PES Staff Resources
Useful links for the Phippsburg Elementary School staff
Administrative Tools:
ATLAS Curriculum Units
Infinite Campus
iObservation Login
NWEA Admin and Reports Site
RSU1 Forms (admin/sick/personal days; certification, etc)
RSU1 PD Blog
Infinite Campus
iObservation Login
NWEA Admin and Reports Site
RSU1 Forms (admin/sick/personal days; certification, etc)
RSU1 PD Blog
PD Resources:
Technology Integration-related:
- The Common Core State Standards (ELA)
- The Daily Cafe
- RSU1 Lucy Calkins Resource Library
- PES Library Reading Resources
Technology Integration-related:
- RSU1 Tech Department Blog
- TechTapas
- Free Technology for Teachers
- The Super Book of Web Tools for Teachers
- Graphite
- PBS Learning Media
- Curriculum 21
General (or cross-curricular) Resources:
- Edutopia
- MARVEL (database that includes many professional journals such as The Reading Teacher, Educational Leadership, etc.)
- Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance suggestions
Also, check out the following Twitter hashtags:
- #elemchat
- #edleadership
- #reflectiveteacher
- #edtech
- #ntchat (new teachers)
- #passiondriven
- #melit
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Please let me know!
Please let me know!
Email: lphelps@rsu1.org
Website: peslibrary.blogspot.com
Phone: 207.389.1514
Twitter: @elfhelps