sore throat
▪ Loss of taste or smell
▪ Diarrhea
▪ Feeling feverish or having a fever greater than 100 degrees Fahrenheit
▪ Known contact with someone who has a lab confirmed case of COVID-19
● All students will be instructed on methods to protect themselves and others from COVID-19 at school.
● All students should practice appropriate social distancing, when applicable, hand hygiene, and respiratory etiquette.
● All students will be trained on proper handwashing techniques and participate in scheduled handwashing times throughout the day.
● Students in 4th grade and up (health exceptions) are required to use non-medical grade face coverings, covering nose and mouth; all students are encouraged to wear a face covering.
Registration Process
Click the link below for information on how to register your child!
Morning and Afternoon Procedures
We appreciate all of our parents helping us make Curtis Elementary a safe place for kids! We wanted to send some 1st day reminders regarding morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up.
The front doors will be opened at 7:00 for bus riders. We encourage students that walk or are dropped off by car to arrive closer to 7:30 due to social distancing protocols. Students will wait in designated areas until breakfast is served. Students will be dismissed to their classrooms at 7:30. Instruction begins at 7:50.
Pick up and Drop off Procedures for Car Riders/ Campus Dismissal App
· Parents will remain in vehicle and drop students off in the morning and pick students up in the afternoon by accessing the drive off Russell Street leading to the back of the school.
· No left turns into the drive-thru heading west bound on Russell.
· K-1 students will use Lane 1 (Inside/curbside lane) closest to the building for drop off and pick up.
· All other students in grades 2-5 will use Lane 2 (the outside lane farthest from the building) for drop off and pick up.
· Parents will use the Dismissal App when arriving at the back drive in the afternoon. The back drive through will not be accessible before 2:30 PM.
· Parents will have a QR code to scan at the entrance of the pick-up line.
· Students will wait in their classrooms until parent arrives and scans the barcode.
· Parents will remain in their vehicle while staff members bring their student to the vehicle.
· Changes to how your student is dismissed need to happen before 2:30. Call the office if you need to make these changes.
Students will be released at the front of the building to walk home after 3:30. Staff members will monitor all crosswalks.
Buses and Parking
· Buses will use the front drive in front of the building.
· No parking, except handicap parking, will be allowed in front of Curtis between the hours of 7:00 AM and 8:15 AM and 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM.
· Parking will be allowed along the curb on the west side of Lamar only. NO parking will be allowed on the east side of Lamar.
Thank you for the help and support in making Curtis a safe school!