Clark-Shaw Magnet School
of Math, Science, and Technology
June 1, 2023
Principal's Message
Greetings Eagle Family,
Thank you for all for a wonderful year! To our 8th graders, we wish you luck in high school and have every confidence that your time here at Clark-Shaw has prepared you for success. To our returning students and parents, please enjoy your summer and keep updated by checking our website and Facebook page for updates. Don't forget our on-site registration from June 5-7, 2023 and our PTA Used Uniform Sale on June 5th. We look forward to seeing you back in August!
Have a great summer, everyone!
Mrs. Taylor-Jackson, Principal
Registration for 2023-2024
Summer Reading Information
Archery Team goes to Nationals!
Congratulations to all our archers and their coach, Mr. Jonathan Braswell! Our archery team capped off a phenomenal year by participating in the 2023 NASP Eastern Nationals in Louisville, Kentucky on May 13th. The team earned their berth by finishing in the top 5 in Alabama's state tournament. A special thank you to all the parents and families who supported these students all season and traveled with them to Kentucky!
We are also proud to announce that Paden Roberts once again had a remarkable tournament! Paden came in 2nd place out of 895 7th grade boys! He scored a personal best with a score of 291 and 22 perfect 10's! It's been quite a season for Paden, who last month came in 1st place in Alabama among 7th grade boys.
The team has already completed try-outs for returning students and will select incoming 6th graders once school begins in August. Great work, team! We look forward to seeing what's to come!
Our archery team at the NASP Eastern Nationals tournament in Louisville: Ella Weatherford, Caleb Farnum, Emerson Stuart, Jordyn Adams, Eli Weatherford, Evan Bonner, Iris Piper, Sophia Piper, Jamorian Nettles, Conner Reed, Nathan Williams, and Paden Roberts.
Paden Roberts came in 2nd at the NASP Eastern Nationals tournament!
NJHS Inductions
New inductees recite the NJHS oath of membership before being presented their certificates.
Kyla Barnett heads to nationals!
Congratulations, 8th graders!
Congratulations to our 8th grade students! During their last full week on campus, they enjoyed a class breakfast with yearbook signing, Crossover practice and the Bye Bye BBQ, and the 8th grade Crossover Ceremony. We know you will go on to do great things in high school and beyond! A special thanks to our awesome PTA for the beautiful flowers (from The Rose Bud Flowers and Gifts) and yard sign (from Yard Love Mobile) that they donated for our 8th Grade Crossover. You really helped make these awesome kids feel special. Thank you!
Law Day winner
Space Camp Scholarships
National Leadership Conference
Congratulations to Sophie McDavid on being nominated to the Junior National Young Leaders Conference. She will be attending the conference in Washington, D.C. this summer. At the Junior National Young Leaders Conference (JrNYLC), 7th and 8th-grade students from across the country will have the extraordinary opportunity to spend six amazing days in and around the nation's capital, experiencing the power of democracy among the monuments and museums. They will be inspired by exemplary stories of courage and collaborate to discover solutions to some of the issues they face today. Way to go, Sophie!
Student Council Purchases Tables
Eagles Wings Makes Donation
Congratulations to these students!
Former Eagle Spotlight
Nathan Wallace with MGM principal, Chip Menton; his mother, Joy Wallace, registrar at MGM; and Douglas Harwell Jr., who represents District 1.
Former Eagles in the News
Upcoming Opportunities
Summer Camp Round-up
The Mobile Arts Council has a comprehensive list of camps and classes to keep students busy this summer while they are out of school. The list includes programs at the Gulf Coast Exploreum Science Center, Mobile Botanical Gardens, the Mobile Museum of Art and the city's Parks and Recreation Department. To view the list, click here: [LINK].
Our PTA needs you!
Please consider joining or helping our PTA! Joining PTA does NOT require you to volunteer on campus. But for those who would like to help, several opportunities are available, including dance committee, awards committee, concessions and ticket sales, Spring Fling, and other events. We appreciate the efforts and support of our parents and families, and we hope you will consider joining! To join: [click here]
Important Upcoming Dates
June 5-7, 2023: On-site Registration
June 27-28, 2023: Camp Clark for new students
July 31, 2023: Teachers return
August 7, 2023: First day for students
2023-2024 School Calendar
Follow Clark-Shaw on social media!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clarkshawmagnet
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clarkshawmagnet_eagles @clarkshawmagnet_eagles
Twitter: https://twitter.com/clarkshaweagles @clarkshaweagles
Clark-Shaw Magnet School
Timesha Taylor-Jackson, Principal
Website: https://clarkshawmcpssal.schoolinsites.com/
Location: 5960 Arlberg Street, Mobile, AL, USA
Phone: 251-221-2106
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clarkshawmagnet
Twitter: @clarkshaweagles
Newsletter compiled by Dena Van den Bosch, dvandenbosch@mcpss.com