OHS Student Services Newsletter
April 2023
April 12 Career, College, & Life Readiness Day (Activities and Modified Schedule)
Our last Career, College, and Life Readiness Day for the year is scheduled for Wednesday, April 12. Details about grade-level expectations and schedules are outlined below:
Freshmen and Sophomores: Participate in ACT Secure and Forward Exam Testing
- All Freshmen and Sophomores will take the ACT Secure Exam and Forward Test. The ACT Secure will provide students with an indication of their current level of performance and if they are on track to be college-ready upon graduation.
- CLICK HERE to review an important letter from Mrs. Anders with more details about the day. Students should report to OHS at our normal start time of 7:20 a.m. The letter linked above outlines the staggered dismissal times of our students based on the test they are taking. Students are welcome to be picked up at their dismissal time, but are also welcome to stay at OHS until the buses depart at their normal scheduled time of 2:47 p.m.
Juniors: Non-School Day
- Juniors do not need to report to OHS on Wednesday, April 12.
- Seniors are required to report to OHS to participate in our Life Ready: Reality Check simulation. In partnership with Bank Five Nine and dozens of other community businesses and partners, students will be able to experience the financial realities that come with independent living. Every year we get rave reviews from our seniors about the experience and we are excited that we can offer this opportunity to the Class of 2023!
- CLICK HERE to learn more about the simulation and your assigned arrival time.
- During the week of April 3-7, all seniors will be given a preview of this event and lesson during Pride. On the day of the event, the expectation is that all our seniors will arrive at their assigned time and be dressed in business casual attire.
Our Career, College, and Life Readiness Days are essential in fulfilling our vision of helping all of our Raccoons to become Career, College, and Life Ready! Details about the 2023-2024 Career, College, and Life Readiness Days will be shared in August.
If you have any questions about the activities and schedules on April 12, please feel free to contact Mrs. Anders (andersm@oasd.org), Mrs. Stefan (stefank@oasd.org), or your counselor.
Job Expo Coming to OHS on Tuesday, April 18
Class of 2023: Important Senior Surveys and Google Transfer Information
Each year, we collect important data and information from our senior class. Our seniors have been sent the following surveys for completion in order to help us prepare for upcoming senior events and celebrations.
Here are the surveys and the information that has been sent to all seniors:
Senior Reflection Survey- CLICK HERE to access and complete the survey.
This survey is designed to help us gain feedback on your favorite memories and experiences at OHS.
In this survey, you will provide your nomination for Faculty Speaker. This staff member will speak on behalf of the entire OHS staff to your class at the Commencement Ceremony.
We will also use this survey to honor the teachers and mentors who have played a role in helping to make your time at OHS fun and memorable!
Scholarship Notification- CLICK HERE to notify us of each scholarship you have received.
Please fill out the form linked above for EACH scholarship you receive. Even if you do not intend to attend a school where you received the scholarship from, please still let us know!
You can fill out the form multiple times. If you received 5 scholarships, fill out the form each time.
This form is bookmarked in your OASD Bookmarks. As you are awarded scholarships in the coming weeks, please fill out the form.
This scholarship information is extremely important as it is used to help plan for our Class of 2023 Celebrations and Recognitions.
Watch for a special recognition for your scholarship in the REC and around campus!
MRA School Climate Survey- CLICK HERE to take the survey. (All students in grades 9-12 have been asked to complete this survey.)
We are proud to be Raccoons! We are seeking your feedback on the climate and culture of our school. Please complete this survey to provide our student leaders and staff with your feedback based on your experiences at OHS.
Google Access and File Transfer- CLICK HERE to review the directions on transferring your files.
You will lose access to your Gmail and Google files on 6/30/2023. Make sure to review the directions linked above on how to transfer your files to your personal Gmail account.
Keep in mind, your Chromebook and charger must be turned in by June 8, 2023.
If you have an OASD Chromebook and charger, you will need to return them by June 8 (but they can be turned in early if the student is done with exams before that date). Please take your devices (Chromebook and charger) to the REC. We ask that you bring the Chromebook charged so that we can confirm that it is in working order. Fees for damaged or missing devices will be added to the student’s Skyward account on June 9, and all payments are due by June 28, 2023.
Summer School Registration
Online Registration for Summer School (see image below)
Step 1: Must Complete BEFORE Registration
Current OASD Families: Log into your Skyward Family Access account, click Online Forms in the left-hand menu and fill out the 2023 Summer School Intent Form.
Current Non-OASD/Private/Parochial Families: Please complete the Non-OASD/Private/Parochial School Student Application Form.
Step 2: Save the Date for Registration!
Elementary & Intermediate Summer School Registration: April 4, 2023, at 6:00 a.m. - April 20, 2023, at midnight
Oconomowoc High School Summer School Registration: May 1, 2023, at 8:00 a.m. - May 31, 2023, at midnight
If you have any questions regarding summer school please reach out to Derek Nelson at 262-560-3155 or nelsond@oasd.org.
ACP Supports
Scholarships continue to be added to our scholarship grid and our website for our Class of 2023. Keep watching the website for new updates! This is an important time to stay up to date on all the new scholarships coming through!
Check out the info below on how to access this information. Our website now has a search engine to find available scholarships! Prides will continue to added for scholarship exploration and consultation!
OHS WEBSITE: Local Scholarship Grid : highlighted scholarships are updated with application and new deadline!
OHS ACT Prep Schedule
The Wisconsin Test Prep course consists of seven sessions that focus on all four ACT® test subject areas. Because our curriculum uses actual ACT® test problems, students gain a distinct competitive edge on test day. For those students choosing to take the writing test, we include preparation during the reading session.
Below are the schedules for the ACT Test Prep Courses at OHS:
Military Visit Dates
April: 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th
April: 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th
School Announcements
Exchange Student Hosting for the 2023-24 School Year
OHS receives numerous requests each year for exchange student host families. Hosting an exchange student is a rewarding experience for the whole family. You’ll learn about another culture and language—without leaving home. You’ll start a life-long relationship with your new son or daughter, and when your student returns home you’ll have a special friend in another country. Members of your family will gain a broader perspective on the world, learning more about geography, communication, patience, and international cultures while gaining a new respect for their own.
If you are interested in hosting an exchange student for the 2023-24 school year and would like more information about the hosting opportunity, please contact Carrie Schultz at schultzc@oasd.org.
National Alliance on Mental Illness Pride Sessions
Families - Join the Parent-Teacher Organization!
AP & IB Exam Calendar
RN Substitute Needed
Cap & Gown Information
If you have not already, please order your cap and gown here. Cap and gown pick up will take place on Wednesday, May 24th from 1:45pm-3:00pm in the Gale Douglas Field House.
The Caddie & Leadership Academy
The Caddie & Leadership Academy provides young men and women the opportunity to learn life lessons through caddying. This program teaches youth to develop interpersonal and leadership skills used both on and off the golf course and through educational grants compensates participants for their Caddie efforts. Leadership, etiquette, communication skills, and professionalism are key tenets of this program, and while carrying a bag of golf clubs is part of the job, this program will make participants better members of society. The Caddie Academy will be held at the following locations:
Brookfield Area (Westmoor Country Club)- 14 students
Racine Area (Meadowbrook Country Club) — 14 students
Kenosha Area (The Club at Strawberry Creek) — 15 students
Green Lake Area (The Links at Lawsonia) — 10 students
Waukesha/Hartland/Oconomowoc Area- (The Legend at Merrill Hills, Chenequa Country Club, and The Club at Lac La Belle) — 25 students
This program will be held for approximately 8-12 weeks – see website for exact dates - and requires attendance/completion of ALL of the following:
- Two training/orientation sessions – Each 2 hours in length (first year Caddies only)
- Weekly leadership workshops – 8 Weeks for 1 hour each workshop
- Volunteer service each month - 1 hour per month
- Completion of bi-weekly work logs detailing progress and learning
- Approximately 6 loops every 2 weeks for a total of 30 loops over the 8-12 week summer program. (A loop is one 18 hole round of golf, carrying a bag and servicing a golfer which takes about 4 hours)
Upon successful completion of responsibilities, program participants will be paid $40 per loop with anticipated earnings of $1200+ for the entire program AND an ability to earn extra tips for strong performance
For consideration into this program qualified applicants will be:
- In 8th thru 10th grade AND in good scholastic standing.
- Able to attend and complete ALL portions of the 8-12 week program.
- Transportation able to 1 of the specified locations above.
All program participants will be mentored and coached towards the goal of continuing education and gaining consideration for the Evans Caddie Scholarship to a 4-year university.
APPLY AT: http://caddieacademy.org/
Summer Camps at WCTC
Nitro-X Automotive Camp
June 26-30, 2023 | 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. | $125
During this week-long camp, middle school students work in pairs to build and modify a remote-controlled (RC) vehicle and race their vehicle on the last day of camp. They will also be introduced to career opportunities in automotive and truck maintenance programs while enjoying field trips to three local businesses. Learn more!
Find My Future: Hands-on Career Exploration Summer Camp for High School Students
July 11-13, 2023 | 8:45 a.m. - 2:45 p.m. | $99
This exciting, hands-on summer camp is open to all students entering grades 9, 10, 11 and 12. Explore your interests, and discover new and exciting careers in areas like health, human services, public safety, engineering and more. Learn more!
IT for Teens: Python
Stay tuned for dates and times
WCTC is excited to offer two special IT courses for teens this summer. Middle and high school students (ages 12-18) can explore Python, a popular programming language that’s straightforward, fun and easy to learn. Learn more!
Feeding America
Community Smiles Dental - Affordable Dental Services
Open Discussions about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) by OCD Wisconsin
Are you working to overcome OCD and want to have connection and support after treatment? Are you supporting a family member or friend with OCD? The Beyond Treatment Network (BTN), created by OCD Wisconsin, provides a safe space for sharing, understanding and information. These events are an open discussion format.
Registration for the two events are below:
The Team
Admin Assistant
Krissy Zimmer
Alex Eidman
School Counselor
A-D (9-12)
Angela Fisher
School Counselor
E-I (9)
E-Ka (10-12)
Brianne McGuire
J-K (9)
Susan Verhagegen
School Counselor
L-P (9)
Ke-O (10-12)
Lauren Black
School Counselor
Q-T (9)
P-Th (10-12)
Carrie Schultz
School Counselor
U-Z (9)
Ti-Z (10-12)
IB/GT Coordinator
Kylie Frederickson
School Social Worker
Brianne Decker (Mondays through Thursdays)
School Psychologist
Jennifer Hocevar (Thursdays and Fridays)
School Psychologist